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Happy Birthday Annousheh!

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posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 11:42 AM
Think Mastercard commercial soundtrack. Goin' to obrit on a week's short-notice - cool. Being able to afford it - great! Having your birthday party on ISS - priceless! I'm watching NASA and this lady seems very, very, happy and comfortable. I like her, so does my missus, we don't know WHY we like her tho' - is she a natural? How did she get around the pre-flight quarantine? AMEX? VISA? Nope, $22M USD. Straight up - commerce. Follow the... (you fill in the blank).

I'm a bit surprised that her flight and unique situation haven't prompted more comment here on ATS. Do a little research on she and her family. Yes, those Ansari' of X-Prize fame. Do the Prodea thing and a little Texas-fishin' on the Goog.

Might just be sumthin' to "bump" into... what are the political ramifications if any? Notice her personal website - can anyone translate what the Arabic Icon at the bottom means... notice the flag on her suit. Is there any truth to the notion that she had requested crossed flags of two nations?

What do folks here think is in the near future and long-term impact of Ms. A., her family and her work? The next-gen Martha Stewart high-ground marketing media-darlin'? Does anyone find it a bit funny that Prodea was launched on the 18th... think about it. Busy lady this one... luck or by design?

What of the nice young fellow with the unusal coloured-hair who had a "medical" issue whose place Ms. Ansari has filled? Medical? Accidental?... or perhaps legal? perhaps part of the script? Me-thinks buddy got torpedoed.

Oh, yeah, now "Please Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only The Piano Player" on this next idea - my missus (she who must be obeyed and collects speeding tickets) wants this asked:

Will we one day (perhaps already?) see Zero-G propagative human activity as a part of normal balanced Zero-G long-term living? Having participated in a few births over the years (both Western conventional and complimentary alternative water-borne), is there other than the Hooverable-mess any valid physiologic reason why a Zero-G birth might not actually be easier than a 1G birth?


Victor K.

Oops, almost forgot a link: (Saints above - the audio on that site is mega-annoying and I'm an Ibiza club fan from way back - they need to get that fixed).

The Arabic Icon is on this site:

[edit on 24-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 12:28 PM
Another intersting thing about Ms. Ansari (besides that fact that her name is the same as a cyrpto-pagan religion from the middle east that fronts as being muslims for their personal safety), is that she's the first Iranian in space.

I mean, with all the wealth that Iran has, and its people's technologicla prowess, their government focuses on nuke power/weapons. Meanwhile, an independant person, active in the capitalist world of free business and personal interest, is able to fly into space. Seems like an interesting statement.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 12:48 PM
Boy howdy! I had no idea of the symbolism in the name. Thanx.

Yes, America's Iranian lady in space. A Texan correct? Hooked-up, big-money high-tech digital homes? Dig deeper? Go political, backpages, contributions... friends? Interlocking interests of opportunity or COI? I couldn't write a better novel... it's a "little too simple" huh? Or is it?

Victor K.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 11:01 PM
Correction: America's Iranian Muslim Lady in space. Founder of Telecom Technology Inc bought/merged by Sonus Networks '01, Richardson Texas, VP of IntelligentIP for Sonus. Eta Kappa Nu. BSC from Mason, MSC from George Washington, both in Electrical Engineering. Married. Holder of two US patents for her work on automated operator services and wireless service nodes. Telecom Big Leagues. The Real-Deal. No window dressing on her creds. they are for real. Early stints with MCI and COMSAT. And now Prodea by Anousheh. Most impressive.

Wanna build a house fit for Bill Gates? How about an office tower? She's your first choice to "wire" it for the 21st century...

Now rumoured by some to have paid more than $26M USD. She was forbidden by US/Russia/either/both from having the Iranian and US flags crossed on her spacesuit flag patch or talking politics and disclosing how much coin she dropped.

Her blog is perfect. She is perfect. Too perfect? (My missus is givin' me THAT look like the one when I throw a leg over something fast with two-wheels - raised eyebrow - furrowed forehead of feminine disapproval). My missus adds that she (Ms. Ansari) reminds her of a young Queen Noor or C. Amanpour. Kick the hornet's nest one more time Vic. Too perfect? Maybe.

So I starts up a search eh and go through my who's who business stuff with some basic name related parameters all public access stuff... she's clean. Iranian Cinderella goes West. Too clean. Too tidy. Too good. Superlatives everywhere. Can you say groomed and prepared? For her - a lifetime's worth.

Pop, she (at age 16) and the family split the groovy scene at the fall of the Shah of Iran... Hmmm. Turn up in Texas with a fat bank account. Can't find didley on Poppa or Hubby... yet.

There are other folks with the same last name and general locale who could be her direct relatives,a writer with a serious hard-on for Iranian regime change... if he (Ali M Ansari) is her relative it would change this whole picture from "Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere" to Anousheh next American installed democratic leader of Iran. Brought to you by the numbers 41 and 43 and the letters W, A and R.

Went lookin' for Republican ties and Democrat ties... I need Texas local knowledge from about 80' on. I found some stuff. Not sufficient enough to say anything. She's been kept clean. A construct without blemish.

Happy Birthday Anousheh! You have my curiousity piqued. Thanx for that name meaning reference Ny'. That started the "symbolism jag" and the hunt for meaning in "it" or more rather "her". Nah, couldn't be... more data, more later.

Victor K.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 05:12 AM
Oh wow... 6:02AM Eastern time... on NASA Media channel - news conference in Russian with "pidgeon English" translation at ISS... several intelligent questions followed by a dooozey. I paraphrase, "Ms. Ansari because of your unique position in these times of strained relations what would you like to say to the Iranian and American peoples/" guess what - no reply, lost picture poof! Nada - nothing and then a minute or so later the video and news conference resumes all smiles and chuckles and no mention of the query at all. Oh my! Space politics?

Can anyone verify that this was "cut" as I say or did I miss the feed due to more "technical difficulties". I didn't get it on HDD. Sorry gang. I'd really love to know what that really is/was/will be about!

Victor K.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 09:30 PM
Wow,nice find Kaminski.Looks to me like there is definately more here than meets the eye.Especially the press conferance thing...what's up with THAT??

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 11:18 PM
Hey Doc thanx for keepin' an eye out eh. I was watching this evening on NASA Media channel via the web and a reporter (named Horowitz I think) asked about LA shootin' up Ansari with some stuff to help with SAS (Space Adaptation Syndrome) that to my surprise apparently renders one drowsy to the point of unconsciousness/sleep. LA (NASA Increment 14 Commander) went on to say that this was quite common.

Quite common? Doped? "Injections" (plural) was said. Uh, if I'm in command I want all my crew and passengers/particpants oriented "P times 3" if possible and not in a drug induced state of altered and/or reduced consciousness and lessened cognitive capacity.

I find that a bit strange too cuz she's been blogging all day or so that's how it appears on her blog. And she seemed perky as all get out during the earlier public affairs event that I think was "cut-off" as I mentioned earlier. Weird. Might wanna search that blog and her website for the name Ali and then dig a little more... or not. Most likely nuthin'.

Victor K.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 11:34 PM
Hmmm....Isn't she the one who got sick upon returning home? Perhaps the two are connected...her getting shot up with whatever this is,and (I think) passing out/becoming nauseous a few times after returning.Too many odd things in this whole debacle not to keep an eye out.Hope ya'll will too.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 12:30 AM
No. Just to clarify STS-115 Astronaut Heidi-Marie Stefanyshyn-Piper (say that 3 times fast) became ill after returning to Earth and was lowered to the ground in the arms of Canadian Astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield a couple of days ago.

Ms. Ansari is the Spacefight-Participant who replaced Daisuke Enomoto and is currently on ISS apparently blogging away.

Victor K.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 01:28 AM
Is there a legacy-linkage between the Ansari family and the Shah Reza Pahlavi?

Maybe - I wish I could read Farsi right about now. Seems there were/are Ansari's related to the Pahlavi-throne. Seems the Shah's son hired an Ansari (a cousin) to handle his finances about 1980'. Bye-bye fortune... seems the the Shah's young-lad got took for all the family wealth - Swiss Bank Safety Deposit Box McEmpty. Now is this Ansari directly related to Anousheh? Is that what made their bank accounts fat upon turning up in Texas?

Still diggin' got a couple feelers out in the local Iranian community and it will only be a matter of time... to resolve the existence or lack thereof of such a history and linkage.

Victor K.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
No. Just to clarify STS-115 Astronaut Heidi-Marie Stefanyshyn-Piper (say that 3 times fast) became ill after returning to Earth and was lowered to the ground in the arms of Canadian Astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield a couple of days ago.

Ms. Ansari is the Spacefight-Participant who replaced Daisuke Enomoto and is currently on ISS apparently blogging away.

Victor K.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

Ah....don't I feel like an idiot now lol.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 08:26 PM
060927 ISS Expedition 13 / Ansari De-Orit And Landing was successful! Welome back to 1 Gee! a text book de-orbit... efficient and quick to the capsule on the ground too. Nicely done.

Victor K.

EDIT: The footage (HD from ISS) watching the Soyuz TMA-8 taken by ESA Astronaut Reiter is way, way, awsome... shows the sep of the three modules and the attendant firestorm of re-entry... spectacular stuff - Best video since the MIR de-orbit.

Victor K.

[edit on 28-9-2006 by V Kaminski]

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