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'SPOOKS' TV series of MI5 drama unfolds in real life too.

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posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 07:31 PM
'The government introduces draconian emergency measures in response to a series of terrorist attacks. MI5 fear that influential establishment figures are behind the attacks and may be planning a coup.'

This is an episode aired on BBC1 on Monday night if anyone saw a few hours ago.

Basically there was going to be a false airplane attack on london by terrorists set up by the governemnt to set up a new law to take our freedoms away.

What i find funny is the recent scare in london about the 9 planes planned for the hijacking.

Is it me or is Spooks quite spot on, either the writers know something as they do know more than us anyway or just coincidence. Look at the rights of taken away already at airports in the UK. Some people have even speculated as fabricated story. What would life in the UK been like if it did take place?

Other episodes have predicted plots before real situations have taken place. Do they know something? Maybe a few pychics work for them too. Spooks = MI5 OR MI6 remember

Again its about TV shows being freakingly true before events happen.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:46 PM
I posted this a bit late yesterday was wondering why no one got attention. Either that or this post is complete rubbish.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:52 PM
Was there not a coup in Thailand today of some type, maybe yet again a bit of strange that the next day after the episode a country is suffering from one too.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:54 PM
You have to take into account that alot of journalists and such like a 'irregular' members of the secret service and secret intelligence services - They can go with a good cover and with trust to alot of countrie and not be hassled as bad as an unknown would be - Point in case is the BBC crew that went to Libya....

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by The time lord

Again its about TV shows being freakingly true before events happen.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by The time lord]

Or is it about programming, in the truest sense of the word. Like the bad guys in the movies in the 80's just happened to be Spanish/Columbian? Like the 3rd Blade movie(current), where the original vampire just happened to be from Iraq?

BTW, I'm thinking this would go better in Education and Media?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 05:03 PM
HI the guy above,

I have blade 3 on DVD not bad really. That vanpire from Iraq happened to be from Iraq because the Bible makes the second most mentioned place in its scripture. Also known for its home of demonds and the 4 angles standing at the Euphaties river and where Eden once was.

Its a bit like the lone gun men X-files spin off series when the plane was heading for the Twin towers. Maybe there are hidden warnings that inspire writers who delve deep into their concentration and ask God for help for the plot to work out and selling the story. maybe in doing so God does a bit more inspiration that is hidden from us because we are blind from it. Just a theory.

[edit on 19-9-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
HI the guy above,

I have blade 3 on DVD not bad really. That vanpire from Iraq happened to be from Iraq because the Bible makes the second most mentioned place in its scripture. Also known for its home of demonds and the 4 angles standing at the Euphaties river and where Eden once was.

I see what you're saying BUT why now? Vampire lore has exsisted around central Europe, in film, since it's inception. Why wasn't this connection made before? See what I mean? Using a known enemy to promote films(agenda).

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:16 PM
Hi there I am not sure why in this particular film movie had Babylonian vampire maybe they went back further to history to dig a new story up as the main ones were killed off. It was made after Saddam's reign not before so maybe as the situation in Iraq is in the air they did not feel threatened by having to be politically correct, maybe because they are at war and lack TVs in Iraq.

But apart from that it seemed a brave move and used Historical iraq and not modern, its political history has never been liked apart from musium stuff.

I am not sure Blade was picking on Iraq but I think Spooks showed more realism that the events did happen rather than make a statement, a lot of episodes got it right when it came to reality.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:06 PM
just to correct the original posters take on the storyline. It was not the government who plotted the coup
its was an external commitee comprising of powerful people in Media, Intelligence (MI6 evil, M15 saved the day), Business (the energy baron) and a highly trusted government advisor to the PM (trade secretary). They even tried to kill and silence those within government (including the home secretary), who discovered the plot and who were against it.

However yes, its is believed that the plotters staged terror attacks, to whip up panic, in order to force through 'safeguards of democracy' that was infact a trojan horse, that gave executive draft authority to the Corportate energy giant, who was financed by the Russian mafia, and was involved in various dodgy deals.

By persuading the PM to put the bill through parliament, a bill worded cleaverly enough to pass through the parliament and lords. It would form an unelectable dictaroship that would have come to power with bloody on it hands.

It was a damn good episode. And then the next day, we get a coup in Thailand, which is strange. Although spooks predicted an event before hand, but I can't remember the exacts! The people that make the show have ex security services background, and theres speculation that they are dropping hints, but I doubt it, its all in the name of entertainment.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:27 PM
Since you were talking about the movie Blade 3, I am sure that the vampire was from Syria?

Anyway yes I agree that governments (notably a corrupt american one) will actively seek any means possible to support them. 9/11 effectively brainwashed everyday people who will come in from work and take in anything they see on the news at 6, its very easy to do my mum and dad do it everyday, such a major event gave global (in-a-sense) support to carry out a very "touchy" operation which was the WOT and War in Iraq...

when the terror plot for the planes was foiled it made the gov look good that they had dealt with something major whilst at the same time redressing the threat from "terrorists", which makes everyday people pissed and angry and wanting the heads of whoever the newsnetwork says is responsibles head on a pole...

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Sometimes I think that being artistic and setting the mind in a concentrated fashion, like to write a script can maybe help harness the mind into seeing into the future or working out what you would do in a situation and mirror it like an investigator. To me it could be a mixture of both. I also read that the Police are using TV based artists to help with certain fields of investigation, I guess a creative mind seeks out the dangerous minds in an opposite motive.


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