posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:04 PM
I cant believe I haven't seen this posted anywhere else. When I am surfing ATS, I use Mozilla's FireFox browser, so it's very convenient to right
click, and open my pages in new tabs.
So what is the problem you ask??? When I am skimming through opening pages in new tabs, there will be this very loud, annoying buzz, VERY LOUD and
VERY ANNOYING. Then I am forced to go to the pages i just opened, and scroll around til I find the culprit. Lo and behold, it is an adverrtisement.
I feel very backed into the corner....... because I have two choices here. I can either close the page.... or click the add and zap the mosquito to
get it to shut the eff up. I know that these ads help ATS out..... but I really don't think that is a good way to force someone to either click out
of their page or the ad...... just my two cents.
[edit on 25-9-2006 by TheWayTheTruth]