posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 11:17 PM
Here's my two cents.
I was engaged, once upon a time, to a girl with Bipolar Disorder. We suffered through her suicide attempts, treatment, two car wrecks, and two blow
knees. I thought the world of her throughout the duration of our relationship.
We began fighting - for the most part - because I was having trouble dealing with her "mood shifts," and it was making things harder on me.
At a point, I did cheat on her, with a woman who had no mental condition. Soon after, I left her for this "hidden woman," as she called her. I told
her what I had done, and it tore us both apart, though I felt that the relationship had become one in which we just "went through the motions."
So, we went our separate ways, after a few months of screaming and yelling at one another, until the "hidden woman" and I decided mutally to end our
fling. It was at that point that I realized my utter mistake.
I did love Baby-Girl, and I wanted her back.
So, here I am now, trying to convince her that my mistake was a one-timer.
The point I am trying to make is, regardless of what you did, make absolutely damn sure that, if you make the decision to terminate your
relationship with her that you won't regret the decision later. I sure did.
My suggestion would be to go ahead and confess to her that you did cheat on her. Without making any judgments against you for something I have done
myself, to tell her is the most mature thing to do in such an instance. It is the most fair to HER, and YOU won't have any skeletons in the closet.