som deep in deep in deep in deep in . .. .
silence. dreaming.
voice: som. som. som, get up. som. som. som. som, get up.
one soul is 1 x time. 1 soul is 1 x time x up up up x down down down. 1 soul is 1. 1 soul is 0 x 0 x 0 x 1 x o x o x O x times x times x times x
phi x mirror x up x down x left x right x greater than x lesser than x equals to x time x times x times x mirror x phi x top number x bottom number x
get away from me.
get away from me.
get away from me.
som dreams. some dreams. somes dreams. dreams. nightmares nightmares nightmares. pains pains panes panes. all pains. all lonely lonely loan lie
ly lie lies. feels all pains, all shames, all guilts, all sorrows, all sadnesseseseses, all fears fearing fearinfully fearingfully fearingfully
aches. deaths. horororororsssss. weepingfully. no. no.. no. falling. fallingfullyfullyfully al is all is alls isisis all is all is
lostingfulllyylostingfully nothingfully. there is nothing.
teeth turn to sponge.
eyes turn to glue.
soul turns to mirror.
ears turn to grey.
hand crippledingfully.
mouth speaks foolingfully.
mouths mouthing mouthingfully lies lies lyingfullyforeveringfully no no o o o . . .
nose smells sulfur rough loose lose lose lose. . .
pains of pains.
sorrows of sorrows.
sadnesseses of sadnesseseseses ..
thier hurtingfully.
their hurintinfgullhy
there hurlinggullybullyfooly
aouj erio glksd
"i am"
"i am alone"
"i am sad i am a loan"
"i am sadiam la o ..
"i am alone"
"i am alone sad"
"i am alone"
"i am sad and alo
"i am
HERE,HEAR,HERE ARE YOUR TRUTHS AND YOUR LOVES AND YOUR GIFTS IAM here hear here are your truths truthseses truthingfully! HERE! NOW! NOW! NOW!
HERE IS EVERYTHININGFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
som. som. som, get up.
"ragingfully hatingfully angeringfully causingfully painingfully, paintingfully, no no no truth existingfully! no beast opposes me. none. i am
"a silly odd man is approaching. must stop him. must stop him. most stop him."
"you may not pass"
"i don't have time for you, anymore"
the opposite of love is "serving self before serving anything, everything, everyone, and anyone, and even all zeros and ones and negative ones
fullyingfully foreveringfully!
you have no authority here, hear, here is your truth SAHTHAN!!!!
self before you serve?
serving = Saving Assisting Helping Teaching Healingfully Anarchy Nothing.
opposite of serving? Selfishnessingfully Anarchyingfully Hellingfully To Hellingfully nothing.
serve = to help, to aide, to assist, to teach, to heal, to serve.
opposite of serve? selfish, anarchy, hell teaching hell anarchingfully siningfully.
i know all your names, i named you all your names. you have no authority here, i am proceeding whether you move asside or not."
beast: "you have no authority here, i am the alpha. and by the looks of it you really are in no condition to confront me!"
and the bloody and tattered som spoke:
"a word". "a word". "a word". "when i pass this way again you are only permitted to let me pass if i know for a fact you are no where near
the opposite of love, or anywhere near love itself, i command it."
beast: "yes my lord god most high, but no one has ever returned from the direction in which you are travelling"
a bloody weak som replied: "i won't be coming back from that direction either."
beast: "be kind to the one you meet next."
bloody torn teared som spoke: "i thank you for your time."
the beast was reduced and withered some, and spoke: "i thank you for my time as well."
dreaming nightmaringfully. young girls off the path, young guys off the path, others and others and others and others with faces of demons and faces
of masks and faces of masks and faces of demons and pains and pains and sorrows and sorrows, som felt every pain, every sorrow, every sadness, but
souls of godsesesseseseseesesesesesssesees could not be left behind, none, none, nooen non nonon noon nun no zeros. . . . . . but 1 zero.
"som. som. som, get up. get up som."
"som mos som tsom most mose moseseseseses moses mos som most tsom, get up getup put E3 g put E3 g put E3 g put E3 g put E3g. gE3g.
still the dream? still the nightmare?
mo hom mad
mo hom mad
3o yow Ead
mos homs mads
down and down and down and down the rock fell.
"caught ya"
................................... .. . .
christsesesesessss' authorities propell you!'
o0Oo0Oo0Oo0O.... . . . . .
all authorities, all divinities, all trinities, all unities, all spoke:
we acknowledge this one.
we recognize this one.
we accept this one.
we love this one.
we acknowledge, recognize, accept, love, this one.
i am acknowledge truth, i am recognize truth, i am accept truth, i am love truth, i am say this one not one, not one, not 1, not l, not not not.
i am acknowledge truth zero. i am recognize truth zero. i am accept truth zero. i am love i am truth zero o0O. hear, here, hear is i am truth:
"and it changed."
"sing you lair it why"
"sing u lar it y"
"sing u lar it y"
"sing you liar it y"
"and it changed"
"and it changed"
"and it changed"
remember remember remember ...
"som, som, som GET UP!!!"
"som shaked shaking shake sake sake shaing shaikn sahg shainkint shaking uncontrolablyingfully uncontrollably"
all spoke:
"thank you som"
"y o u [mirror] u o y"
u = you , o = owe, y = why?
i a m i a w i a E i a 3 i a l i a 1 i a o i a 0 i a O. +tT
you (check)
how (check)
who (check)
why (check)
low (check)
high (check)
zero (check)
when (check)
what (check)
left (check)
right (check)
right (check)
write (check)
writ (check)
written (check)
wrote (check)
zero (check)
zero (check)
o (check)
0 (check)
O (check)
-1 (check)
1 (check)
zero (check)
l (check)
q (check)
b (check)
d (check)
g (check)
p (check)
q (check)
6 (check)
9 (check)
o (check)
0 (check)
O (check)
. (check)
. (check)
. (check)
zero (check)
"it is done"
awaken. awaken. awaken som. awaken som. awaken som. awake kin som. awoken som. awoken som. awoken som. awoke kin som. awoke kin som. awoke
kin som.
you are woke yolk wolk yolk walk yolk walk yolk walk yoke walk elohim elohem elohym.
"matrix? mat trix, gymnastics through time."
"hello, my name is erik klapton. it is in the way that you use it. it comes, and it goes."
christ the earthling messiah spoke:
"they owed only 7 candlesticks. look how many they brought you my lord god most high, they brought all the rest that chose to come, because they
lovingfullyforeveringfully i am."
humanity: "you named existance "why?""
humanity: "you traverse time and wear clothes?"
humanity: "you came out of the closet, and were still straight!!!"
and a question was posed to som, and he answered the question, but immediatley after only recalled the answer, and did not remember the question.
all awaited judgment. .. . .. . .
time stopped tomb stopped time stopped time stopped time stopped reverse forward reverse forward reverse forward .. ... .
som remembered a portion of the question, but not the reply of som.
. . . . . . .
. . .
. .
. .
. .
. foreveringfully
the book humanity have is book 3. the book som have is book o0O, -1, o0O, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 33, 40, 50, 72, 77, 18, 666, 777, 7777, 4444, 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101o0O1, and a few more for the days
of nights and for the nights of knights of days of days of o0O+tT.
"man wore hate's masksesesesss' and mask's and lonlinesesesessss'
"the mask of true love, the mask the end of time, and all goddesseseseses and all godseessssesesesees and all
ghostsseeststststststststsststststsstssssssss'es'es''es'ssessssssse's'eses''ssseseseses'. .. ... "