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New Video: 9/11 Mysteries

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posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:24 PM
I've been looking for a good video to show my wife and a couple of close friends so they can see where I'm coming from when I say 9/11 was a setup. I think this is the one, very well spoken, I'm glad they skipped on some of the really wild theories. Great video IMO.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:36 PM
I saw many of the 9/11 videos and this is the best of the best. I can't wait till Part 2 comes out. I will be one of the first one to watch it.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:37 PM
Wolfie - I loved America too...that is until my eyes were opened. It's amazing really...the blind trust that is given, without question, without logic, without plain common sense when the answers are right in front of our face. I'd like to see the explanation of the explosions that happened floor by floor that I have seen with my own eyes on various other videos regarding WTT7...hours after the TT towers had fallen. There is no mistaking an explosion on the opposite side of the building from where the TT once stood. To my last recollection, jet fuel cannot jump from the ground vertically up a building. They wanted the beginnings of a war - and they got one - at all of our expenses.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:52 PM
At the very end like 1:30:00 during the slow country tune but i found out the part 2 is up to come. Easy link to the site
Part 2 planes and hijackers
part 3 who benefits

I cant wait, thats the only thing i can say. When i want to talk about it its like a rush of too many things going on i realy never know by what to start but one thing that freaked me out in this part and its abestos.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:53 PM
The arguments are nothing new. People keep making new videos. Other people keep not wtaching/listening to them.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Wolfie_UK
I really feel sorry for the real people of America, I used to love America when I was growing up as a kid in England, hell you gave me John Wayne, cowboys and indian films, The Lone Ranger, Apollo missions, the moon landing etc

For a UK lad living on those things in the 70's made America seem fantastic, you believed there was no goal that was not achievable, you invented newer goals just so you had something to chase and achieve, America was great.

Wow. This post brought tears to my eyes. I grew up in America during that time period. It really did seem we could do anything, we were great, we did ggo things and made great achievments.

It inspired me to try and be a hero, the closest I could come to that was in my mind to be a Firefighter. Seems after 911 all I do when I think of my country is feel this deep sadness.

How did we let those greedy S.O.B.s do this to our country? If only John Wayne could come back and save her.

"Oh superman where are you now, when everything has gone wrong somehow"

I will whatch this new video tonight when I have time, and then comment, I was so moved by Wolfie's post I had to say something...

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:38 PM
thought it was a very good video, and put together well. Done with professionalism and not such a wild claim as "loose change"

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 05:04 PM
Once again,

Tell me why you believe this BS story! Why would anyone do it?

DOn't bring up this STUPID conspiracy anymore without mentioning...WHY?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 05:36 PM
Fantastic video.

It's up there with with Who Killed John O'Neill video.
As someone mentioned before, this one I feel is easier
to approach friends/family with.

Spread the word.

Get them thinking.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 05:36 PM
with the film maker if ATS can secure one. Will it be forum based Q and A with members being allowed to pose questions? or Podcast?

At any rate, I'm sure it will be informative!!! Great Job! Looking forward to any progress on this

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
Once again,

Tell me why you believe this BS story! Why would anyone do it?

DOn't bring up this STUPID conspiracy anymore without mentioning...WHY?

Hopefully parts 2 & 3 may address the WHY?

Personally I thought it was a well presented docu not disimilar to Loose Change in that it merely poses questions.


posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
Once again,

Tell me why you believe this BS story! Why would anyone do it?

DOn't bring up this STUPID conspiracy anymore without mentioning...WHY?

"this BS story" ???


"without mentioning...WHY?" ???

There seem to be Many who are trying to figure out just that. WHY?

Perhaps the "potential" reasons are as numerous as "purported" explanations. WHY?

In the end, it seems regardless of the number of "yea" or "ney" opinions, the beat goes on. No?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
Tell me why you believe this BS story!

Please discredit it in anyway you can, because discussion and sorting the "wheat from the chaff" is what ATS is all about.

Why would anyone do it?

What do you mean? Are you THAT FAR brainwashed as to think that poining out relevent and important issues regarding 911 are false by default?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
Once again,

Tell me why you believe this BS story! Why would anyone do it?

DOn't bring up this STUPID conspiracy anymore without mentioning...WHY?

I think the question of why was addressed several times in the video if you bothered to watch. I think the question you should be asking is HOW were three buildings in one day brought down by fire when in the history of modern high rises its never happened before?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:37 PM
Great Video
everytims I see Larry Silverstein he makes me feel sick.

I wish more people were educated on this topic, This version of events is never shown, it never seems to reach the top documentary channels for some reason.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
Once again,

Tell me why you believe this BS story! Why would anyone do it?

DOn't bring up this STUPID conspiracy anymore without mentioning...WHY?

Did you see the video??? I don't think you did.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 08:19 PM
I must say, skeptic, Im rather pleasantly suprised that youd post this. But then again, it is high quality.

A superfical note:

When I watched loose change, one thing that revolted me was that they were playing soft hiphop music while showing the towers collapsing. Call me oversensitive, but to me, it was vile. They were playing music that one would play while filiming a normal day or a normal scene.

The music they play while the towers falling, that horror flick/The Omen score is far more appropriate. This is true real life horror we are watching.

Remember when studying those squib and rubble as the towers collapse, that there are living people trying to escape and firefighters fighting desperately both to evacuate the survivors and figure out how best to fight the fire and deal with it.

As that cloud of debris, dust, paper and....yes......human bodies comes tumbling down, please remember that within a few seconds, there are thousands of people about to be crushed by that cloud of death.

Thats what the whole 9/11 truth movement is really about folks. Avenging and truly laying the blame on the murderes who played some role in the deaths of 3,000 plus humans whose only crime that day was taking the wrong flight or showing up to work on time.

In the ends, the buildings destroyed dont compare the the lives destroyed.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 08:42 PM

i am doing something i don't usualy do, that is to post a reply without reading through at least most of the previous posts. but i think this movie does deserve it. this was an awsome vidieo, well done, thought out and put together. it raises many of the key points that have discussed here over the last few years. but it is all put together along side the "official" story. it is too bad that we couldn't get it aired on the major networks for all the world to see and think about for themselves.

i especialy thought the information about all the "upgrade work" being done just prier to 9-11 was very interesting to hear about. as well as the poor guy who apparently got fired for asking questions and trying to get his info heard very interesting indeed. i wonder how much info such as he apperntly had was swept under the rug as being detrimental to the official story.

it has raised even more questions that need to be seriousely looked at. the more i see and hear the more convinced i am that bush and co staged the whole thing to push through and give excuse for their agenda. the fact that people wer told to go back to their offices as they would be safer their then going home is also very suspect, was that just to make sure that there was a big body count to enrage the poppulation? i just loved the comparison to pearl harbour yet another event that is percieved to have conspiracy attached to it.

all in all i bet that if most of the people saw it that they would start to seriousely considder what all else that is going on even now that is not what we are being fed. things like "were there actualy any wmd's in irac", or was even the london bombings perpitrated by their own government? we are in a time where everything our governments say and do as well as the news we get are suspect and bear looking at. how much of what we hear and see is disinformation? what is realy going on that we don't even hear about that we need to know, just as the people of new york should have been warned about the toxic smoke and ash, not told that every thing was a-ok.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:00 PM
Some things don't make sense it seems the planes hit where the bombs were placed which is too far fetched as it seems more likely the impact areas were the places where they began to fall. Did the planes hit at the right places on purpose or is that asking for too much?

Not sure what to think, first it was just a noramal thing then a conspiracy then normal and now a conspiracy but what do you think anymore I feel treated like a yoyo.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:09 PM
tower 7 is the giveaway. noone can say that fell into its own basement without controlled demolition.

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