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Lunar Strip Mine in John Lear's Moon Photos??

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posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Originally posted by stumason


Why all the secrecy then? I don't understand. It would be more cost effective to have the entire population behind the project, that way, you can utilise the entire nations industry.

No. You job is to pay your taxes and die.

Why are they mining the moon in secret, using secret, giant machines flown there in giant, secret triangular...secret things...

See above answer.

Do they get off on it? I mean, all the secrecy...there's so much of it, it's almost pornographic....

Yes. There is something about an ID badge hanging around your neck with a a lot of the squares key punched. The irritating thing is that you always run into someone who has more key punches in his badge than you do.

I'd like to believe and I do see what you point out in the images. What i have a problem with is..... Why?


posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Prote
So we shipped this stuff to the moon with man made ufo's made from recovered craft, roswell et al and they've been busying themselves on the moon and around the SS for the last few decades! Thats really sneaky.

Sneaky is what we are good at... why mess with success?

But things are not as secret as everyone thinks, you just have to dig around a little and you will find some amazing stuff...

like this...

Look at the wings... no aelerons... what steers this triangle?

...replacing traditional mechanical actuators, which move like wing flaps to control an air vehicle’s flight control surfaces, with plasma actuators that require no moving parts and are more reliable...


No this is not a hoax...its direct from the Air Force Research Lab
A publicly available document...

Now ask yourself... if THIS is being released for public knowledge what else have they got?

Now what I have a problem with is why it always has to be "alien" tech that we 'reverse engineered" Why can't it be the other way around just once? In the 20's and 30's there were some pretty smart people around, Einstien, Tesla, Moray to name a few... we had all kinds of radical ideas and even the Nazi's toyed with disck shaped thingies...

May Roswell was one of ours that crashed... and like John said its beeen 4.4 decades...

Don't get me wrong, I don't say there are no Aliens, just give us hapless two legged critters some credit. It also amazes me that people can say we are too dumb to create such tech, yet we are smart enough to dismantle an alien ship, figure out what makes it tick, and reproduce them...

Rich23 did a survey question 1 was "Do you believe aliens are visiting" question #8[?] was "Do you believe we are "reverse enginnering Alien craft" You would be surprized how many said "No" to the first and "Yes" to the second

[edit on 25-9-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 02:46 AM
Anomalie from Copernicus1.full.gif, I call the transparent barrier.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 03:27 AM
Hmmmm lesse now what shall I call THIS one?

Oh heck how about plain and simple...


[still kicking myself for missing this]...

Here is a little help... in case you really can't see the arched tunnel supports...

If this doesn't make you think, perhaps nothing will

[edit on 25-9-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 03:29 AM
To the left of the Arches is this little curiosity...

You can see the shadow BENEATH the object, though I have no idea what it is

and on #5 There is this strange tower with strange shadow... ordinary rock and camera "issue" I suppose...

Now that I have the pieces I can put the puzzle together
I will mark all the "finds" on the big pictures on both views and link them tomorrow

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 04:10 PM
Hey John

As the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where is yours ?

You seem to be saying the mining operation is human, and not alien. Is that correct ?

What contractors are involved in making these pieces of equipment specifically ? What launch sites are used to get the equipment up there, specifically ?
Where does the money come from ? Even the black budget has limits. You can't hide a trillion dollars impact on the economy, you just can't

according to what I have been able to find, "These tremendous machines can cost over $100 million, take 5 years to assemble, require 5 people to operate, weigh more than 13,000 tons"

outfitted for the moon, these pieces of equipment must be incomprehensively expensive, and take forever to build

and lastly, where are they taking the helium3, and what are they using it for ?

to me, your game seems to be to attract attention, and then claim ignorance of any details

reminds me of a guy named titor honestly

[edit on 25-9-2006 by syrinx high priest]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 05:11 PM
Originally posted by syrinx high priest

Hey John

As the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

That phrase was coined by Carl Sagan and was part of his government sponsored disinformation campaign which, I might add, was very, very successful. All extraordinary claims require is proof. Thats all. No extraordinary evidence is required.

Where is yours ?

Well if you are referring to my claims of mining operations on the moon, I guess that would be obvious. Since you or I won't be going to the moon anytime soon my proof will have to wait. But just because I cannot prove it today doesn't mean its not true today.

You seem to be saying the mining operation is human, and not alien. Is that correct ?

Well let me clarify, it might be a joint venture. And also let me say that there are human aliens. So the operation might be operated by human aliens and humans, as you call them. Thats us, I guess.

What contractors are involved in making these pieces of equipment specifically ?

I don't know but if if had to guess probably Fluor, Morrison Knudson (or whatever they call themselves these days), certainly Halliburton would be right up there on the list. Any major contractor that is currently contracting the the government could be involved.

What launch sites are used to get the equipment up there, specifically ?

Most launches or actually its a 'levitation' because it is all anti-grav. The only reason rocket propulsion is used these days is to distract the public. As far as sites most are probably in Australia.

Where does the money come from ?

The manufacture, sale and distribution of illegal drugs is the primary source. Looting of government funds, bank fraud, savings and loan fraud are also right up there.

Even the black budget has limits.

Actually, the way it works, the black budget has no limits but the black budget is not used for any of the really secret stuff.

You can't hide a trillion dollars impact on the economy, you just can't.

Well, actually you can. You can even steal and hide $2.3 trillion. Ask Dov Zakheim.

according to what I have been able to find, "These tremendous machines can cost over $100 million, take 5 years to assemble, require 5 people to operate, weigh more than 13,000 tons"

That description of a tremendous machine, my friend, is very small potatoes compared to what we can manufacture and ship to the moon. Very small.

outfitted for the moon, these pieces of equipment must be incomprehensively expensive, and take forever to build

They are not 'incomprehensively' expensive, but they are not cheap. Forever is a long, long time. Some can take a few years but not 'forever'.

and lastly, where are they taking the helium3, and what are they using it for ?

Someone proposed that heliuim3 would be valuable to mine. I personally doubt it but the truth is I don't know what they mine. I hope its not gold. I hate competition.

to me, your game seems to be to attract attention, and then claim ignorance of any details.

Sounds like a plan.

reminds me of a guy named titor honestly

You mean John Titor? You know him? I just had dinner with him on the moon!

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Where does the money come from ?

The manufacture, sale and distribution of illegal drugs is the primary source.

That point makes a lot of sense. The drugs industry is mind-bogglingly huge. I wonder how many among us knows no one who partakes in illegal drugs at least occasionally.

Here we have the biggest drug story of the day. Imagine the screaming headlines: "U.S. Government The World's Leading Drug Peddler." It would surely sell papers. But the story passed virtually unreported, and with not a hint of the obvious conclusions.

Another aspect of the drug problem, which also received little attention, is the leading role of the US government in stimulating drug trafficking since World War II. This happened in part when the US began its postwar task of undermining the anti-fascist resistance and the labor movement became an important target.

In France, the threat of political power and influence of the labor movement was enhanced by its steps to impede the flow of arms to French forces seeking to reconquer their former colony of Vietnam with US aid. So the CIA undertook to weaken and split the French labor movement - with the aid of top American labor leaders, who were quite proud of their role.

The task required strikebreakers and goons. There was an obvious supplier: the Mafia. Of course, they didn't take on this work just for the fun of it. They wanted a return for their efforts. And it was given to them: they were authorized to reestablish the heroin racket that had been suppressed by the fascist governments - the famous "French connection" that dominated the drug trade until the 1960s.

By then, the center of the drug trade shifted to Indochina, particularly Laos and Thailand. The shift was again a by-product of a CIA operation - the "secret war" fought in those countries during the Vietnam War by a CIA mercenary army. They also wanted a payoff for their contributions. Later, as the CIA shifted its activities to Pakistan and Afghanistan, the drug racket boomed there.

The war on (certain) drugs

The sale of illegal goods has always been a great money spinner, and none more so that illicit substances. Could the worldwide use of drugs by all races, all classes, all creeds really be an accident, or is it in actuality just another "stealth" tax paying for advances being made in the "black" world?

[edit on 25/9/06 by Implosion]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:27 PM
can you provide a connection between the aforemantioned contractors and this program ?

can you provide evidence of these alien/humans ?

did john order red or white wine ?

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:39 PM
Originally posted by syrinx high priest

can you provide a connection between the aforemantioned contractors and this program ?

Money, influence.

can you provide evidence of these alien/humans ?

No but if you see someone that looks exactly human but has vertically slit pupils, ask him where he is from.

did john order red or white wine ?

I can't remember. It was ten years from now.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:52 PM
Im sorry to go off topic, but the question and answer thread for John Lear has been closed. John in the other thread you mentioned that rep. beings live in underground cities on Earth. Are these Reps. decendants of dinosaurs? or are they not from Earth?

Also you say that upto 90 differant aliens are visiting Earth, but just how many of these aliens are involved in the Experiment that we are taking part in...?

There seems to be stories about cities or aliens on the moon going back centuries, from what I have read our solar system seems to be full of life of one shape or another.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:32 PM
john, thanks for humoring a skeptic. I hope I haven't offended you in any way.

I meant a direct connetion, documents, blueprints, creative accounting...

do you have any evidence of the levitation technology you referenced ?

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 08:41 PM
Originally posted by syrinx high priest

john, thanks for humoring a skeptic. I hope I haven't offended you in any way.

Of course not.

I meant a direct connetion, documents, blueprints, creative accounting...

I know what you meant. No, there is not the slightest evidence of a connection.

do you have any evidence of the levitation technology you referenced ?

Like everything else the evidence is circumstantial. Anti-grav would be a high priority right? It would be the ultimate transportation.

OK. So when is the very last story you read in Aviation Week & Space Technology or any other military oriented magazine about any, thats ANY research on anti-grav. Does that sound reasonable to you? The reason you haven't read anything is that the problem was solved 46 years ago and they don't want anybody even speculating about what may be going on now.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 09:05 PM
Jeeze I missed out on all the fun. Why cant we get any of you OOBE and Remote viewers to check these things out? I always say please to, and they run away.

Good job so far, I believe this is ancient to btw. Any of you are fimilar with the great year????

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz
Jeeze I missed out on all the fun. Why cant we get any of you OOBE and Remote viewers to check these things out? I always say please to, and they run away.

Good job so far, I believe this is ancient to btw. Any of you are fimilar with the great year????

Great site. I've read Hamlet's Mill. What an awesome work that was! I don't agree with all its premises but the research alone is worth every penny!

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
do you have any evidence of the levitation technology you referenced ?

Oh let me...

Here is something that is being done in college labs across the country. Its true antigravity by simply applying an electric charge... all you need is a bit of balsa wood and aluminum foil...

If this can be done at home on a small scale, what do you think the government can do with it?


All kinds of goodies like that at PEGASUS

But umm you have to read a little

[edit on 25-9-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Oh let me...

Here is something that is being done in college labs across the country. Its true antigravity by simply applying an electric charge... all you need is a bit of balsa wood and aluminum foil...

If this can be done at home on a small scale, what do you think the government can do with it?


Where's the one where the guy lifted a bowling ball and a bunch of other stuff using antigrav?

[edit on 25-9-2006 by undo]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by undo
Where's the one where the guy lifted a bowling ball and a bunch of other stuff using antigrav?

That one is sonic levitation, Undo... wouldn't work in space

And John is correct that we solved it over 40 years ago. We actually had the answer to free energy back then too, but your elected officials don't think you deserve it yet

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 05:40 PM
I posted this on the "Moon Pictures" thread, but it's clearly more applicable here:

I'm operating off the following assumptions:

The mining operation is run by humans from earth. (If aliens are running things up there then these questions are obviously pointless.)

The humans hail from a single country (that is to say, it is not a multinational effort…call me a skeptic, but China, Japan, Britain, the U.S. cooperating on something like this and keeping it absolutely secret? Nope.)

The humans are mining Helium-3 as an energy alternative for use here on earth. (I know there are other valuable resources up there but, I think we can agree, none more so than He3.)

So here’s what I don’t get (and there may be perfectly good answers here...I just don’t have the knowledge to come up with them):

Once the initial MASSIVE expenditure is made to establish mining operations (and I default to the word “massive” only because I can’t think of a single word that would do the monetary amount justice), almost 15,000 tons of regolith (lunar soil) has to be warmed up to about 1500 degrees (F) in order to produce 1 ton of He3. Does an operation like this really make economic sense?

Obviously shuttles would need to be heading back and forth, picking up the He3 payload and bringing it back to earth. I think those of you living in California or Florida will agree: you can’t exactly “sneak” those things into our atmosphere…it’s a very recognizable event. One that doesn't go unnoticed.

As you may have heard, the fossil fuel lobby is very strong here on earth. (No Bush jokes please…) An abundant source of He3 puts them, essentially, out of business. That’s a lot of power evaporating. As we know, power like that doesn’t really evaporate…it has to be ripped away with a bang. Many oil folk have access to the most secret of information. If they caught even a whiff of this, they would blow the lid off it in a second. Wouldn't they?

That’s what I have for the moment.
Feel free to tear up my assumptions and answer my questions.

I may be wrong…I really may…but logistically, it doesn't work for me.

Help me out.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
Obviously shuttles would need to be heading back and forth, picking up the He3 payload and bringing it back to earth. I think those of you living in California or Florida will agree: you can’t exactly “sneak” those things into our atmosphere…it’s a very recognizable event. One that doesn't go unnoticed.

I can answer this one for John.

It goes unnoticed because they aren't using rockets and shuttles as we know them. They're using antigravity vehicles, usually launched from Australia. The sound is negligible when compared to a rocket and the atmosphere reentry wouldn't be as difficult and noticeable (a meteorite-esque streak in the sky) as a shuttle/capsule.

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