Think Mastercard commercial soundtrack. Goin' to obrit on a week's short-notice - cool. Being able to afford it - great! Having your birthday party
on ISS - priceless! I'm watching NASA and this lady seems very, very, happy and comfortable. I like her, so does my missus, we don't know WHY we
like her tho' - is she a natural? How did she get around the pre-flight quarantine? AMEX? VISA? Nope, $22M USD. Straight up - commerce. Follow the...
(you fill in the blank).
I'm a bit surprised that her flight and unique situation haven't prompted more comment here on ATS. Do a little research on she and her family. Yes,
those Ansari' of X-Prize fame. Do the Prodea thing and a little Texas-fishin' on the Goog.
Might just be sumthin' to "bump" into... what are the political ramifications if any? Notice her personal website - can anyone translate what the
Arabic Icon at the bottom means... notice the flag on her suit. Is there any truth to the notion that she had requested crossed flags of two nations?
What do folks here think is in the near future and long-term impact of Ms. A., her family and her work? The next-gen Martha Stewart high-ground
marketing media-darlin'? Does anyone find it a bit funny that Prodea was launched on the 18th... think about it. Busy lady this one... luck or by
What of the nice young fellow with the unusal coloured-hair who had a "medical" issue whose place Ms. Ansari has filled? Medical? Accidental?... or
perhaps legal? perhaps part of the script? Me-thinks buddy got torpedoed.
Oh, yeah, now "Please Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only The Piano Player" on this next idea - my missus (she who must be obeyed and collects speeding
tickets) wants this asked:
Will we one day (perhaps already?) see Zero-G propagative human activity as a part of normal balanced Zero-G long-term living? Having participated in
a few births over the years (both Western conventional and complimentary alternative water-borne), is there other than the Hooverable-mess any valid
physiologic reason why a Zero-G birth might not actually be easier than a 1G birth?
Victor K.
Oops, almost forgot a link: (Saints above - the audio on that site is mega-annoying and I'm an Ibiza club fan from way back
- they need to get that fixed).
The Arabic Icon is on this site:
[edit on 24-9-2006 by V Kaminski]