posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:26 AM
Peter King is a representative (republican) from NY who sent out a directed mail campaign letter, alleging that his opponent David Mejias (running on
the democratic ticket for King's seat), is supported by jihadists who want to destroy america and the jews. The mailing was sent to many people, but
focused, according to King, on jewish constituents.
If King's claims were true, then perhaps there wouldnt' be a problem. However, the people that have made the dontations (which appear to be around
the $300 range), are not violent jihadists, but have actually spoken out against islamic radicalism and condemmed the terror attacks.
Perhaps we've grown used to liars in government, but King actually went one step further, and accepted campaign donations from exactly the same
people that he is smearing his opponent for accepting money from.
Fortunately for (chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee) King, he doesn't have to worry. He has raised $1.6 million so far, while his
opponent only $256,000. Good to see that someone who's so in tune with the muslim world in on the Security Committee, and good to see that he's
political donations from people he considers near terrorists.