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Are Drug Abusers Criminals?

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posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 07:55 PM
people are right this is indeed a touchy subject to discuss. i am sure many people here use drugs or at the least know people who do. many would be amazed at who uses drugs. it's not just the down and out. many sucessfull people use drugs, like lawyers, doctors, store managers, the list goes on.

now to answer the question about are they all criminals. well technicaly yes they are just because most drug use is against the law. should drugs then be legalized? some definatly but some i would not want to see legalized that being the "hardcore", masivly addictive ones. those i would like to see go away, those are the ones that contribute most to other criminal activity to get.

many people on drugs are "shadow" users, that is they use but most people don't know it. they function normaly and as i have stated above even have "top" jobs. now if thwy are found out many of these people could loose said jobs, because the drugs they are useing are illigal. is this realy fair? also unfair are hireing practices of companies. many times have i seen signs that "if you use drugs don't even bother to apply". all that does is reinforce or even contribute to heavyer/harder drug use. it is a downward spiral that can destroy people.

many people use weed like most use alcohal. both are bad for your health to a degree. heck alcohal is even more addictive than weed, not to mention that for the most part weed users are typicaly laid back while high, alcohal on the other hand causes many people to become violent. so why is one legal where as the other is illigal. it realy makes no sence.

now to add to the list of drug users that realy don't use crime to pay for their habbit. i know one homeless guy. he makes about $200-$300 a day pan handleing and spends it all on crack. he is neither violent or a major problem. he is polite and curtious even if you don't give him money. so why is it that he is technicaly a criminal? he dosn't do any real harm, he dosn't cost our health care system as he refuses to go to a doctor, partialy because he is afraid that a doctor will turn him in for his drug use. perhapse if there was a legal way to obtain his drug of choice and it wasn't taxed to death that he might be a productive member of society with a real job. as it is he can't afford his addiction with a job so he begs instead to get what he needs.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:17 AM
drogo makes a great point.

It is not just the bums on the street who are fighting the addiction. The difference between the people who work around you every day, and the people you walk by on the street every day is their alibi's.

Someone who is holding down a full-time job and supporting his family can always defend his addiction. They can hide behind their job and continue down the wrong path. Well when they finally lose their job their alibis all collapse. No longer can they defend their actions and its just a spiral down from there.

The individuals who live on the street and fight their addiction have no alibi's for their actions. They have to face their demons head on, which probably puts them even deeper into their darkness.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:06 AM
I have always heard that painkillers, while effective, also have the capability to snuff your life out little by little...

Chissler, i'm sorry about your dad.

Morphine also is given to patients not only to releive their pain but to shorten their life. I'm not quite sure how this works, but i've been told by a pharmacist i used to work for.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:35 AM
my answer to the thread user is loads of people take drugs. if you are someone people would call a loner, you would be more likely to be targeted.

remember how many people in uk and usa take drugs at the weekend. most of these do not commit crimes to get there drugs.

there probably are many a sad story of people who turn to drugs because they just do not fit in or cannot handle the pressure put on them when they are young. does not mean they commited crimes to buy these drugs, but because of what others percieve and profiling of people, people in society get labeled. labeling and pigeon holing in society creates alot of problems for those that just do not fit in, and cannot really go with the flow of life.

it amazes me how if someone is not interested in certain things that others consider norms, they can have there lifes destroyed. for me there is no tolerence at all in this society. like for instance why should it matter to teachers in a school the sexuality of a male pupil. intolerence of people that are different than the norm, can create tremendous problems for individuals, and like the person i was talking about above, it can stay with you the rest of your life.

like i say and the thread starter says, many take drugs, most of whom do not commit crimes, but because of there situation and societies intolerence to people that do not fit in, there lifes can be ruined.

so to answer the thread starter to his question in respect to the case i am talking about, that geezer has never commited any crimes but like many others just does not fit in with peoples norms and will never so he is labeled this and that for the rest of his life, for something that started from school. society seems to want to isolate certain individuals and use them as examples to try to make sure others do not end up like them, like for this individual they seem to have gone through his entire life and tried to use it against him, even though he commited no crimes.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 08:26 AM
IMHO...Regardless of whether or not what the person does to score their fix is legal or not, the actual use of the drug without medical reasons is against the law.
So if Sally-Sue earns a few dollars by raking a few lawns for her elderly neighbors and goes out to spend her earnings on some coc's still illegal. Same as if Jim the bum begs for money all day and goes to buy some crack when he gets enough money, it's still against the law.

Sure, you can hold a steady job and be a completely functional person, contributing to society...but it doesn't stop the fact that it is not legal to buy or take illegal drugs. I don't really agree with the drug laws we have right now...but as it stands drugs are illegal making the people that take them, criminals to a certain degree. (unless you come from a wealthy family...then it just "never happened".....but that's an entirely different thread)

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:25 PM
but why are they illegal. Like I said it's more an issue of greedy lobbyist trying to secure their agendas. Inventing new classes of crime is a great way to do such.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
but why are they illegal.

The drugs are illegal for a reason, and a damn good one.

The powerful chemicals these contain should not be available in corner stores. My problem was with the victim of an addiction being considered a criminal.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by chissler

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
but why are they illegal.

The drugs are illegal for a reason, and a damn good one.

The powerful chemicals these contain should not be available in corner stores. My problem was with the victim of an addiction being considered a criminal.

I agree. They are illegal for a reason. They're dangerous. But as heartless as it sounds, someone addicted to drugs is in fact a criminal..doing drugs is a crime. Regardless of how you pay for the habit. I just wish that instead of them being criminals and going through the system there was a better, more established recovery program. But that's just me....

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by YoBrandonRaps
I agree. They are illegal for a reason. They're dangerous. But as heartless as it sounds, someone addicted to drugs is in fact a criminal..doing drugs is a crime. Regardless of how you pay for the habit. I just wish that instead of them being criminals and going through the system there was a better, more established recovery program. But that's just me....

They are illegal, and the act of taking them is criminal. But I don't feel it makes the individual a criminal. Is a jaywalker a criminal? Failing to signal when turning?

Ok, Ok weak examples but you can understand what I am trying to say.

I agree with the recovery program rather than entering our justice system.

Well said.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:59 AM
Actually very few drugs are illegal but those which are classically abused are strictly regulated. Unlicensed posession of them is the actual crime under federal law. Strange the most dangerous chemical drug substance abused, alcohol, isn't controlled by the FDA but by the Treasury Dept. Same with the next most abused substance, nicotine through tobacoo. I guess we're not spending enough on the other hard drugs to deserve special treatment like booze and cancer sticks.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by crgintx
Actually very few drugs are illegal but those which are classically abused are strictly regulated.

I'm no FDA perfectionist here, but I am strongly under the impression that Cocaine, '___', Heroin, etc. are all illegal drugs.

Could you elaborate exactly what you were trying to say if I have taken your words out of context.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 09:30 AM
First off let me state this loud and clear....

Legalize POT now!!

back to topic
There are a number of factors to consider here.

1.)Illegal drugs- There are two major catagories that I am going to use here.
A.) Chemical drugs(coke,heroin, '___', ect.)
B.) Natural drugs (Mushrooms, Pot, Peyote)

2.)Legal drugs(prescriptions)- which is comprised of literally hundreds of different pharmacuticals.

The stated logic behind why group 1 is illegal(thus making anyone who has them in thier possession "criminal") is:

A.) there is little to no medicinal value.
B.) it fosters other criminal activity
C.) our govt. is trying to protect us

Response for A.)There is medicinal value in Marijuana. Unhindered science is beginning to reveal how this is true. Coke and heroin I will concede is pretty much dead on.. Coke is good as a numbing agent(but thats about all I know its good for)

Response for B.)By making drugs illegal the govt. fosters this other criminal activity. Its a form of entrapment really. If the drugs were legal people wouldnt go to otherwise shady people for thier drugs. In case 1B.(natural drugs) we could be left alone to grow pot and wouldnt deal with any less than reputable people. People that grew pot would no longer be "funding terrorism". But try growing a plant and see what happens.... can someone say felony.

Response for C.) our govt. is NOT trying to protect us and the claim that they are is a bold faced lie. If the FDA cared so much then they wouldnt let many of the dangerous drugs these big pharmas put out on the street. And being that6 the CIA brings in alot of these drugs(namely heroin and coke) its a bit hypocritical of the govt. to make such a claim. The FDA cares so much that companies are aloud to have certain levels of rat parts in their meats. I could go on forever about the hypocrisy in their claim of " we are doing it to protect you"...:dn"

The real reasons why drugs in group 1 are illegal are as follows:

A.)The CIA has been waist deep in selling drugs and guns for decades. Perpetual money maker. Also helps fund the criminal justice system; fuels the blooming prison labor force; helps finance black ops; and will never end making it the best repeat business.
B.)The items from group 1B(natural drugs,herbs) are illegal because they cannot be regulated. In the case of Marijuana it was due to Henry J Anslinger(with the backing of companies like dupont(timber)). Anslinger used lies and racism to turn marijuana into his personal crusade as he rode to power as the countries first drug Czar.

My belief is that All drugs should be legal with the full inderstanding that intoxication of said substances is no excuse for the actions committed while on those drugs. It all comes down to responsibility. Does your lifestyle afford you the time and freedom to pursue a life of drugs use? Do you have to resort to criminal behavior to obtain these drugs? rob, kill, etc.

Does the drug use negatively affect your life or positively?
This is the oneof the most important factors to cinsider. When truly determining whether someone who uses drugs is a criminal; one must first determin the benefits/hazards of drug use. If one can setermin that the use of the drugs benefits them more than hinders they should be left alone to use their drug of choice. Who is to determin this? It should be self governance.

The govt. has no right to police us from ourselves. Police us from one another? absolutely... but not from ourselves. If someone wants to take any drug at all in their home and they do so in a manner that does not hurt anyone else( like driving while under the influence); then what right does a govt have to intercede? simple answer; none.

The problem is that there are always going to be people that abuse drugs whether they are legal or not. One needs look no further than alcohol. How many people die everyday from drunki driving alone? I think I can rest my case with that example.. but Alcohol remains legal though it doesnt have A.) much medicinal value B.) it definately fosters criminal activity. And,C.) if they were truly trying to protect us they wouldnt let this demon(alcohol) fly free. The difference between pot and alcohol is nothing more than the ability to regulate and efficiently tax. Sure anyone can make beer but it takes time energy and dedication.; a real process. With pot its a weed you let it grow... pick... dry... and either eat or smoke. No way the govt can ever effectively tax marijuana. And that is why it is still criminal to this day.

In summation: It is not whether someone takes a drug that determins criminality; but rather, what actions said person uses to obtain the drugs, and also, what actions they do while being on the substance. Our country seriously needs to wake up from this unending nightmare.. that has gone on for over 70 years with no end in sight.... EVER!!!

I could go on in much more depth but I think this is enough for starters.

Thank you for your time,

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:03 AM
Marijuana does serve a medicinal purpose, but is still a huge detriment to your health.

Large amounts of cancerous cells are found in the esophagus of almost every individual who openly admits to smoking about one joint a day.

I have used this drug before just as many others probably have, and I would certainly have a problem with these being legalized. I support the decriminalization of Marijuana, but not legalization.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by chissler
Marijuana does serve a medicinal purpose, but is still a huge detriment to your health.

Large amounts of cancerous cells are found in the esophagus of almost every individual who openly admits to smoking about one joint a day.

I have used this drug before just as many others probably have, and I would certainly have a problem with these being legalized. I support the decriminalization of Marijuana, but not legalization.

Actually... there is no link between even long term pot users and cancer... no link at all...
no link to lung cancer

Heavy marijuana use not linked to lung cancer
Medical Studies/Trials
Published: Wednesday, 24-May-2006

Despite popular belief, a new study shows that people who smoke marijuana do not appear to be at increased risk of developing lung cancer.
It seems even heavy, long-term marijuana users do not appear to increase the risk of head and neck cancers, such as cancer of the tongue, mouth, throat, or esophagus.

Senior researcher, Donald Tashkin, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles says the findings were a surprise as they expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use would increase the risk of cancer from several years to decades after exposure to marijuana.

The study looked at people in Los Angeles County - 611 who developed lung cancer, 601 who developed cancer of the head or neck regions, and 1,040 people without cancer who were matched on age, gender and neighborhood.


There is so many lies and deceptions about pot out there it is stiffling. Pot should not be anywhere near these other drugs.. as far as clasification goes. We have lover 700,000 Americans in prison for pot alone. 70 years running and the war is nowhere near its conclusion.

Because lies and myths are allowed to be perpetuated.

Chissler I can give you information till the cows come home on this one.

some other threads that have some great details about the myths and lies surrounding pot.

truth about Marijuana
Why the emphasis on Marijuana
Marijuana makes your brain grow

and many more threads here at ATS if you google "marijuana"

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:27 AM
I know coc aine is used as a vaso-constrictor in surgery. They inject a solution of it into the operating area because it constricts the blood vessels restricting blood loss, and keeping the operating site on the body visualy clear to make the surgens job a little easier.

Smoking anything can be dangerous to your health. What about eating the chemical THC, or vaporizing it. What are the health side effects of consuming the chemical in this way?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:33 AM
Ahh trickery of words.

I never said it caused lung cancer, I said it caused cancerous cells in the esophagus.

However, this thread is not whether or not Marijuana causes cancer. Lets stay on point with whether or not Drug Abusers are criminals.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:33 AM
First off, awesome post. Very well thought out and put together.

Secondly, I am going to have to agree whole heartedly with Chissler. Decriminalization and not legalization. Good thinking.

And finally, The legalization of all drugs wouldn't really help society as much as I think it might harm it. By legalizing all drugs you would only further the amounts of deaths each year from substance related DUI's, overdoses, crazy man on pcp trip throws a bus across the street or something. We already have an obscene amount of deaths and life ruining events every year because of legal and illegal substances...why add even more substances to the mix? I'm all for the whole theory of if you can't handle shouldn't do it....but unfortunately not as many people have nearly as much common sense and you would hope they would. The legalization of all drugs would enable, if not encourage more heavy drug use for not just adults, but younger children too.

Say Poppa goes to the bar and has a beer, then goes to his local drug store and picks up some drugs. hard drugs. Poppa gets addicted to these drugs because...well ya know, it's not like they're illegal...and ends up spending all the christmas money that he had saved up on drugs. He didn't want to...but he ended up addicted because they were legal. He loses his job because he can't function as well as the job requires. In turn, he loses his home...forcing him and his family to live on the street. Making for a few more unproductive members of society. I could totally see this happening a whole lot. Not to mention...drugs are bad mmkay?

With that said....I'm gonna go eat my burrito and listen to blues traveler.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
I know coc aine is used as a vaso-constrictor in surgery. They inject a solution of it into the operating area because it constricts the blood vessels restricting blood loss, and keeping the operating site on the body visualy clear to make the surgens job a little easier.

Smoking anything can be dangerous to your health. What about eating the chemical THC, or vaporizing it. What are the health side effects of consuming the chemical in this way?

thanks for the coke a blood constrictor..good call..

if Marijuana is eaten or vaporized ther is absolutely no health issues that can arise....NONE.. what-so-ever.

And once again guys.. smoking weed does NOT cause cancer.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:36 AM
Are Drug Abusers Criminals?

Be sure to orient your posts around this topic.

Thank you!

Originally posted by TONE23
thanks for the coke a blood constrictor..good call..

if Marijuana is eaten or vaporized ther is absolutely no health issues that can arise....NONE.. what-so-ever.

And once again guys.. smoking weed does NOT cause cancer.

This is alittle off topic, see if we can turn this thread around again.

[edit on 22-9-2006 by chissler]

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:45 AM
Just a reminder, here.

The topic of discussion is Not the pros and cons of various substances.

Let's please steer the responses back on topic.

Are Drug Abusers Criminals?

Thank you.

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