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Flying over Area 51

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posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:11 AM
now i think this has been covreed before but i can not find it so please help me.

If i left Las vegasor took off from this Rachel place then can some one please tell me (hopefuly the person who put the post up in the first place) how to go from there. I would like headinds, bearings transmitter codes anything i would realy like to know.

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 06:56 PM
youll make it about 30 miles around the base, then about 8 SAM sites will open up. Youll hear something like "you are entering restricted airspace please turn around." thats only if you get lucky. if your not lucky those sam sites with just shoot you down.

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 10:23 PM
There's a vid. at Youtube of some people flying to Area 51 in a small plane. They got a "You are entering restricted airspace" message and were given directions to the nearest airport or air field. Unfortunately, I cannot say how to get there. But Google Earth might help.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by DalairTheGreat
youll make it about 30 miles around the base, then about 8 SAM sites will open up. Youll hear something like "you are entering restricted airspace please turn around." thats only if you get lucky. if your not lucky those sam sites with just shoot you down.

Im not sure how accurate your information is. Do you have ANY source to verify your claims? I mean the ones about SAM sites.

As far as I know NO ONE has ever been sshot down around area 51, infact civilian pilots have made emergency landings there.

The airspace over area 51 is restricted to all altitudes.

[edit on 24/9/06 by gfad]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 09:12 AM
Where did you get the info about 30 miles will trigger a responce from Nellis control. 30 miles from the base is in the restricted no fly zone. The only Sam Site on the base is located just west of Cedar Gate and it is a Smokey Sam site only used during Red Flag to train the the pilots in recognition and avoidance.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 01:44 AM
could it be that in the event no one has disregaurded the restricted airspace law, if there turn around an went back it might be alright.

but if your intent was to try to fly over and take pictures an ignore thdm, i dont think youll get away with a warning.

it also may have been my sarcasm seeing uk buff didnt seem to research some info before searching

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:13 AM
Drinking unknown liquids in your garage again dalair?

could it be that in the event no one has disregaurded the restricted airspace law, if there turn around an went back it might be alright.

it also may have been my sarcasm seeing uk buff didnt seem to research some info before searching

Not everyone knows where to look dalair, hence why he asked for help and info. You should do some research yourself. In July 1957 a gentleman by the name of Edward K. Current Jr. did make an emergency landing at groom lake. No he was not shot down by sams. Also do a search for military escort jets for groom lake in military publications and you will see lots of aircraft being escorted out of the airspace by a pair of jets over the years.

With that said, UK Alien Buff, if you were a pilot, you should have in your possession flight maps. Readily available to anyone that has 9 dollars and knows what part of the country they would like to have a map of. You would know exactly how to get there, what heading to fly and right where the restricted zone is. My suggestion, avoid the interrogation, possible suspension of your pilots license and the hours and hours of hassle by the lincoln county sheriffs, well known for "detaining" so called joy flyers and thrill seekers for days.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:47 AM
i'm not a pilot but i wanted to know how for can i get before the fit hits the shan?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:49 AM
what are the words i should put in to get the vid?

just asking

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 11:15 AM
Theres no need for words


posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:59 PM
Even if there are no SAM sites I would not be surprised if there are anti aircraft guns or shoulder fired missiles, or they could scramble fighters. In a small plane like a Cessna those Wackenhut cammo dudes probablt have a barret and that would be the end of that

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 04:00 PM
The last time I flew to the western edge of the airspace, the air traffic controller simply asked how far to the east I was planning to fly. Once he was assured I wasn't going to cross into the restricted area there was no problem.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
Drinking unknown liquids in your garage again dalair?

Not everyone knows where to look dalair, hence why he asked for help and info. You should do some research yourself. In July 1957 a gentleman by the name of Edward K. Current Jr. did make an emergency landing at groom lake. No he was not shot down by sams. Also do a search for military escort jets for groom lake in military publications and you will see lots of aircraft being escorted out of the airspace by a pair of jets over the years.

With that said, UK Alien Buff, if you were a pilot, you should have in your possession flight maps. Readily available to anyone that has 9 dollars and knows what part of the country they would like to have a map of. You would know exactly how to get there, what heading to fly and right where the restricted zone is. My suggestion, avoid the interrogation, possible suspension of your pilots license and the hours and hours of hassle by the lincoln county sheriffs, well known for "detaining" so called joy flyers and thrill seekers for days.

there wasnt as much secrecy an such in 57 either.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 09:31 PM
There was another guy who landed there during the HAVE BLUE program in 1978. He was refueled and sent on his way.

According to one version of the story, he returned with his wife because she didn't believe him when he told her about the incident.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 11:21 PM
I think we can be pretty sure he didnt return with his wife, but there are definitely verifiable accounts of emergency landings there, both civilian and military.

If you had a real aircraft emergency and put it down there, you would probably end up unscathed, except for a few days of your time and a very stern warning not to say if you say anything, or to go there again.

But if you went into military airspace you should not have, like over the groom lake area, you will lose your license, if there was not an emergency

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 11:30 PM
I would advise against testing the patience of the people at Area 51.

Even if they don't have SAM sites I'm sure they'd scramble some fighters pretty quickly if one ignored warnings coming from the air traffic controller.

Nothing wrong with flying around the area, but I wouldn't push it too far.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:58 AM
Like i said dalair, do a little searching and you will find scores of aircraft who have been escorted away from the airspace, not shot down over the years, not just 1957. And you know there was not as much secrecy there in 1957 HOW???

Up until 1957 a51 was the secret test site for the u2 spy plane. Not much secrecy huh. Then in 1962 they started testing the A-12 which became the sr71 blackbird after doing some renovations and runway lengthening in 1960. Project Oxcart. Also in 1957 they were doing atmospheric nuclear explosion testing over that area which forced its evacuation and also disrupted the u2 program.

Look before you leap son.

Let me quote myself.

Also do a search for military escort jets for groom lake in military publications and you will see lots of aircraft being escorted out of the airspace by a pair of jets over the years.

Now let me quote Shadowhawk

there was another guy who landed there during the HAVE BLUE program in 1978. He was refueled and sent on his way.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 06:40 AM
You'd proberly be fined, pilot liscense lost, and then you'd have to sign NDA's.
If you landed there, same thing, except fined TONS of money, and threatened.

Someone on my msn was police at Edwards AFB. He said a civilian plane landed at Edwards, so the security sorounded the plane with people with m16's.
I would think same thing at Detachment 3.

Oh, that same guy said a Officer who worked at Area 51, flew his Private plane to Area 51 from Vegas.
That guy also knew a Cammo dude, though he (Cammo dude) didn't much about D-3, and he actually found being a Cammo dude boring.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:33 PM
If you get to close to area 51, 1 or 2 fighter jets will be scrambled and escort you to the nearest airport. If you dont respond after a couple of warnings to divert, they have full authorization to shoot you down.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 03:16 AM


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