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Goddess and knight templars/masons

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posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:09 PM
Are the book The Da Vinci code (by Dan Brown) right in its suggestions that the Knights Templars (now masonic) honored the female Goddess?
And did they dig below the Temple in Jerusalem?

If they honored Her I suspekt they must have had much contact with jews because jews do not only have a male God but also on some sermon honor Her. They never talk about Her (it's just not done) so its not strange that normal christians and muslims do not know about Her.

Should we all now admit we did not know Her, and from now on will honor Her too and not just Him as of today? If the Templars did know of Her I belive their version of christianity were more correct/true than the popes version.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 05:00 AM
From the books I've read, it's pretty much agreed upon that the Templars did excavate beneath the Temple Mount. What they were looking for and if they, in fact, found something remains a mystery. One French historian, Gaetan Delaforge writes:

"The real task of the nine knights was to carry out research in the area in order to obtain certain relics and manuscripts which contain the essence of the secret traditions of Judaism and ancient Egypt, some of which probably went back to the days of Moses."

G. Delaforge: The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquarius

There is much speculation that they did find some sort of treasure (scrolls, religious ceremonial items, etc), and that they are now buried beneath Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, said to be a replica of Solomon's Temple.

Rosslyn is not a free interpretation of the ruins in Jerusalem; as far as the foundation plan is concerned, it is a very carefully executed copy. The unfinished sections of the great western wall are there, the main wall and the pillar arrangements fit like a glove and the pillars of Boaz and Jachin stand precisely at the eastern end of what would be the inner Temple.

Knight and Lomas: The Hiram Key

Unfortunately, for some reason excavation of the Chapel is not going forward.

As far as honouring a female goddess, I suspect that they did revere Mary Magdalene more than they did Christ because they knew that she was Christ's most loved disciple, and that she carried on his bloodline. They refuted Paulian Christianity because it excluded women from the church. The Roman Catholics executed a smear campaign against her, saying she was a prostitute, when in fact she was Jesus' wife.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Ghaele
Are the book The Da Vinci code (by Dan Brown) right in its suggestions that the Knights Templars (now masonic) honored the female Goddess?
And did they dig below the Temple in Jerusalem?

If they honored Her I suspekt they must have had much contact with jews because jews do not only have a male God but also on some sermon honor Her. They never talk about Her (it's just not done) so its not strange that normal christians and muslims do not know about Her.

"I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter."
(A, p. 55-6)

There are speculations that there was a cult of a Black Madonna in Southern France. In ancient Egyptian symbolism, the colour black indicated wisdom. In the cult of the Black Madonna the Templars were venerating the Mother of Wisdom, the ancient goddess Sophia embodied in the form of the goddess Isis with the child Horus.
The most famous is Saint Maries La Mer, unfortunately since Dan Brown book there are now countless guided tours.

Here's a good site:

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 07:14 PM

There are speculations that there was a cult of a Black Madonna in Southern France.

There were Magdalene "cults as early as 700 CE and probably earlier. That is just as early as has been documented so far.

I have read that black was also the color of the Nazarean priestess' robes .

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 08:00 PM
You may want to remember that "The Da Vinci Code" falsely represents the Brothers of the Temple.

Regarding that and the Divine Mother:

Originally posted by Tamahu
I don't expect anybody to believe any of this(and you shouldn't, but should instead experiment and gain your own Gnosis).

But the DaVinci Code(although exploring many interesting symbolisms in relation to Esoteric Christianity and Alchemy/Tantra)contains elements of black magic.

For instance in the book, Dan Brown writes that one can attain Gnosis through the orgasm.

This is legitimate black magic and is against the teachings of the Brothers of the Temple(White Tantra teaches the withdrawal from the sexual act before reaching orgasm, in order to attain Gnosis or Tantric Union).

And in the movie, the supposed "Brothers of the Temple" are shown wearing black-hoods.

The Brothers of the Temple do not wear black hoods, only black magicians do.

"However, the Master Zanoni (from the White Lodge), dresses in a black tunic and wears a distinguished mantle of the same color, but never a black hood. This is because the black hood is only for black magicians." - Samael Aun Weor

Just some things to consider... as the Zionists, or Black Lodge, are putting out a lot of false propaganda that is actually mixed with things that are true, in order to deceive people.

Another example is the false "Gnosis" of
"The Matrix".

But yes, The Holy Grail is the Feminine Yoni and is that which allows the Initiate to 'Raise the Serpent':

Jesus' Bloodline

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you (the mystery of my wife Mary Magdalene is “MM” and any “Master Mason” knows that! Is not perhaps Christ “Shin”, the Son of Nun, which is the final outcome of the blood? and), except a man be born of water (MeM, Mary Magdalene, who develops the Son of Nun in her Belly) and of the (Holy) Spirit (Ruach Elohim, Aleph), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God….

The wind (Aleph as oxygen) blows (the fire in the blood) where it listens (the “IAO” and transmutes the water into wine), and (when the fire is awakened) you hear the sound thereof (within your “Vav”, Spinal Medulla), but cannot tell whence it comes, and whither it goes (because it rises according to Nous, the fires of the heart): so is every one that is born of the Spirit (Aleph that hovers upon the Waters - MeM, Mother Mary).


But yes, it is said that Leonardo DaVinci himself was a Great Master of the White Lodge/Gnostic Church/Rosicrucian Brotherhood.

And I think that maybe the said Black Madonna statues are not of the historical Mary Mother of Yeshua(Jesus), but are perhaps based on the earlier dark-brown or 'black' skinned Madonnas such as Auset/Isis and the Mother of Krishna, etc.

Or that the blackness of the Black Madonna statues found in European Churches(Mary?) are symbolic; as I'm quite sure that many of the earlier Avatars(Heru/Horus, Krishna, Tehuti/Hermes, etc.) before Yeshua, were dark-brown/black skinned; but I'd say that Jesus was probably of a lighter tone similar to the average European.


[edit on 23-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

b]Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you (the mystery of my wife Mary Magdalene is “MM” and any “Master Mason” knows that! Is not perhaps Christ “Shin”, the Son of Nun, which is the final outcome of the blood? and), except a man be born of water (MeM, Mary Magdalene, who develops the Son of Nun in her Belly) and of the (Holy) Spirit (Ruach Elohim, Aleph), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God….
[edit on 23-9-2006 by Tamahu]

Greetings Tamahu,
I am not a Master Mason, can you explain what you mean by Mary Magdalen MM?
Also why is Shin Son of Nun and not Resh?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 08:54 PM
I'm not a Master Mason either(though I believe the author of the previous quote might be), but I'll share what I've learned.

Gnostic Glossary


MEM Thirteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, it symbolizes WATER (MayiM); Mem is the fountain of Divine Wisdom (Chokmah). Just as the waters of the well of Jacob (spring) ascend from its unknowable subterranean sources to unveil the mysteries of the tree of life on earth (Malkuth), likewise the fountain of Schamayim, the Superior Waters in Daath unveil the wisdom (Chokmah) that express the power “Iod” or the flow of light from the Ain Soph.

Its Kabbalistic value is 40

Arcanum 3: (Transcription)

...In the symbology of many religions, we have at the root of creation certain forces or factors. Water is a very common, universal symbol related to creation. We also find air, or Spirit; we also find fire. These three root elements are also symbolized in the Zohar and in the Sepher Yetzirah, which is an ancient book of Kabbalah. And these three forces, which underlie all of manifested creation, are called the Three Mother Letters. They are Aleph, Mem, and Shin.

Aleph, of course, as we talked about in the first lectures, is related to the first Arcanum. This character of Aleph symbolizes air. Mem is coming up in a future lecture. It is closely related to water. And Shin, with its three points as the embodiment of those three factors, represents fire. So air, water, and fire are these three root factors, or principles, which when combined in a certain balance, produce creation

Also take into consideration the matter of the symbolism of the Divinities of NU, NUN and NUT in the Kemetian Tradition, and that Moses was a Kemetian Priest.

Also, the Goddess MAAT, who is related to the 4th Sphere(remember that 40 is the Kabbalistic value of MeM; a relation perhaps?).

See the following for some reference material:

Authors on the Kemetian Religion

Arcanum 14: Temperance

In Kabbalah Nun means Fish (Aramaic)

Nun is written with the following letters: (Nun, Vav, Nun Sophit), which means: the Light above, the Shechinah of the three primary forces hidden within the “Nun,” “the N” descending through “Vav” (spinal medulla) even through the final Nun in order to expand the Infinite Light below in the Ninth Sphere, the center of the Earth. In Yesod, the Solar Forces of Kether, Chokmah and Binah (their Messiah or Solar-Light-Force), the Heir to the Throne (the Spinal Medulla) are hidden within Nun, the Sperm and the Ovum (the fish) that swims within the Mem, the Waters of Yesod, the Ens Seminis.

The Nun moves within the Mem, the fish that swims protected by Schamayim (the living waters of life) from the Ain Soph Aur, the unknowable divine.

Within all Monads from the Ain Soph, Nun symbolizes every non-active element that lacks self-cognizance, but by means of the Self-realization of the Being, in other words, by means of the transmutation of the waters of Yesod, in the Ninth Sphere, Sex; these elements develop and become active. Thereafter, these Nun elements appear as fiery self-cognizant active elements (by means of the Iod and Havah) of all Self-realized Beings or Elohim, at the dawning of any universe.

“And Iod-Havah Elohim said, Let the (Schamayim) waters (of Mem in Yesod) bring forth abundantly the (Nun, the sperm) moving creature that has life, and fowl (souls) that may fly (or hover) above the earth (as the Ruach of the Elohim, the Chaioth Ha Kadosh, the Holy Creatures) in the open firmament of heaven (or the Schamayim above in Daath) - Genesis 1: 20

By means of Nun, the Elohim give onto the Monad (through the Venustic Initiation) the necessary elements in order to build a Diamond Soul which is where the activity of the higher faculties and powers of Objective Reasoning are placed; this is how the Monad through Nun expands its Consciousness and acquires the knowledge of the Elohim. Only the Monads of the straight path acquire the different levels of knowledge or levels of Objective Reasoning and their related powers when their souls pass through the successive Eight Great Initiations of Major Mysteries. These levels states and powers are not developed by those Monads of the spiral path in general. The vast majority of Monads eventually throughout the millions of Mahamanvantaras choose to acquire through the spiral path a basic type of cosmic understanding.

And Iod-Havah Elohim [through Schamayim in Yesod released abundantly the Hashim, the children of fire (Igneous Souls within the Nuns) of ha-shem “the Word” and] created great creatures (in all the Kingdoms of Nature), and every living creature that moves, which the waters (of Schamayim in Yesod) brought forth abundantly, after their kind (sexual potency), and every winged fowl (of cosmic understanding in Schamayim above) after his kind (sexual potency):

Monadic unconscious psychic elements or non-active Monadic elements evolve within Malkuth (the Earth, the world of matter); these are divided into three general categories, symbolized by fish (Mem), fowl (Aleph) and land animals (Shin). The three prototypes of these categories are the leviathan (sexual potency AUN from the waters of Yesod) the behemoth (sexual appetites of the blood-fire) and the fowl of the air (collective mind or understanding). These three categories of souls rotate; they evolve and devolve trapped in Malkuth, the wheel of Ezekiel, the Wheel of Samsara. Presently, these three categories manifest in the humanoid through the three brains as three innate tendencies and attractions towards the Animal Soul-behavior that obscure the secrets of Daath to the consciousness. So, in the humanoid evolving level, these three categories can mutate through the mysteries of Daath, or devolve into Klipoth.

These three animal categories of souls are what prevail in the present level of the souls of all the people on earth. If these animal souls are not transformed into human souls, the consciousness will fall and will be disintegrated in Klipoth in order to be integrated again by means of the Second Death into a totally new mechanical, yet higher level of evolving processes of consciousness

It is interesting that there may be a relationship between MeM, MA(Tibetan word for Mother as well as in many other languages) and Mary Magdalene, Master Mason, Misterium gnum, etc. especially in Light of what H.P. Blavatsky wrote in "The Secret Doctrine":

Letter "M"

...Whether the early Fathers of the Church knew the esoteric meaning of the Hebrew (Old) Testament, or whether only a few of them were aware of it, while the others remained ignorant of the secret, is for posterity to decide. One thing is certain, at any rate. As the esotericism of the New Testament agrees perfectly with that of the Hebrew Mosaic Books; and since, at the same time, a number of purely Egyptian symbols and pagan dogmas in general -- the Trinity for example -- have been copied by, and incorporated into, the Synoptics and St. John, it becomes evident that the identity of those symbols was known to the writers of the New Testament, whoever they were. They must have been aware also of the priority of the Egyptian esotericism, since they have adopted several such symbols that typify purely Egyptian conceptions and beliefs -- in their outward and inward meaning -- and which are not to be found in the Jewish Canon. One of such is the water-lily in the hands of the Archangel in the early representations of his appearance to the Virgin Mary; and these symbolical images are preserved to this day in the iconography of the Greek and Roman Churches. Thus water, fire, the Cross, as well as the Dove, the Lamb, and other sacred animals, with all their combinations, yield esoterically an identical meaning, and must have been accepted as an improvement upon Judaism pure and simple.

For the Lotus and Water are among the oldest symbols, and in their origin are purely Aryan, though they became common property during the branching-off of the fifth race. Let us give an example. Letters, as much as numbers, were all mystic, whether in combination or each taken separately. The most sacred of all is the letter M. It is both feminine and masculine, or androgyne, and is made to symbolize WATER, the great deep, in its origin. It is mystic in all the languages, Eastern and Western, and stands as a glyph for the waves, thus: . In the Aryan Esotericism, as in the Semitic, this letter has always stood for the waters; e.g., in Sanskrit MAKARA -- the tenth sign of the Zodiac -- means a crocodile, or rather an aquatic monster associated always with water. The letter MA is equivalent to and corresponds with number 5 -- composed of a binary, the symbol of the two sexes separated, and of the ternary, symbol of the third life, the progeny of the binary. This, again, is often symbolised by a Pentagon, the latter being a sacred sign, a divine Monogram. MAITREYA is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha, and the Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins -- the last MESSIAH who will come at the culmination of the Great Cycle(Tamahu's Notes: For this cycle, Samael Aun Weor most likely). It is also the initial letter of the Greek Metis or Divine Wisdom; of Mimra, the "word" or Logos; and of Mithras (the Mihr), the Monad, Mystery. All these are born in, and from, the great Deep, and are the Sons of Maya -- the Mother; in Egypt, Mouth, in Greece Minerva (divine wisdom), Mary, or Miriam, Myrrha, etc.; of the Mother of the Christian Logos, and of Maya, the mother of Buddha. Madhava and Madhavi are the titles of the most important gods and goddesses of the Hindu Pantheon. Finally, Mandala is in Sanskrit "a circle," or an orb (the ten divisions of the Rig Veda). The most sacred names in India begin with this letter generally -- from Mahat, the first manifested intellect, and Mandara, the great mountain used by the gods to churn the Ocean, down to Mandakin, the heavenly Ganga (Ganges), Manu, etc., etc.

Shall this be called a coincidence? A strange one it is then, indeed, when we find even Moses -- found in the water of the Nile -- having the symbolical consonant in his name. And Pharaoh's daughter "called his name Moses . . . because," she said, "I drew him out of WATER" (Exod. ii., 10.)* Besides which the Hebrew sacred name of God applied to this letter M is Meborach, the "Holy" or the "Blessed," and the name for the water of the Flood is M'bul. A reminder of the "three Maries" at the Crucifixion and their connection with Mar, the Sea, or Water, may close this example. This is why in Judaism and Christianity the Messiah is always connected with Water, Baptism, the Fishes (the sign of the Zodiac called Meenam in Sanskrit), and even with the Matsya (fish) Avatar, and the Lotus -- the symbol of the womb, or the water-lily, which is the same...

I don't have Godfrey Higgins' "Anacalypsis" on me right now, nor can I find a related excerpt on the internet; but one of the chapter sub-headings in said book is this:


More highly recommended reading:

Written by Master M:.


[edit on 26-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:30 PM
The reason the fraternity was so popular and had a revivial in the 1700s and earlier, was because of the Catholic churches suppression of the ideas and other philosophies. Education such as geometry, and literature among the sciences was forbidden by the church, people who wanted to know the "sciences" or practiced such were considered black magicians or devil worshippers by those religious leaders, who were ignorant of natural science. Along with other things they were ignorant of.

The movement of the heavens to determine seasons and when it was best to sow or reap a harvest, was thought of as the devils work by priests, because they were ignorant of the facts.

So the lodge or fraternity, was a place were people could meet and exchange ideas, with out fear of being pursecuted by the church.

Do not forget though, later the Catholic church recanted the persecution of "Pauvres Chevaliers du Temple (Poor Knights of the Temple)", but it was too late and far long past the time to fix what already made a bad reputation.

There are a handful true Masons on this board, here to answer questions, and in vain probably (meant as "fruitlessly, to no effect", not out of vanity), to defend their frat. (I support those brothers of mine, they give a voice in defense against, those who know not.)

Hope this was of use, and if I can be of further help, please feel free to u2u.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:43 AM
Very nice, Tamahu,

Do all gnostics believe that?
What would you comment to INRI where I understand N to mean Death, what would be the Gnostic wisdom on that?


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
There are a handful true Masons on this board, here to answer questions, and in vain probably (meant as "fruitlessly, to no effect", not out of vanity), to defend their frat. (I support those brothers of mine, they give a voice in defense against, those who know not.)

ATS, mirroring Life itself, is a journey not a destination. The pleasure is in travelling and the people you meet along the way. Once we have arrived, this means that the journey is over.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu
It is interesting that there may be a relationship between MeM, MA(Tibetan word for Mother as well as in many other languages) and Mary Magdalene, Master Mason, Misterium Mágnum, etc.

and Mickey Mouse?

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 06:48 PM
Hi Belinquest

Originally posted by Belinquest
Very nice, Tamahu,

Do all gnostics believe that?
What would you comment to INRI where I understand N to mean Death, what would be the Gnostic wisdom on that?


Well I don't know if all Gnostics believe that.

But as Gnostics, we should not really believe anything.

We need to verify these things for our self(with the help of our Inner Beauty, Strength, and Wisdom of course).

Many self-proclaimed "Gnostics" simply base their beliefs on tattered old texts found at Nag Hammadi(some which are authentic and some which very well might be fake).

But Gnosis is not limited to any particular system of belief.

It has been kept alive by many traditions throughout history, some sects officially called "Gnostic", and others who do not bear that particular name.

The Gnostic Church

We were thrown to the lions in the circuses of Rome, and we celebrated our rituals in the catacombs. We were burnt alive in the flames of the Roman Catholic inquisition. We accompanied Jesus Christ in the Holy Land. We were the mystical Essenes of Palastine; we are not improvising opportunist doctrines. We were hidden during twenty centuries and we are now returning once again to the street carrying on our shoulders the old, rough and heavy cross.

Paul took our doctrine to Rome and he was a Nazarene Gnostic.

Christ taught our doctrine in secrecy to the seventy disciples.

The Sethani, Peratae, Carpocratians, Nazarenes and Essenses are Gnostic. The Egyptian and Aztec Mysteries, the Mysteries of Rome, Troy, Carthage, of Eleusis, India, of the Druids, Pythagoreans, Kambirs, of Mithra and Persia, etc. are in their entirety that which we call Gnosis or Gnosticism.

We now once again open the ancient Gnostic Sanctuaries which were closed upon the arrival of the dark age.

We are now opening the authentic Initiatic Colleges. - Excerpted from The Greater Mysteries by Samael Aun Weor

As H.P. Blavatsky, Godfrey Higgins, Master M:., Nicholas Roerich, Samael Aun Weor and many others have pointed out; the Tibetan Lamas have preserved the Ancient Gnosis even unto this day(some of the mediums/channellers have claimed this as well, but neither authentic Tibetan Buddhism nor Gnosis recognizes the claims of channellers and mere psychics).

The organized institution of Freemasonry in the physical plane is said to have once guarded the Occult Gnosis; but it now seems that very few modern Masons succeed in attaining it(which has been admitted even by some Freemasons, probably those who actually did find Gnosis)

About I.N.R.I.:

The Gnosis of Easter

...It is in the crucible that the raw matter of the Great Work suffers the passion of the Lord with infinite patience. In the erotic crucible of Sexual Alchemy, the ego dies and the Phoenix bird is reborn within its own ashes:

INRI, “In Necis Renascor Integer,” which means, “In death I am reborn intact and pure.”

The intersection of the vertical phallus within the horizontal uterus makes a cross. This is something that can be easily verified.

If we reflect very seriously on that Intimate relationship that exists between the “S” and the Tao Cross, or “T,” we arrive at the logical conclusion that only through the crossing of the Lingam-Yoni, (phallus and uterus), with radical exclusion of the physiological orgasm, one can awaken the Kundalini, which is the Igneous Serpent of our magical Powers.

In the Nahuatl and Mayan conception of the cross, the Nahuatl “Nahui-ollin,” sacred symbol of the Cosmic Movement, is the sacred swastika of the Great Mysteries, which was always defined as the Cross in Movement.

The two possible orientations of the swastika clearly represent the masculine and feminine, positive and negative principles of nature. Two swastikas placed exactly over each other, in opposite directions, undoubtedly form the Potenzada cross, and represent the erotic conjunction of the sexes in this sense.

According to the Aztec legend, a couple, a man and a woman, were the ones that invented fire.

This is only possible with the cross in movement, INRI, “Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra,” meaning, “Fire Renews Nature Incessantly.”

- Samael Aun Weor from The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
and Mickey Mouse?

Well, if you want to go that route, we could mention Marilyn Manson, EMineM, Marilyn Monroe, etc..

But let's be serious, and not give undue credit to those of the Black Lodge who propagate degeneration, the Honor of the title Master Mason and the Sacred Mother MeM.

Although, this...: kind of interesting.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Ghaele
Are the book The Da Vinci code (by Dan Brown) right in its suggestions that the Knights Templars (now masonic) honored the female Goddess?

No way!

The Knights Templar were monks and were the most mysogynistic pack of Crusaders you can imagine! This was part of the reason that one of the strong (and hard to refute) accusations agains them was of homosexuality. Anyone who had sexual relations with a woman was flogged and then expelled from the order.

By fairly late in their order's history, they became rather extreme about this rule and the only women they associate with were washerwomen. All their horses had to be male, as did their dogs and falcons (if they had any.)

And did they dig below the Temple in Jerusalem?

If memory serves, they did not.

If the Templars did know of Her I belive their version of christianity were more correct/true than the popes version.

The Templars were Benedictine monks, authorized by the Pope. They would have held the same views as he did.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Ghaele
Are the book The Da Vinci code (by Dan Brown) right in its suggestions that the Knights Templars (now masonic) honored the female Goddess?

No way!

The Knights Templar were monks and were the most mysogynistic pack of Crusaders you can imagine! This was part of the reason that one of the strong (and hard to refute) accusations agains them was of homosexuality. Anyone who had sexual relations with a woman was flogged and then expelled from the order.

By fairly late in their order's history, they became rather extreme about this rule and the only women they associate with were washerwomen. All their horses had to be male, as did their dogs and falcons (if they had any.)

And did they dig below the Temple in Jerusalem?

If memory serves, they did not.

If the Templars did know of Her I belive their version of christianity were more correct/true than the popes version.

The Templars were Benedictine monks, authorized by the Pope. They would have held the same views as he did.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
and Mickey Mouse?

Well, if you want to go that route, we could mention Marilyn Manson, EMineM, Marilyn Monroe, etc..

let's not forget M&Ms. well i was half joking / half serious as disney is rumoured to have been a master mason of sorts. i dunno the full truth of that tho. my partner is an MM herself

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by Ghaele
Are the book The Da Vinci code (by Dan Brown) right in its suggestions that the Knights Templars (now masonic) honored the female Goddess?

No way!

The Knights Templar were monks and were the most mysogynistic pack of Crusaders you can imagine! This was part of the reason that one of the strong (and hard to refute) accusations agains them was of homosexuality. Anyone who had sexual relations with a woman was flogged and then expelled from the order.

Well, you see; the Roman Catholic Church as an organization seems to have always opposed the Arcanum A.Z.F(White Sexual Magic).

Some Initiates of said Church found the Great Arcanum, such as Eliphas Levi, and perhaps Athanasius Kircher and some others.

But we can see the level of degeneration found in the Roman sect(homosexuality, Pedophilia, etc.) due to it's exclusion of Marriage.

This could even be why the Roman Church persecuted the Knights Templar, after the latter formed Gnostic Brotherhoods with the Arabs around the beginning of the Crusades.

The Arabs held the Keys of Alchemy(the Arcanum A.Z.F.) and taught it to the Templars, thus causing the Knights Templar to break the Roman Catholic rules regarding Marriage.

Perhaps the Roman Church found out, thus accusing them of heresy(The Mystery of Baphomet, Lucifer and the Astral Light is related to Sex).

So I really doubt that the Knights Templar were homosexuals.

Though it is said that the Knights Templar degenerated later on, causing the Brothers of the Temple of the Internal Planes to withdraw from them, basically leaving them as an empty shell(perhaps this is where the accusation of homosexuality came in; as every Magician, whether Black or White, knows that homosexual-magic rituals give Satanic power to the Black Magician).

Now the following...:

"Among the most abominable products of Lilith, it is opportune to cite the case of Count Dracula in Russia.

"This movie’s personage truly existed and H. P. Blavastsky comments about him in one of her books.

"This Great Female Master stated that such a Count (in times of the Czars) was the Mayor of a certain Russian town. He mortally hated his wife, because Vampires are Homosexuals; they mortally hate the opposite sex.

"After his death, Count Dracula presented himself in the house of his abhorred widow in order to lash her violently. At midnight certain Catholic Priests uselessly tried to block Dracula’s trot; at the bridge very close to the cemetery Count Dracula’s chariot trampled the Priests.

"When Count Dracula’s Black and Frightful Crypt was opened, his living cadaver was found very well preserved and submerged within human blood, since vampires nourish themselves with blood. '

"The Great Master Helen P. Blavastsky states that the feet of the sinister cadaver were covered with mud; without a doubt this shows us that Dracula was escaping at midnight from his sepulcher.

"Dracula’s case concluded when the Priests wounded his heart with a wooden stick.

"An Order of vampires exists in Palestine; they hide themselves behind the following title: “Order of the Immortal Guardians of the Holy Sepulcher.”

"Vampires are the outcome of Homosexuality in combination with Tantrism between persons of the same Sex. It is an execrable monstrosity, a frightful abomination."

- The Doomed Aryan Race by Samael Aun Weor

...Is VERY interesting.

Could the following...: the said "Order of the Immortal Guardians of the Holy Sepulcher" ???

Or does the fact that the latter group doesn't have "Immortal" pre-fixed to the name of their Order, indicate that it is not the one Samael Aun Weor mentioned?

I know that there is a degree in Masonry that uses that symbol; but perhaps the earlier-mentioned "vampires" are the descendants of the degenerated Knights Templar(whom the Brothers of the Temple withdrew from after the K.T. degenerated), and the Masons simply continued to use the symbol as well, even though the latter are not connected with the "Order of the Immortal Guardians of the Holy Sepulcher" nor "Guardians of the Holy Sepulcher"(if the latter two be different?)???

[edit on 27-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
let's not forget M&Ms. well i was half joking / half serious as disney is rumoured to have been a master mason of sorts. i dunno the full truth of that tho. my partner is an MM herself


Walt Disney?

USA motion picture and television producer, Walter Elias Disney (1901/12/05 - 1966/12/15), was a member of the appendent organization for boys, DeMolay International. He was not a freemason. For reasons of their own, a few anti-masons, detractors of American pop culture and conspiracy theorists have referred to Disney as a 33º freemason but this claim is unfounded.

Doesn't mean he wasn't a Freemason.

Just means it hasn't necessarily been proven.

And your partner is a MM, as in...?

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Well I don't know if all Gnostics believe that.

But as Gnostics, we should not really believe anything.

Your writings are brilliant. I have only one question (for now) why do you have certain letters in certain words highlighted, such as above?


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
And your partner is a MM, as in...?

a Minxy Milf
J/k, her initials.

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