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Would America ban personal firearms

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posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 01:38 PM
Being a none American and observing what is taking place in America with the Patriot Act and Bush and co seeing terrorists everywhere including home grown ones I wondered how long would it be before your right to bear arms will be removed.

Under what circumstances would the right be removed, terrorist act, another columbine etc. and how easy would it be for the authorities to achieve this. How would you the gun bearing citizens take this, would you give up your arms if told to do so or if you were labeled as a terrorist if you did not. Im not sure of how many Americans own guns but it must be in the tens of millions so with that in mind do you think the Goverment is right to be fearful of the people and should impose gun control. My own view is that you should continue with the right to bear arms because the founding fathers put it in the constitution for a very good reason, to protect ones self from the tyranny of Goverment,

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[edit on 21-9-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 01:43 PM
As an American, a GUN OWNING American, I can assure you that this would NEVER happen. First of all, any attempt to tinker with the 2nd Ammendement to the Constitution of the United States of America will get alot of politicians in hot water, if not killed.

That cute little act you saw play out in NO will never occur again as a law was recently passed that forbids it. Second to that, they're gonna need to find a way to pry my guns out of my dead, rigormortised hands before they get them away from me - and I am hardly alone in that sentiment.

Sure, gun control works - just ask any dictator! Which is exactly WHY we have the 2nd Ammendment and why people like me will die defending it!

[edit on 21-9-2006 by kozmo]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 01:50 PM
Reality: It's been done gradually for a while now. Any restriction leads the inevitability of no weapons of any sort. If a nuclear device goes off, say bye bye to weapons if you live in selected territories (ghettos, basically). During Hurricane Katrina, police dressed in non-chalant vague military uniforms kicked down doors and entered playing "Iraq Police/Army/Contractor/Redneck tough man" and look at how big of a mess it was... people in good neighborhoods were unable to protect themselves from looters- and the looters and people in the ghetto were dominated by those unlawful people with weapons- aka- criminals won.

If (more like when at this point, and unfortunately before football season is over in my guestimate) a nuclear device went off, martial law would be declared. If your area is chosen for their reasons, say bye to your weapons. Would I stick to the NRA slogan "from my cold dead hands"? No, I wouldn't. Do I have a problem with the possibility of taking a life for a just cause- no, I do not. However, I don't want to be shooting my friends who would probably be doing that job of taking weapons away from citizens.

I would move. Call me a whimp, but i'm not going to hurt my own. If some OTHER country came in to "help" like Mexico or Canada, then they're going to fall down 100 meters down the street from wherever i'm at.

That's my statement, and i'm sticking to it. Hopefully a nuclear device does not go off, and martial law isn't declared.

P.S. Taking away firearms from the South would be suicide lol

[edit on 21-9-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 01:52 PM
I think any political movement in America would fall flat on its face if it proposed the removal of all arms of americans...

I mean, for gods sake... they didn't even expect the iraqis to give up weapons...

the terms "from my cold dead hands" rings true here...
most American gun owners feel the same way.

The right to own guns, is also what keeps any other country from thinking too seriously about trying to ever occupy us also...
so taking away that right, would be down right unamerican...

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:09 PM
If I remember correctly, the 1994 law extension banning assault rifles has expired in 2004. The U.S. govt. didn't do anything. Pro-gun supporters were estatic.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by deltaboy]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
If I remember correctly, the 1994 law extension banning assault rifles has expired in 2004. The U.S. govt. didn't do anything. Pro-gun supporters were estatic.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by deltaboy]

You are correct! As a result, I have recently placed this little honey into my collection:

Ain't she a thing of beauty!?!?!

Mod Edit: Link format edited. Please review this post.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:19 PM
is there not a ATS policy about misleading titles ?? the title of this thread is wrong...NOTHING has been banned as of yet concering firearms in the U.S.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:23 PM
The 556 is out? I've been waiting for one to show up around here. Guess I'm going to have to go to the shop! I'm glad they are replacing the old magazine well where you had to rock it in, like an AK, with an AR type well.

As to the post, it is a recipie for disaster. Even if the law does pass, you are going to have some clashes between rural police/sheriffs and the feds.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:32 PM
omg i'm buying that rifle... in one year when im 21 lol. Is this better than a 552?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
omg i'm buying that rifle... in one year when im 21 lol. Is this better than a 552?

Be warned - it's expensive as all get out! Mine hasn't arrived yet, but I was lucky enough to try one out at the range at the gun shop I bought it from. It's on backorder and will take another 2 or 3 weeks to get here. I'm GEEKED!!! This thing is sweet as sugar! But for $1,250 US, it had better be!

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:15 PM
Stated like a true patriot Kozmo and Alpha the title thread is a little mischevious but it was done to get peoples attention, what did Bush say about the constitution, its just a bit of goddam paper well I wish we had a bit of paper like that. If Bush and co try to remove these rights then as Patriots you are duty bound to resist such attempts.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:24 PM
what a crazy world we live in.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:03 PM
Nothing at all to do with the WoT.

Ridiculous post, based on no evidence and in the wrong forum - a hat-trick of misinformation!!

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:07 PM
With a huge number of people owning guns in the US, this will never happen. At best it is popular with conspiracy theorists, but let's talk reality here. Americans won't give up their guns, and a majority of politicans won't vote to repeal the 2nd amendment.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:11 PM
When people cheer and praise there system which allows them to buy automatic rifles simply for display, and recreational use, it shows the insanity and stupidity of mankind in its fight for survival.

I still cringe when I think about the american who debated taking a GUN To church is AOK simply because the law allows me to do it.

We are humans before we are citizens,
and owning a machine that can murder and maime INNOCENT people in truley tragic and unforseen circumstances is a haneous crime against humanity.

I beleive in self defense, and a countries right to arm itself.
But when regular citizens are allowed to buy an AK47 for there HOUSE, it borders on the verge of insanity.

If you want to defend yourself? Learn a martial art, do some weights and avoid troublesome area's where there's greater chance you'll be mugged.

If you want to increase the chances at which your family members are accidently shot and killed.. then go buy urself an AK47 and leave it in your house.

Unfrigggen believable that anyone can debate 'for' having guns, and automatics simply for fun.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
how long would it be before your right to bear arms will be removed.

Never, as is known it is a Constitutional Right of all legal US citizens. No way around it never, it would cause a civil war the government could not dream of winning. This is under stood in my nation.

Many of us swore an oath;

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Now seeing as every US Armed Forces member as sworn the same, I don't see that question of yours as "happening". First and foremost, that is our oath in order and importance.

Nice hypothetical, but nothing more.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:13 PM
We were easily able to get our guns and permits to carry a concealed weapon, I don't see the above scenario happening so easily... we have the NRA remember.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:20 PM
As a card carrying member of the NRA i say this...
The day this government bans guns is the day i declare war upon said government. You wouldn't believe how easy it would be for me to raise a small militia either. Our center of opperations would be walmarts stretched out across the country they have everything you need from mass communications to stored food and ammunition.

I don't look to the republicans to take away my arms though, no i look to the democrats for that, someday sentiments much like in europe will make it's way over to the US and someone will attempt to socialize us here. It'll be a bloody day in the hearthland i'll tell ya.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Unfricken believeable that american citizens are willing to revolt and cause internal civil war if the government decided to change its laws and ban households from having murderous weapons, in the form of guns.

BUT Lord behold if this same government changes its laws so it can spy on its citizens, invade and occupy other countries and allow some ruthless acts of terror to occur.. we jee's thats not worthy of a revolt.. we'll just argue over that one.

Where are your priorities americans?

Obviously, you'd rather have a gun in your hands than a peace dove flying over head, so its no wonder the rest of the world wants to kill you.
What positive effect are you having on the human race?

[edit on 21-9-2006 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Obviously, you'd rather have a gun in your hands than a peace dove flying over head, so its no wonder the rest of the world wants to kill you.
What positive effect are you having on the human race?

[edit on 21-9-2006 by Agit8dChop]

It is our country so be quiet. Just because you don't like guns doesn't mean we shouldn't have them.

What positive effect is anyone having on the human race? Nothing. So go bash America some place else on like the 1.5 million threads made.

I am so tired of the bs on here praising countries like China, Russia, Iran, and hating the US.

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[edit on 21-9-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

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