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If you're not doing anything wrong, there's nothing to fear...

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posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Very well done!

V is my new hero, and that movie was like a prayer answered when I saw it!

I have been quite disturbed with things long before 9/11

I have seen through all the lies.

I lost hope for quite some time and all I felt I could do was make a plan to educate myself and others on survival...

But it's more than that, I later realized.

The question is how? How can the people unite and prvail? How many of us see that something is wrong ? And out of that number how many will stand up?

The people of this country can't seem to agree, take any topic and the public will split it right down the middle because thats what they want is'nt it? They want us to stay as far from agreement as possible.

I want my freedoms back, have for a long time now and the laws are getting worse and worse, how far are we going to be pushed people? How much can you take before you find your strenth within?

How can we Stand Up? How?

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by StandUpSheeple
The question is how? How can the people unite and prvail? How many of us see that something is wrong ? And out of that number how many will stand up?


How can we Stand Up? How?

I've been giving this some thought, and here's my response.

1.) Vote. In every election you can. And become educated in who you're voting for. Voting along party lines, or against a candidate is just as dangerous as voting for the worst candidate.

2.) Stop vegging out so much. How many hours a week do you waste watching sitcoms, dramas, etc, that have no informative value? One? Five? Ten? Twenty? What percent of your waking, non-working hours dedicated to vegging out on a weekly basis? The less time you spend wasting your life, the more time you can spend improving the world around you.

3.) Research the issues that upset you. How much do you really know about the topics that make you angry? For most people, it's a headline and a couple of photographs and that's it, yet they have a pre-formed opinion based off of what someone else has told them to believe. Research your pet issue. Research BOTH SIDES to find out as much as you can. Be prepared to think from the leftmost or rightmost perspective, because the people you need to convert to your point of view aren't the ones who already feel the same way.

4.) Encourage discussion of taboo topics among your friends and relatives. Politics. Religion. Get each other riled up. Make people defend their beliefs. If they can't defend what they believe in, why do they believe in the first place? Don't let them just parrot what you say, either, make them think. The more people you get to think

5.) Be Prepared. Excercise and Equip. If you can't even walk a paltry three blocks without being completely exhausted, you're out of shape. Do you have any survival gear? Do you even own a canteen and pocket knife? If all else fails, and the voting, the researching, and the community do nothing to improve the situation, and America falls to bad guys, if you lack health and gear, you're better off just keeping quiet and laying low. Always, be prepared.

We cannot afford to be complacent and assume the next generation is going to solve our world's problems. If 9/11 has taught us nothing else, we should all now be well aware that the happy bubble of freedom and wealth that we live in never be taken for granted.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 02:19 PM
Very good. Agree completely. And as to my previous "issue" with the whole get out the vote thing, I think you addressed it perfectly here-

Originally posted by thelibra
1.) Vote. In every election you can. And become educated in who you're voting for. Voting along party lines, or against a candidate is just as dangerous as voting for the worst candidate.

Everyone who really cares needs to follow your advice. It's one thing to post on a forum about how everything sucks. It's another to actually roll up your sleeves and make a difference.

Not only can it make a difference, it's the only thing that ever has.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 01:39 PM
Well, another thing we can fear without doing anything wrong, and further in support of the idea that, yes, there's plenty to fear if you're not doing anything wrong, is this:

Oh, and, by the way, the Bush administration have granted themselves immunity from being prosecuted for war crimes. It is also retroactively dated back to 9/11/2001...

Not only can they now not be prosecuted for anything they already done, but they're pretty much written an E-Ticket to do whatever they want, free of worry about retribution. Der Busher ist now unstoppable... short of the citizens rising up en masse. If he chooses to abuse the power, or to commit crimes even more heinous than a terrorist, there is nothing that can be done, legally, to stop him.

Just thought y'all should know.

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