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List of high ranking (ex) Goverment people who do not believe Gov. 9-11 version.

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posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:36 AM

Col. George Nelson, U.S. Air Force (ret) is one of the most interesting here on this list for the fact that after a 34 year accident investigator career, he doesn't believe the pentagon or flight 93 stories...

An ok web page, worth a look through if the subject interests you!

(I did a search but couldn't find any thing posted on him or the others....But if its here already please mods feel free to delete it!)

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:40 AM
Thank goodness there are many rational people around.

There's tons of scientists, and extremely well educated people among the bunch that do not believe any of this.

I'm in good company.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:55 AM
Heres my favorite part...

Letter to Congress regarding the 9/11 Commission Report, signed by the following 25 military, intelligence, and security veterans:

“[W]e the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the [9/11 Commission] report and its recommendations. …

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission’s report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. …

The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations.”

Edward J. Costello, Jr., Former Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI
John M. Cole, Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI
David "Mark" Conrad, Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs
Rosemary N. Dew, Former Supervisory Special Agent, Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence, FBI
Bogdan Dzakovic, Former Red Team Leader, FAA (See also individual quote above.)
Sibel D. Edmonds, Former Language Specialist, FBI (See also individual quote above.)
Steve Elson, Retired Navy Seal and Former Special Agent, FAA and US Navy
David Forbes, Aviation, Logistics and Govt. Security Analysts, BoydForbes, Inc.,
Melvin A. Goodman, Retired Senior Analyst/ Division Manager and Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy, CIA (See also individual quote above.)
Mark Graf, Former Security Supervisor, Planner, and Derivative Classifier, Department of Energy
Gilbert M. Graham, Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI
Diane Kleiman, Former Special Agent, US Customs
Lt Col Karen U. Kwiatkowski, Veteran Policy Analyst, U.S. Air Force-DoD (See also individual quote above.)
Lynne A. Larkin, Former Operation Officer, CIA
David MacMichael, Former Senior Estimates Officer, CIA
Raymond L. McGovern, Veteran Analyst, CIA (See also individual quote above.)
Theodore J. Pahle, Senior Intelligence Officer (Ret), Defense Intelligence Agency, Office of Naval Intelligence, and U.S. Army Intelligence
Behrooz Sarshar, Retired Language Specialist, FBI
Brian F. Sullivan, Retired Special Agent and Risk Management Specialist, FAA
Larry J. Tortorich, Retired US Naval Officer, US Navy and Dept. of Homeland Security/TSA
Jane A. Turner, Retired Special Agent, FBI
John B. Vincent, Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI
Dr. Fred Whitehurst, Retired Supervisory Special Agent/Laboratory Forensic Examiner, FBI
Col. Ann Wright, Retired Reserve Colonel and Former US Diplomat, US Army,
Matthew J. Zipoli, Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 08:12 AM

I'm sure people won't take this seriously. They'll just say "disgruntled employees" and wave their hands and forget about it.

But seriously, how can people say "but no one is speaking up/leaking information"? When obviously there are. Just no one wants to listen.....mind bogling if you ask me.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:15 AM
Or, they're all paranoid, and can't see the truth through their own mental deficiency.

Truth is, it's more likely that everyone else either has no first hand knowledge of the contradictory events, or are complicit in the secret.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:22 AM
Is it that they do not believe the story, or specific parts of the 9/11 commission report? I can understand that 30-40 people may have questions on numerous aspects of the research and findings.

There are alot of points that are touched in the report, and it is there, free to download and read if you like. It is very interesting.

As soon as he said Loose Change though, you lost me. I wish for once, jsut once, someone would give us something new.

Also, here is another list...people who gave you the official version....

Thomas H. Kean, CHAIR

Lee H. Hamilton, VICE CHAIR

Richard Ben-Veniste

Bob Kerrey

Fred F. Fielding

John F. Lehman

Jamie S. Gorelick

Timothy J. Roemer

Slade Gorton

James R. Thompson

Philip Zelikow, Executive Director
Christopher A. Kojm, Deputy Executive Director
Daniel Marcus, General Counsel

Joanne M. Accolla
Staff Assistant

Alexis Albion
Professional Staff Member

Scott H. Allan, Jr.

John A. Azzarello

Caroline Barnes
Professional Staff Member

Warren Bass
Professional Staff Member

Ann M. Bennett
Information Control Officer

Mark S. Bittinger
Professional Staff Member

Madeleine Blot

Antwion M. Blount
Systems Engineer

Sam Brinkley
Professional Staff Member

Geoffrey Scott Brown
Research Assistant

Daniel Byman
Professional Staff Member

Dianna Campagna
Manager of Operations

Samuel M.W. Caspersen

Melissa A. Coffey
Staff Assistant

Lance Cole

Marquittia L. Coleman
Staff Assistant

Marco A. Cordero
Professional Staff Member

Rajesh De

George W. Delgrosso

Gerald L. Dillingham
Professional Staff Member

Thomas E. Dowling
Professional Staff Member

Steven M. Dunne
Deputy General Counsel

Thomas R. Eldridge

Alice Falk

John J. Farmer, Jr.
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

Alvin S. Felzenberg
Deputy for Communications

Lorry M. Fenner
Professional Staff Member

Susan Ginsburg
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

T. Graham Giusti
Security Officer

Nicole Marie Grandrimo
Professional Staff Member

Douglas N. Greenburg

Barbara A. Grewe
Senior Counsel, Special Projects

Elinore Flynn Hartz
Family Liaison

Leonard R. Hawley
Professional Staff Member

L. Christine Healey
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

Karen Heitkotter
Executive Secretary

Walter T. Hempel II
Professional Staff Member
C. Michael Hurley
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

Dana J. Hyde
Counsel Professional

John W. Ivicic
Security Officer

Michael N. Jacobson

Hunter W. Jamerson

Bonnie D. Jenkins

Reginald F. Johnson
Staff Assistant

R.William Johnstone
Professional Staff Member

Stephanie L. Kaplan
Special Assistant & Managing Editor

Miles L. Kara, Sr.
Professional Staff Member

Janice L. Kephart

Hyon Kim

Katarzyna Kozaczuk
Financial Assistant

Gordon Nathaniel Lederman

Daniel J. Leopold
Staff Assistant

Sarah Webb Linden
Professional Staff Member

Douglas J. MacEachin
Professional Staff Member & Team Leader

Ernest R. May
Senior Adviser

Joseph McBride

James Miller
Professional Staff Member

Kelly Moore
Professional Staff Member

Charles M. Pereira
Professional Staff Member

John Raidt
Professional Staff Member

John Roth
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

Peter Rundlet

Lloyd D. Salvetti
Professional Staff Member

Kevin J. Scheid
Staff Member & Team Leader

Kevin Shaeffer
Professional Staff Member

Tracy J. Shycoff
Deputy for Administration & Finance

Dietrich L. Snell
Senior Counsel & Team Leader

Jonathan DeWees Stull
Communications Assistant

Lisa Marie Sullivan
Staff Assistant

Quinn John Tamm, Jr.
Professional Staff Member

Catharine S.Taylor
Staff Assistant

Yoel Tobin

Emily Landis Walker
Professional Staff Member & Family Liaison

Garth Wermter
Senior IT Consultant

Serena B.Wille

Peter Yerkes
Public Affairs Assistant

[edit on 21-9-2006 by esdad71]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission’s report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. …

The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations.”

These people know first hand of information that makes the report flawed. Not that they didn't understand what the report said.

I don't know exactly why you listed all of those names BTW

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:30 AM
Is this what you mean about "loose change"?

However, in the Spring of 2006, I saw the documentary, Loose Change, on the Internet. Although not an entirely objective documentary, it raised many serious and disturbing questions about the events of 9/11 that I had previously simply accepted without much critical thought.

Out of all that information, your only concern is he sited "loose change"? WOW. He even mentions that it's not entirely objective.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:35 AM
No, it is that it is the same thing. You read something thinking that maybe this person has found something only to realize they are linking the change in beleifs to a pseudo-documentary about 9/11. Loose Change is garbage, and it is a mind/word game to show an agenda. It was supposed to be a fictional movie folks...

The 9/11 commmision on a regular basis is telling our government what a horrible job they are doing, that is why it is funny to see people write about how they are a lapdog, when they are not.

We need to use our resources to make sure that this does not happen again, not spend time on something where the answer will never change.

You do not need a new investigation, you need to airlines and local government oto use the funds provided to stop terror.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
You do not need a new investigation, you need to airlines and local government oto use the funds provided to stop terror.

Spoken like a true "Patriot". No offense. Don't need a new investigation? Not even into flight 93?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:56 AM
Dad, you post is HILARIOUS...

The FIRST TWO PEOPLE you list wrote a book about how thier comission's report is basicly toilet paper.

I mean COME ON DAD... Keane and Hamilton are your "support base"...

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 11:06 AM
You see,the comission, which so many knock, is filled with regular people who also want the truth. They has a side commision whcih until the end of last year was criticizing what the airlines and our government are not doing to protect us.

No, we do not need a new investigation into 9/11 as a whole. I would like a little more information on the construction of WTC7, and I think 93 was shot down, but that is it.

I think your comment about Keane and Hamilton is a little off also, as they are upset the recomendations put forward in the book that have not been implemented, not upset about content i believe.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
There's tons of scientists, and extremely well educated people among the bunch that do not believe any of this.

Why haven't we heard from them, then?

Are you just assuming that everyone you haven't heard from believes the official story? Because I can tell you right now that that is absolutely false.

Take Griff as an example. He's a structural engineer, but if he wasn't a member here, you'd never have heard of him and apparently would be assuming that he must believe the official story because he isn't coming out and saying crazy things, right? That he'd just be one of the guys in that ambiguous blob of the "scientific community" that totally outpopulates those questioning the official account.

My 2 cents, and here's a third: there's not much point in a building a case simply out of who believes these things. That has absolutely nothing to do with the science. The only reason threads like this exist is because official supporters are too lazy to actually educate themselves, and simply point to the lack of qualified experts (or former lack of qualified experts, and only increasingly so, especially in the past few months) in agreement.

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