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NASA(s) Ufo Slip Up live on CNN

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posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:58 AM
People let's please keep this on a normal discussion and not try make fun of by posting crap?

Please review the link below and thank you.

No more scoffing an ridicule

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:11 AM
I saw the same thing as Trinity.

I had the TV on MSNBC w/ Norah O Donnell but not paying much attention
to it, mostly just listening. But what made me look was when O' Donnell
started to ask her guest "what is that?" The guest expert answered "I don't know".
Anyway what I saw then was a different camera view than the shot we've all seen
of the silhouetted blip traveling across the sky w/ the clouds in the background.
This had the look of a camera view in space (high black&white contrast).

What I remember is a little difficult to describe because I only looked for maybe 10 sec. But there was a white "blip" moving around around which was "flashing". The host asked what is that flashing? Then seemingly in the background there appeared to be a much larger disc shaped object in a spinning motion moving right to left at a slightly upward angle in the frame. At this point the show host was laughing nervously and continued to query her guest about what was being shown.

Anyway sorry for the lack of details and long winded explanation. But I can tell
you without a doubt that I too saw what Trinity saw and there is no doubt in my mind that those pictures were not intended to be shown.This video has not been shown again and I have been searching all over the net to find any others that had seen this and was elated when I saw this post. I only wish I had started my tivo but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this video shows up somewhere soon.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:20 AM
I hope someone (anyone) can find this video anywhere and post it soon. I just saw the Nasa News conference on CNN they claimed the object seen in the orginal video was a 4 inch piece of shimstock( ROFLMAO!). I am very interested in this second video... I hope trinjty shows up soon or for that matter anyone with clips!

[edit on 20-9-2006 by GArnold]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:29 AM
Id do it but i need 40 bucks to get a hold of the video

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:39 AM
it's too bad that all that's keeping the world from conclusive proof of UFO's is forty dollars. Those damn conspirators win again!

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 12:11 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 04:19 PM
fox 5 news in new york just said there were five pieces of "space junk" now.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:17 PM
Anyone see the video about the guy doing the investigation on ufo's? trying to prove they exist.. and dan akroid was did the opening for it. Well the rings you see on the videos would very well be a ufo reducing and increasing in energy.. Notice the black hole in the middle? The energy is so high in the center that it is unable to be seen by the human eye. Kinda like infared and such. If you get the chance try to find the video.. if I see it again I will post it.. That may explain why you see the ring get bigger and then smaller. Also, if the highest form of energy we cannot see the ufo because the energy is too high for our eyes to see. Kind of like when you look at a black hole.. There is something there its just too high in energy to be seen with the eye.. It makes sense and if I find the video Iw ill show you.> It shows the nasa tether incident where thousands of ufo's swarm it as it lights up with ton of energy.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:26 PM

This could explain alot.. watch the video and you will see.. it proves alot and the guy is pretty damn smart and I think he may have nailed the button...

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by jdem02

This could explain alot.. watch the video and you will see.. it proves alot and the guy is pretty damn smart and I think he may have nailed the button...

i originally saw that from this site...

this one is also a good one, in two parts...

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by White Chapel
it's too bad that all that's keeping the world from conclusive proof of UFO's is forty dollars. Those damn conspirators win again!

Well... I just want you to know that I've never ROFLed, I think it's terribly uncouth. But I'm ROFLing right now. Thank you very much.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Hello Everyone,

I was invited to add my 2 cents worth to this discussion by sdp333. So here I am. As you might imagine, I'm completely occupied with the current Shuttle flight, STS-115. Today there has been a torrent of e-mail asking my opinion on, and whether I recorded, the objects which have appeared on television "news" in the last 30 hours or so.

I haven't much time to devote to this just now, so let me make it brief. Currently, I have 45 six hour VHS tapes completed from STS-115. Tapes 38 and 39, from overnight on 18/19 September, contain the footage in question. The objects which have caused so much excitement are, in my humble opinion, exactly what NASA says they are. Shuttle based debris. This includes the tumbling black object seen against the clouds over Earth at approximately 1:45 AM CDT on 19 September, and the plastic bag-like object reported later by the crew.

Another person here, (I looked at the threads before posting) reported seeing strange objects dancing about before the payload bay color camera. I also looked at this on my recordings. My considered opinion, after seeing such displays many times over the past decade, is that they are most likely the remnants of a recent water dump.

What NASA, and mainstream news did NOT mention, was the bright object off Atlantis' tail seen by the payload bay camera before all the excitement started over the escaping debris. This object appeared during the multi-ship conference between Atlantis, Soyuz TMA-9, and ISS. The INCO zoomed in on it, played with the focus, distorted its appearance, and finally cut it off. This was the only acknowledgement it received.

Later on Wednesday, when the Flight Day Highlights were run during the crew sleep period, the inter-ship conference was replayed, BUT, alternate video had been substituted! The audio was intact, but the footage of the object had been cut out and replaced with stock footage. If this object was merely ice or debris, as I personally believe the other objects were, WHY was it censored out of the Flight Day Highlights video?

In all, there have been some half dozen, or so, possible anomalies from this flight so far. Lost Shaman was corrrect. I do require time to properly analyze, and research each POSSIBLE anomaly before posting new pages to Project P.R.O.V.E. Accurate reporting absolutely demands this. So, as soon as the dust has settled, and the needed work completed, those events which I finally believe to be genuine anomalous shall be made available at my site for your examination. Good work takes time and effort. Sloppy work done right away. I do try not to be sloppy.

Must dash now... Lots to do. Atlantis is expected to land tomorrow morning in the wee hours. Thanks for your attention.

Jeff Challender - Project P.R.O.V.E.

BTW folks, I have released two new documentary movies of my work. These have been in production for many months. They are offered here.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:59 PM
Interesting, but why does UFOs keep coming up in pictures? Even when there is little or no space debries that match it?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:07 PM
Thanks Jeff for the very comprehensive reply - one of the very many reasons why this site is so cool.

Unless you're a NASA secret agent, obviously.

Thanks again.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:16 PM
Jeff, what about the objects here in a triangle formation:

Moving footage of which is here: n.html

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Jeff_Challender
Currently, I have 45 six hour VHS tapes completed from STS-115. Tapes 38 and 39, from overnight on 18/19 September, contain the footage in question. The objects which have caused so much excitement are, in my humble opinion, exactly what NASA says they are. Shuttle based debris. This includes the tumbling black object seen against the clouds over Earth at approximately 1:45 AM CDT on 19 September, and the plastic bag-like object reported later by the crew.

Another person here, (I looked at the threads before posting) reported seeing strange objects dancing about before the payload bay color camera. I also looked at this on my recordings. My considered opinion, after seeing such displays many times over the past decade, is that they are most likely the remnants of a recent water dump.

Ah but what about the triangular objects? - surely as a (likely) connoisseur of The Secret NASA Transmissions documentary and the tether incident, you would immediately pick up that we are looking at the same objects? Or are you more of the Nasa view that foil objects when brightly lit up from sun can look the same when filmed by the cameras?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:44 PM
I believe a saw a similar anomaly while watching the repairs being done to the space station on the Yahoo live feed of STS115. That was the last thing I remember. When i woke up, I was in the McDonalds drive thru. I ordered a number 4 with no tomatoes. Why is gas so expensive in central New York?

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