Willie Nelson and 4 others where cited today for a 1 1/2 possession of Marijuana on a Louisiana Highway. After recording two new songs for an upcoming
Willie Nelson and four others were issued misdemeanor citations for possession of narcotic mushrooms and marijuana after a traffic stop Monday
morning on a Louisiana highway, state police said.
The citations were issued after a commercial vehicle inspection of the country music star's tour bus, state police said in a news release.
"When the door was opened and the trooper began to speak to the driver, he smelled the strong odor of marijuana," the news release said. A search of
the bus produced 1 1/2 pounds of marijuana and 0.2 pounds of narcotic mushrooms, according to state police.
Yup,... me made a mistake
I should learn the map of the US better.
Wrong state, different laws.
edit-correction in facts
consider this post null and void
Wow! I think the laws in Louisiana have changed drastically since I left, if you only get a misdemeanor citation for a pound and half of marijuana.
That really is a lot of pot.
All the people on Willie Nelson's bus said the pound and a half of pot was theirs, so when they divided it up among everybody on the bus, the weight
of the pot per person was only a misdemeanor.