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Email from Brian

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posted on May, 8 2003 @ 05:25 AM
69 was about the only figure that had any meaning to me. On-ya brian.

I do like the way the E-mail starts though.
"The very first words of the bible must......"

If he is Jesus (And God cause of the trinity) he should know the answer, not just be speculating.

Y-Con if Brian is Christ, who are you the Magdalene.

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 06:06 AM
"He is the Messiah!"
"I am not the messiah"
"Only the messiah denies the truth, He is the messiah!"
Okay, I am the Messisah"
"He is the messiah!"

Sheesh, even I have a very good friend in rome named bigus dickus
And does this Brian have a Roman nose?

Viva the LOP, er POL er PLO, er JLO er whatever.

Always look on the bright side of life.


posted on May, 8 2003 @ 06:23 AM
All the gold that I could eat...

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 07:30 AM
Benny Hin?

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 07:31 AM
Couldn't brian tell me my real name, since being jesus and all he'd have Santa Claus like powers?

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 07:36 AM
"If we take the gematria for Jehovah in English numbers, we have
J E H O V A H = 10 + 5 + 8 + 15 + 22 + 1 + 8 = 69. "

Except for the fact that English wasn't exactly around at the time the bible was written....

Hehe, anybody else notice that God = 69!

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 11:08 AM
Brian is nothing.


posted on May, 8 2003 @ 11:14 PM
Someone sent a email with a question for Brian today. Here it is and Brians reply.

Subject: a question

I am more than curious about your use of the name Jesus. Since Jesus is an English name and was not in use at the time of the birth of The Messiah why is it that you do not use the Hebrew name given at that time?
Also can you explain the exact sequence of the name hidden within Bere# 1?

Thanks for the question,

To answer this is complex but yet simple. All things I reveal interweave back and forth like a tapestry.

To prove myself today, I must unveil how all things were created and uncover or reverse Lucifer's army of scholars who intentionally invent 'alternatives' to God.

Therefore: -

The name in Greek, Hebrew or English were all known to the Almighty before the world came into existence.

The name Jesus in Greek has a value of 888 and that identifies myself genetically today, as all of my family are seemingly haphazard in birth date, marriages and so on, until I was born. The KEY of the family 'house' of David. Isaiah 22:22.

My task was to unravel the confusion, but have the added burden of many who say they have the answers and are Christ or Christ like.

when the gematria of language is made known, as the name Jesus in Greek has a value of 888, when combined with Lord 800 and Christ 1480 = 3168.
I have mentioned this in many writings and Connie has a web site with this information and the miracles in my life.

Jesus in English is 74 gematria and so is the translation in Hebrew, Joshua, I am 74 inches tall. 3 x 74 is 222 and I am recorded in medical records at 222 pounds, see Isaiah 22:22.

The word Truth and the Word wisdom is found in the KJV 1611 in 222 verses.

The word Alexandria is the 222nd word of the New Testament concordance numbers 'Strong's and the Egyptian city of ancient wisdom named
Alexandria, is 111 miles to the Great Pyramid representing man and the rejection of Jesus and Christ today. 111 x 2 = 222.

Te United Kingdom is 606 miles high and a pyramid based on Pi, the same as the Great Pyramid, which is also based on a pile of ground human bones, as the pile form a perfect pyramid shape with the Pi face angles, due to the atomic weight of human bones, called the angle of repose. Desert sand is 43.5 degrees, and human bones is 51 degrees 51 minutes 14.3 seconds, and is the Pi angle. The UK then at 606 miles forms a pyramid shape with a base or 942.477 miles wide, or a base area of 888,000 square miles = Jesus.

These numbers extend out into the solar system and the Galaxy out as far as you want to seek it.

The centre of the United Kingdom is the Isle of Man, and at low tide is 222 square miles. Off the coast 11.1 miles, is the centre geographically of the UK and is 2424 miles to the Great Pyramid.

The number 2424 is the Strong's number for Jesus in Greek. The speed of light for that distance is 0.01301 which is the word in Hebrew concordance Barak meaning lightening. The Dead Sea where the Essene community compiled the Dead Sea Scrolls, is 1301 feet below sea level. I was and am an Essene. The 'Teacher of Righteousness.' The word Righteousness is numbered 6666 in the Hebrew Strong's concordance, and there are 6,666 verses in the KJV 1611 with the word Lord.

England represents the missing capstone as all Jews where cursed to live without a nation and dwell peacefully within the Gentile nations and required to love and honour them as their hosts as well as be responsible for maintaining their spiritual growth.

The Zionists overcame them and did the reverse and turned the Christian world against them and today they are hated for what the Satanists have done. Lucifer hid behind and within the loving Jews and is why they have established Israel. Too join them all together in the one place to kill them as it is via the loving Jews the Christ genetically must emerge.
kill them and Lucifer stops Christ as Christ can not come via the Christian world as it is immense and totally divided and corrupt to the core, the Great Whore by prophetic definition. 'Come out of her,' as the prophecy predicts.

The 717th word of the Strongs New Testament concordance is Armageddon and the population density of Israel is 717 persons per square mile.

The verse Matthew 1:23 has a value of 8880 and my daughter was born when I was 8880 days old, May 4th 1968, 32 years later all the planets aligned in 2000 marking the date for ever in history.

The word Emmanuel means God with us, and has an English value genmatria of 84 as does my name Marshall. The word Jehovah, who accomplished this, and His name has a value of 69 as does my second name Leonard.

All of the names of Jesus then are relevant as they all have the same origin, God, and therefore once we understand that the Zionist Freemason Satan cults have gone about with one aim, to destroy the Jews and replace knowledge with the physical 'connect' the dots mentality back to a big bang, are aware of the truth which is that matter has a soul and that soul is God and consciousness, wisdom, truth and love are the driving qualities of what Creation is.

Matter then hangs on thought that manifested from the Creator and brought it all about to link together in a mathematical arrangement that can only be explained by myself, as I am the focal point to explain the love of Jesus and why he did what he did, simply because I was that man then.

Go back further to the prophets and it was I as the Lord, who established them and directed their prophecies. Back further again and I was with God in the Beginning and this interaction of mind, ego and love, is similar to you thinking out the similar functions within the mind where the entrenched subconscious, love, deals with the judging of ones actions and coming to a 'conscious' thought.

Extent that to the pre creation and you have the same conceptual thoughts and consciousness that is entirely a mathematical language, each thought, each emotion, each and every facet has a number, therefore I have to come in at the end and explain it to the 'lost sheep' that only the Jews who knew Jesus when he walked the earth, myself then, can recognise me, as they had first hand information, many hearing my words directly.

What made it into the bible was run through a gauntlet of bias and truth, one hiding within the opportunists who sought to control my words and so invented Christianity, no fault of anyone today, Paul the murderer did this.

This is why I say come out of this Harlot. Send these words to every Jew on the planet, for Lucifer controls every facet of the world of man, which is Sodom by another name.

This is why Isaiah wrote in Chapter 63 that the Lord when He arrives, is seen coming from the nations after destroying them, his resurrected Garment is stained red as if a man trampled Grapes in a winfat wearing pure white.

This pure white garment is the resurrected Jesus. But it is also the Davidic offspring that wears it. Here we have the coming together of my past life and the line of David, for the bible tells us that Jesus must return with a new name, Revelation 19:12 and he must also fulfil the Messianic Davidic offspring to be a man, made immortal by Jesus on the cross, and will destroy the Satanic nations and gather the 144,000 Jews who knew me back then as Jesus, and died with my name on their lips, joined me in the clouds of heaven and have been reborn after January 11th 1944, as I am the oldest of the Saints.

I hope that answers your question.

Peace and Love Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 01:07 AM
Well and fine, all in all, for some shmuck who takes from the Bible what fits his twisted purpose and then claims the rest is fraudulant.

Nowhere in any of the Jewish writings (that I've ever heard of) will Christ come and sell bogus water in Australia to make a profit.

Funny how some numbers-manipulating doofus comes along and says "I am God" and actually gets a following. It wouldn't be so bad if he had the creativity to create his own religion (A for effort, if nothing else), but has to attempt an highjacking of another religion? Pfft. Only the gullible.

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 01:13 AM

Thomas, setting it simple.

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 07:38 AM
and all I got was "Babble babble babble....babble...babble, babble babble babble"

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 08:16 AM

For a start the U.K isnt 606 miles "high" ( I take it he means long, if it was that high we'd be in space) It's nearer 800 miles long at about 787miles.
The center of the U.K isnt the isle of man either, it's off the west coast fer fecks sake. The geographical center of the U.K is Haltwistle in northumberland.

The rest was just a crock of # written in a deliberatly confusing and misleading way.

Frankly, I dont know why anybody is giving this guy any credit, nevermind attention.

So on the whole issue of Brian, I'd just like to say..

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 08:36 AM
If Brian is Christ why is he emailing ATS surely he would be creating miracles and solving world peace.
Just little things that he might be able to squeeze in between writing enormous ramblings.
Short and sweet Brian

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 09:01 AM
makey with the peace on earth and good will towards men, Brian!

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 10:19 AM
Man, this gets stranger than his earlier stuff... and that was pretty strange.

Ignorance Of Crystals Is No Excuse

Originally posted by Ycon
Te United Kingdom is 606 miles high and a pyramid based on Pi, the same as the Great Pyramid, which is also based on a pile of ground human bones, as the pile form a perfect pyramid shape with the Pi face angles, due to the atomic weight of human bones, called the angle of repose.

There's some geometric and chemical problems here. "Pi face angles" could mean anything, however, for the reader's edification, he announces that it's 51 degrees, 51 minutes, 43 seconds, the angle of the top of the Great Pyramid at Giza. "Pi" is apparently an arbitrary term, since it doesn't relate at all to 3.1416(etc).

However, we're told that "Desert sand is 43.5 degrees, and human bones is 51 degrees 51 minutes 14.3 seconds" -- something we're supposed to take at face value.

Brian is unaware that desert sand is mostly quartz, and quartz forms hexagonal crystals. Hexagonal crystals have angles of 60 degrees, not 40 degrees and you can see this by picking up some nice desert sand and analzying it. It's a mix of a lot of things (many are organic) but it's primarily made up of good old quartz.

As for human bone, it's made of a chemical substance called "apatite" (yes, really.) When Apatite forms crystals, we discover that they're hexagonal crystals and as with all hexagonal crystals, they have a 60 degree and

Not "pi" angle. 60 degrees.

Flunking Math And Geometry (again)

The UK then at 606 miles forms a pyramid shape with a base or 942.477 miles wide, or a base area of 888,000 square miles = Jesus.

Last I looked, the area of any kind of rectangle (including a square) is width times length. So if it's a true pyramid (square base) each side has to be 444,000 miles.

Now, from the "Math for Morons" site, we have this: A pyramid is a polyhedron with a single base and lateral faces that are all triangular. All lateral edges of a pyramid meet at a single point, or vertex. The volume V of any pyramid with height h and a base with area B is equal to one-third the product of the height and the area of the base.

Formula: V = (1/3)Bh

Now let's say that he explains himself poorly and he really meant the VOLUME of the pyramid is 888,000 miles.

888,000=(1/3)Base(unknown number) X 606 miles
(multiply by 3 to get rid of the fraction)
2,664,000=Base X 606
So the base has to be 4,3960.396 units... and one side of the base MUST be 2.198.0189

You can check it with your calculator.

Notice that the numbers you can calculate using standard math aren't anywhere close to what he's come up with? This is very simple math, folks. He's trying to convince you based on some mathery-foofery... and doesn't even get the calculations right.

I was and am an Essene.

Actually, he's an Australian. And it's pretty clear he doesn't know the basic Essene tenets and he clearly (check his message history) violates one of the biggies:
Essenes do not believe in hating or cursing enemies or apostates.

The verse Matthew 1:23 has a value of 8880 and my daughter was born when I was 8880 days old, May 4th 1968, 32 years later all the planets aligned in 2000 marking the date for ever in history.

Actually, the big one was back in 1982 when 7 planets aligned rather than the May 2000 one, where a mere 4 planets aligned with Earth. And the date was May 5, not May 4. So the "alignment" was really a second-rate lineup compared to others in the past.

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Byrd]

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