posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:06 AM
Hello, I have decided to present to you all a possible reason that there is a lack of a sustained, global effort to try to reverse Global Warming. I
have been doing personal research for the last year using the net, going only to sites that offer concrete science on the subject.
As you all know probably, Global Warming has a good chance to trigger a 'flash' Ice Age, one that arrives very quickly, but does not last as long as
a 'true' Ice Age.
I might be flamed for this, and I might be giving more credit to the governments than they deserve, but I think the reason for the lack of action is
the fact that it has been determined many times over by several scientific teams that we are in fact ALREADY past the point of 'no return' so to
speak in terms of Global Warming.
I do not have much proof about this, but I do have a solid backround in what's known about the Earth's climate, and most importantly I have an open
mind. I think we are at the very start of one of these 'mini' Ice Age's, one that was going to happen NATURALLY, but has been greatly boosted by
Human activity, and was triggered much earlier than it was going to be.
I also think it's going to be a much more 'shocking' transition to this mini Ice Age. Instead of the climate switching to this new global pattern -
which is NORMAL and has happened many times in the past history of the Earth as far as we can tell from various tests - slowly over hundreds of years,
it's going to take place at a much much faster pace, due to Human interference, which was never a player before.
Now here is the scary part.
My best estimate is that we will start to see many more shocking things coming from the climate over the next 15 years, things like the current
Greenland ice melt, the open ocean to the North Pole, etc. Around 20-30 years from now, we will rapidly start to see ( and feel! ) the real
noticeable part of this coming mini Ice Age.
In 50 years time, I expect it to be in full force and that we will have alot more to worry about than simple wars between each other. I am 29 right
now, I frankly hope in 50 years that I will be deceased, having lived a full life. Sadly, if I am right, I won't be able to be buried in my home
state - Wisconsin - because it will be under large amounts of ice and snow - measured in tens of feet, not inches.
I will be the first one to say I really hope I am wrong, but I am getting a real gut feeling that we are in imminent trouble, trouble that is being
masked by idiotic politics and cold hard cash.
And then, if the big players already have come to this conclusion that we ARE in this ice age, triggered by Global Warming we enhanced..... why should
they spend huge amounts of cash and effort to try to 'fix' what is already triggered?
And if I was really paranoid... and wanted to insure my county would survive the coming mini ice age... I might try to secure countries that have
resources that will greatly help during the event... like say, oil?
Finally, I do feel that if I am right, humans will make it through this mini Ice Age, even though it will last hundreds of years or possibly more, as
long at it takes to repair the climate and the ocean conveyor belts.
Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!
- Mike W