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why is there so much hatred towards jews?

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posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:23 AM
Yes, the question of why people hate the Jews is, indeed, an interesting question. It is one that I have wondered about for quite some time. That's why I had started a thread asking this very same question not that long ago.

Why do people hate the Jews

It is common to find threads that address the very same topics -- often over and over again. Usually, however, a bit of time elapses before these threads pop up. In this case the time elapsed is less than a couple of months. That's why I would like to address this thread and point people to the above mentioned thread and the excellent discussion on this topic found within.


posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
And also, "Jew" is equivalent to regarding a "black" person a "'n-word'"-just thought you might like to know this if by chance you ever speak face to face or via the net with one.

um, no it isn't. kike, hebe or some other term, maybe. not jew.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:36 AM
well just to set the record straight, I dont hold any negative or stereotypical views about Jewish People I was just trying to find out why all I hear about Jews is the stereotypical things mentioned earlier. In my opinion religion is once again the hindrance.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:31 AM
jew is not a hate word, i watched larry king and john stewart throw the word back and forth as commonly as 'bro', or are you saying that calling a british person a brit, is the same as calling him a 'n-word'...wrong.

i used to work
with a jewish guy, and every time he would get enough money, he would buy an ounce of gold and put it in a safty deposit box. smart guy, but kinda defeated the freewill lifestyle we were leading, he could not escape his own greed, he would always try and get more on every sale. I'm not saying all jews are like this, but the guy really made me laugh, and he seemed to be proud that it was his jewish blood that made him so cheap, he had safty deposit box full of gold and he crashed on my couch every night. OH and he cant go back to israel because he didn't join the israel army when he was 18, so he is practicly banished.

All this i can laugh at, at least i'm not the cheap one, but one thing that does bother me about jews, other than their control over the banking system...

I watched a video on UFO's (old one narrated by #1 from startrek next generation aired on fox) and they had witnesses that claim, when ever there is reports of a UFO, they scramble fighter jets, and try to shoot it down. WTF, what do they know if anything, and why are they pickin fights with something the rest of us dont understand.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by tom goose
one thing that does bother me about jews, other than their control over the banking system...

we control the banking system? somebody forgot to give crakeur the memo. here I am, furiously controlling the media and getting screwed on the interest rates when I control the interest rates too?


you know what I hate? stereotypes. like this one.

anyone who believes stereotypes and anyone who hates a race or color or religion, as a whole, is probably uneducated, ignorant and not worth the energy it takes to flush the toilet.

oh, wait, that isn't a stereotype. it's a truism.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by Crakeur]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 12:43 PM
and it's a good question, given the current events and political atmosphere of late.

I am not anti-semetic...however having said that I am not pro-israeli - not by a long shot.

How are we to deciminate between the two sentiments?

If you are anti-israeli, you are automatically assumed to be, and classified as an anti-semite, which is often not the case at all.

Religion is their politics and there is no separation of the two when trying to form opinions about Israels occupations, political motivations and PR tactics.

To the world they prefer to be refered to as Jews...that's their edge...their identity is one of endless sufferage and persecution. The sympathy ticket and it works, sadly, it works all too well. (Read theire embassy Press release page - specifically about the Pope's lack of mentioning them as having suffered as Jews.)

There is not so much an actual intolerrance to the Jewish faith as there is an intolerance to the action of the Israeli's as a political/military/economic force.

They play religion into every inch of media coverage...those who oppose their human rights violations and political/economic philandering in the world's economy are thusly labeled - Jew haters, anti-semite, pro-terrorist, pro-palestine...etc etc etc ad nauseum.

It's a lose lose.

So what do you do?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by justgeneric
I am not anti-semetic...however having said that I am not pro-israeli - not by a long shot.

How are we to deciminate between the two sentiments?

it's rather simple. you disagree with the politics of the Israeli gov't but you don't hate them for being jewish. I'm jewish but I don't live in Israel. Do you hate me because their politics are not to your liking? That would be like me hating all christians because the president of the US is christian or me hating all muslims because of Osama. Hatred of a group for no reason other than because they are that group is ignorance at its finest.

hating a country for their politics is not the same thing. hell, americans are pretty much disliked globally thanks to the president. I would rather not shoulder the blame for his actions. Actually, now that I think about it, all christians are to blame for the United States' war mongering policies.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:05 PM
My statement/query/ponderance was pointing out NOT that I am hateful (nowhere in anything I posted does it imply or refer to such "ignorance" as you call it...) toward anything other than:

The politics of the Israeli government.
The economic philandering of the Israeli government.
The human rights violations of the Israeli Military and government.

I'll quote myself here:

""There is not so much an actual intolerrance to the Jewish faith as there is an intolerance to the action of the Israeli's as a political/military/economic force. ""

You just demonstrated my point.

Clearly there is no separation of a country's government and it's people when discussing "them" in broad terms. Thusly...people undoubtably are mis-categorized as something they are not. The word hate is tossed around and things get misconstrued and theh points and opinions get lost.

It is a viewpoint that when taken out of context can be manipulated.

I say I disagree with Israeli politics and am therefor anti-israeli - you take this and then manipulate it to mean that I am against Israeli people - personally...despite the fact I clearly stated WHAT my political view was - political - not personal.

So I leave it at that


posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:07 PM
I didn't mean to imply you hated all jews or Israelis. I was saying you hate israeli politics, therefore do you hate me? as an example of how you differentiate the two.

my apologies for making you think I was implying any anti-semitism in you or your comments.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:11 PM
From a practical perspective I would say that people fear their great wealth a power that such a small mysterious group have accrued to themselves. Jews themselves when confronted with this view just put it down to jealousy by others. But there is always in human history a powerful mysterious small group of people that control and enslave the majority. I don't see where the oppressed will ever love the masters anytime soon.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
But there is always in human history a powerful mysterious small group of people that control and enslave the majority. I don't see where the oppressed will ever love the masters anytime soon.

or, there has always been the need to blame others for our own failures and shortccomings and the idea of a non-existent but all powerful mysterious group seems to fit the bill.

let me ask you a question. if we (jews) are so controlling, how come we can't do a better job with the world? how come, throughout history, we have been conquered and chased all over the globe? how come we allowed the germans to slaughter 6 million of us? (wait, I know the answer to this one, larger share of the pie)? How come we don't simply remove the palestinians? How come I haven't been receiving my share of this big, all powerful jewish pie?

I want my slice dammit.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I don't see where the oppressed will ever love the masters anytime soon.

let me ask you a question. if we (jews) are so controlling, how come we can't do a better job with the world? how come, throughout history, we have been conquered and chased all over the globe?

Simple answer is that others have prevented this from happening. I'm not going to get into a discussion about who is a good guy or bad guy or who is on who's side but if one group has great ambitions and cannot achieve them at will then there has to be a counter force against that.. right?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 03:58 PM
so there are two mysterious powerful forces? if my jewish bretheren are unable to control the world in such a manner as to avoid things like the holocaust, suicide bombers, slaughter and expulsion, the inquisition etc, I'd say that the mysterious, powerful group that is controlling things is not us.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:10 PM

I'm not sure what you mean by tight? And also, "Jew" is equivalent to regarding a "black" person a "'n-word'"-just thought you might like to know this if by chance you ever speak face to face or via the net with one.

I think you are exaggerating, every “religious” word could be misinterpreted by the way or manner in which you say the word because of the fact that things are so “taken-to-heart” instead of “to-bed”, so to say that by calling a Jew by the word which identifies him as a follower of Judaism.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
so there are two mysterious powerful forces? if my jewish bretheren are unable to control the world in such a manner as to avoid things like the holocaust, suicide bombers, slaughter and expulsion, the inquisition etc, I'd say that the mysterious, powerful group that is controlling things is not us.

My belief however contentious is that the Jews knowingly and unknowingly are in cahoots with the remnants of what was the templars (freemasonry), and they are the secret power that runs the world. They are preparing for the return of the anti-Christ who will sit in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:31 PM
so the jews and the templars are in cahoots but who is going against my jewish brothers and screwing up the plans? if we are pulling the strings, even with the help of another group, someone is doing a better job going against us. I think it is essential that we know who that third (it is now a third group, right?) group is.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:59 PM

it's rather simple. you disagree with the politics of the Israeli gov't but you don't hate them for being jewish. I'm jewish but I don't live in Israel. Do you hate me because their politics are not to your liking? That would be like me hating all christians because the president of the US is christian or me hating all muslims because of Osama. Hatred of a group for no reason other than because they are that group is ignorance at its finest.

So true also shows such narrow-mindedness as well as ignorance. Which in ways are kind-of an “analogy” of one another.

If you are anti-israeli, you are automatically assumed to be, and classified as an anti-semite, which is often not the case at all.

I know what you mean, I don’t so much hate Jews/Israel I just think its just such an injustice to Palestinians, which is unreasonably justified.

I say I disagree with Israeli politics and am therefor anti-israeli

I myself am more against the “politics to do with Israel”

From a practical perspective I would say that people fear their great wealth a power that such a small mysterious group have accrued to themselves. Jews themselves when confronted with this view just put it down to jealousy by others. But there is always in human history a powerful mysterious small group of people that control and enslave the majority

does that not sound uncannily familiar to another Mysterious group ?

if my jewish bretheren are unable to control the world in such a manner as to avoid things like the holocaust, suicide bombers, slaughter and expulsion, the inquisition etc, I'd say that the mysterious, powerful group that is controlling things is not us.

What if your "Bretheren" were in on it? planned it? All so that they could have (here comes that word again) "sympathy" in their plight to have land that is totally undeserved. The fact is they do control the world in a sense that they own the US (GOV & other Top organisations which hold the pursestrings) and that far from trying to "avoid" the "Holocaust" made sure it happened. Hey, and think about this alot more Christians both Catholic and Protestant died in that war infact something like 10X+ compared to a Jewish population that today only numbers 14.5million.

The connection with Freemasonry like someone else mentioned is not irrational, when you look at the facts it is in "fact" HIGHLY RATIONAL.

Lets say what I have said is all true, The top Jewish money-men in the world are all going to be living in one place (at least their Permanent residence) the US, they aint going to let it known to any "Jew" he is connected with Freemasonry because by all rationability he will be one of the main hierarchy. Ill show you what one of Freemasonrys "greats" Albert Pikes controversial quotes,

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry ... It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whose attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain."

So this guy is stating that for the main "degrees" gain they will abuse power and trust by "deceivng" the "blue" degree, which may be your average Freemason or Jew for that matter.

Why do I say this because I believe a lot of what has happened in the past century arent just some extraordinary coincidences I believe that alot of them were "force-staged" or planned so that radical sects of religion (and not ISLAM BTW, yes I know what you were thinking) and other organistions with hidden agendas could bring about devastation in the world leading to a "Great war" worse than all wars before, possibly the end of the world, surprisingly all for their gain.


Albert Pike

[edit on 21-9-2006 by marcopolo]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:11 PM

And there are no aliens by the way.

thats depends on what you consider aliens. if your talking hollywood aliens or are talking beings that is not from this planet....this is what jesus claimed thru the new testament, that he is not from this world. he even said he is going away to prepare and will return again. the creator is not from this planet, he created this planet. as far as what people are seeing across the globe and have been for thousands of years (ufos), i belive these to be fallen angels that have been here since the beginning and of course far more advanced and powerful than we are. they have been cast down to this place and will remain here until the return of christ. they didnt become dumb once they got here...they are among us every day. i dont even consider them from this planet. anyway, you know sun i agree with you on everything you say up to this point. i understand the history and how satan has moved in and out of each chapter of it and understand his pattern thru the ages. i see the religions and their how they are under the influence of satan himself...its like you said the symbols are very obvioius thru all religions. i understand why the jews are being singled out. any "christian" or human for that matter should know all of this like thier souls depended on it. but the delusion is strong. anyhow, just thought id chime in.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by Funkydung]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:17 PM
it is NOT just muslims in England who hate the Israeli government, most people do

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:36 PM

I agree but you would have been better saying the UK rather than just England.

this thread is all about unjustified hatred for the Jews, though I would like to point out that I cannot stand the ignorance shown to Muslims in this country, It is conjured by the media and Government as the "new/old" enemy who is extreme and unreasonable because of a select "few". It really is "brainwash" material. Everyday you hear snidey comments. Who is to blame apart from the US? The MEDIA as a whole. I do not condone what some Muslims have done but am asking for people to condone their own stereotypical views.

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