Have you heard about this new bill passed in the House, "HR 3077: the International Studies in Higher Education Act" Basically it says that any
university international studies departments that doesn't show more support for American foreign policy will risk their federal funding! Holy crap!
That means if you are a professor and you say that the Iraq war was a bad idea, the gov't comes in and takes away your funding. Basiclaly the House
has turned our colleges into a propaganda machine. If this bill gets signed into law, American education will go into the crapper. I'm sure that
the next stage will be to cut the funding for any science department that claims that Global Warming is real.
Here's some more info on the subject: www.salon.com...
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I think this is one of those grey areas. I'm sure that the government can, but I think it'd be a gross violation of civil rights to punish people
for excercising their right to free speech.
I'm stealing a phrase from colonel here, but Damn those Repugnants...