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Saddam makes a good point.

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posted on Nov, 4 2002 @ 07:43 PM
I want more real life experiences from you NWO....

....and you know...all the people here that I know of that seemed to agree with Europe's policies and habits, are fairly immoral people...Take Adam Corola...I think generally he is a good man, but rather then promoting Whores and sluts who are 16 years old to go kill themselves and rid themselves of our great decent society. He simply promotes birth control, and safe sex, totally not adressing the issue that a 16 year olds (and even younger ones call in) shouldn't be having sex in the first place.

There are two people every person must be, himself, and his social self, Adam Corrola is a good "himself" but poor Social Self, and I feel he reflects most of Europe as well.

It's ashame we don't have better behaved children...

no signature

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 09:52 AM
You miss the point completly about why I post those and other links.i'am not trying to debunk anything.Just show that you do not live in a perfect world either.If you got off your pedastal and took a look around you would see that.

I f I wanted to walk around drunk,I can ,as long as I don't cause problems.
And it is a pretty sick country that lets children drink.I bet people have short lifespans and major ploblems with alcholism.I knew several Irish,Scottish,and French people,they are all dead now.Not one of them lived to see 60.Yep wonderful country you got.
Real life experince,you have no clue.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 01:15 PM
I am not saying EU is perfect, far from it, we too have censored media just like the US where only one side of the story is being told.

But about us being freer that is a fact, have you never had a party when you were young, over here kids have fun at the age of 16 and we were allowed to have alcohol in bars, am I a drunk nope, are all my friends drunks nope, is my country sick for being lenient nope. And what freemason says about having more people and thusfore also more prisoners may be true but I have taken that into account. The ratio free people versus detainees is still 20 to 1 compared to a EU country.

So if a US state has 15 million people and a EU state has 15 million people then the incarceration rate in the US still is 20 times higher.

Also freemason, I have studied law and I know for a fact that the constitution that you know or think you know is not what it used to be. Thanks to your nice president mr. Bush many new amendments are in place that actually defy many statements made in your constitution. Like I said you think you are free but you really aren't. The glory days of the 60's are over, you are entering a new arena, one you have not fully explored, this is clear to me or you would not be making these assumptions of how free you are. And then the clear nonsense statement of being freer then Europe, come on do you really believe this yourself???

Also to remember is that we as Europeans have been living in our societies for over 1800 years while the US was still bare country with some indians, we will see if you gain that same age and wisdom and still have the same liberties. Also remember that there is no such thing as Americans, what you really are is Europeans, englishmen, frenchmen, germans, jews,..... who flocked to the states during the European industrial revolution, with this I am saying that your country still has alot to learn, you are only a little over 200 years old and have waged more wars then any European country combined. So who is most civil here, who has learned the most how to live with other cultures and who has learned how to live in peace??? Are we waging wars in the east, are we fighting over oil, have we taken it upon ourselves to keep waging wars until every browncolored person on this planet has been eradicated, have we deployed the only 2 nukes in Human history, are we claiming thats space is ours to control, have we been putting up bases everywhere around the world, are we interfering with other cultures and putting up our own shadow governments, have we disagreed with the Kyoto treaty, have we disagreed on the non-proliferation treaty, have we disagreed on the non-ballistic treaty, .............??? THE ANSWER IS NO ON ALL ACCOUNTS for the EU and yes on all accounts for the US!!!!

I could go on typing on the dotted lines but I think I have made my point more then clearly.

And I really would like to see things from your point of view freemason but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:01 PM
I must be getting old but is 16 too early of an age to be drinking in bars? Do any parent here wish to see their children drinking in bars that early? Indeed the US is a young country - but w/ the longest standing government. I don't think we have as much to learn as we have much to offer. It's a joke when people say we can't live with other cultures - the US is quite diverse my friend. That's why it's said we're a melting pot. We have no distinct culture of our own. Don't forgot why many Europeans flocked to the 'new world' either! Why exactly did they want to come here again, Illuminati-NWO? Sorry to go down this path again, but Europeans should be happy at some wars the US waged. With out the US, Germans and Communists would have obliterated EU countries � anything left would be certain to fall under the control of one of them, probably the Soviets. Bases all over? Yet you have countries, like Bahrain and Qatar who state publicly that having a US presence is VITAL to their own national security. Do you think Kuwait wants the US to leave? How about S. Korea? I know many Koreans, including my best friend that would hate to see the US leave. Missile treaty? With the latest revelation that N. Korea has nukes (keep in mind their ballistic missile capability) a missile defense has my vote! And you probably have no idea that the US recently signed an agreement w/ Russia to eliminate nukes. And whose money is it that goes towards maintaining and dismantling nukes in Russia?

[Edited on 5-11-2002 by Bob88]

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:05 PM
The glory days was the 60's for us? Man you are delusional, aren't you?
The president, any president, has established new amendments? I fear you are more than merely delusional.

The 60's was the beginning of the rapid decline in our culture. Out the window went responsibility and a sense of rugged individualism. Yeah, European society was around back when this continent was even known about to Europe, true, but a handful of Europeans had had enough of Europe as it was and struck a trot to the new continent and built a powerhouse.

As far as teenage drinking is concerned, it seems to me that the U.S. has created an enviroment to where the legal age to drink is a rite of passage, causing less than disciplined people to view enjoying a good beer (as if we are capable of making a good beer in this country) a need to get blitzed. I don't think we've handled that particular topic very well. It's a bit too late now to alter the course, but I'd have handled it a bit differently. I also think the Bible-Belt mentality of demonizing a beer is stupid. While drunkeness is a sin, Christ made the best wine ever tasted by the human tastebuds at a wedding party. Once again, it is the lack of discipline that takes a good thing and makes it bad.

NWO, if you are currently living in Europe, would you drink a good Hefe Weissen for me and say, "This beer is for my conservative nut bag fellow poster in the Land of Lousy Beer"?

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:18 PM
Lupe, are you serious? So-damn-insane the "Democratically Elected leader" of Iraq? Holy Shiite, Batman, Loopy has REALLY lost it this time...

There were two choices on the ballot in Iraq this year...

1. Saddam for President

2. Please rape and kill my whole family for not voting for Saddam

Get a clue, Loopy. You just sound stupid every time you make those assinine comments like that...

Remember; It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're an idiot, than to open it an remove all doubt...

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
The glory days was the 60's for us? Man you are delusional, aren't you?

With the 60's as glory days I mean the US constitution was greatly unblemished and actually made sense, I am not talking about how politicians abused stuff, I am not talking about war, I am not talking about anything that happened in the 60's. My main point rests entirely on the constitution in the whole!!!!

Again you start twisting my words and fail to read into the context.

I know that what I say is true, just go to your library and crossreference the laws made in the 60's and compare these with the latest ones from 2002. After you have done this come back and explain to me the big differences and explain to me why you indeed are being robbed of your freedoms. I know this but its up to you to investigate, whatever I say will land on deaf ears anyways.

Seeing is believing is what I allways say and believe it you will Thomas.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 03:00 PM
What are you worried about laws when you first mentioned amendments? Wh yare you worried about 2002 when you can go back a decade and really read executive orders and U.N. agreements that rendered the constitution a moot point anyway?
You are looking at the constitution in a myopic and half-learned manner. You have a point to a degree but not for the actual legal reasons. I don't have to go to the library as I'm surrounded by thousands of dollars' worth of books, from the simple Black's Law dictionary to federal rules of civil procedure to the consitution, Articles of Confederation and the amendments. When you invest in the material out of your own pocket, spend a few years studying and researching then you get back to me. As it is, you aren't even to a point to where I can have a reasonably intelligent conversation about this government, its foundation and where it has gone awry. I doubt you ever will as you have no vested interest in the state of this union, nor do you seem to understand what the nation was all about to begin with or where it was suppose to go. Your mere mention of the 60's as its glory days is indicative of that, as that is when it started to take a severe nosedive in its governmental affairs, particularly in the documentation, statutes, and international agreements.
My research and studies are about over as I see our future in dire straits and realize that soon our constitution will be negated because of last century's sell-out to the U.N. by our "leaders", and I don't think you, judging by your postings, have an idea what that means.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 03:18 PM
Would you please tell me what rights I have lost.Ihave read the Patriot Act and other admendments.But I have seen no effect.I'am free to do as I please.And if the best thing you can say about living in Europe is an earlier drinking age,then it is a sad place to live.I would thinnk there are more important things in this world than having a beer.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 03:29 PM
You haven't lost any freedoms. The only people who have anything to worry about are the criminals. Most of what the conspiracy theory people here do is create panic with their lies and propaganda. IT's actually a form of terrorism, if you think about it. The goal is in the name...TERRORism...right???

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 03:37 PM
That is my point.You hit the nail on the head AR.

But you will never hear them admit it.It is even funnier because most of the finger pointing comes from people on another continent.And they have no real understanding of America.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
What are you worried about laws when you first mentioned amendments? Wh yare you worried about 2002 when you can go back a decade and really read executive orders and U.N. agreements that rendered the constitution a moot point anyway?
You are looking at the constitution in a myopic and half-learned manner. You have a point to a degree but not for the actual legal reasons. I don't have to go to the library as I'm surrounded by thousands of dollars' worth of books, from the simple Black's Law dictionary to federal rules of civil procedure to the consitution, Articles of Confederation and the amendments. When you invest in the material out of your own pocket, spend a few years studying and researching then you get back to me. As it is, you aren't even to a point to where I can have a reasonably intelligent conversation about this government, its foundation and where it has gone awry. I doubt you ever will as you have no vested interest in the state of this union, nor do you seem to understand what the nation was all about to begin with or where it was suppose to go. Your mere mention of the 60's as its glory days is indicative of that, as that is when it started to take a severe nosedive in its governmental affairs, particularly in the documentation, statutes, and international agreements.
My research and studies are about over as I see our future in dire straits and realize that soon our constitution will be negated because of last century's sell-out to the U.N. by our "leaders", and I don't think you, judging by your postings, have an idea what that means.

I do have a vested interest since I am still considered a US citizen, what happens in the states is my business, now that I live in Europe that then does not mean I should turn a blind eye to whats going on. I still have family there, do you really think I am some 16 year old pimpelfaced retard pendeling on and off between europe for the fun of it. I have studied in US and I have studied in EU, for my work I had to travel alot and I have now found my place in Europe, to me a far better place then the US.

I have only scratched the surface and immediately people are jumping on the bandwagon claiming that EU is better simply because I can have beer at a lower age, thats not even the tip of the iceberg maties. It seems to me that the conventional view serves to protect most of you from the painful job of thinking.
Who here is reading between the lines and masturbating my posts???

Was it not Socrates who said when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.

You are just using my statistics the way a drunkard uses lamp posts, for support, not illumination. When will it sift through your minds that what you are defending will someday be your ultimate downfall.

posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 04:48 PM
I don't use your staistics for anything. As far as what I think you are, I can only go by what you delivery here to make any judgements.
Pick up a copy of the Federalist Papers and the anti-Federalist Papers while you're at it. Getting a firm grasp of what the Evil White Men were thinking will help you gain a better understanding.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 08:44 AM
I laugh real hard while reading your peoples posts. You all miss the big picture. And are talking about things that are a waste of time.

Saddam is bad because the media say so. That's all you people know, nothing more.
Bush is good because the media say so. That's all you know, nothing more.

Well let me tell you, there are far more dangerous leaders and groups out there, the problem is that they are not getting as much attention as Saddam is getting.

Democracy ? LOL hahaha, I mean come on guys, you should know better than that. Democracy is not good either you think it is but you don't know better than that.

Only 1 thing counts folks, and that is money! You can say what ever you want about who you want, it doesn't really matter. If you have the money you'll get the power to win.

America is out to world domination. UN soon will be history, it doesn't fit in the "Plan" American Safety and Interests is all that counts this new century.

Read more about PNAC and maybe some of you will undertand the bigger picture. You see, sometimes when you want something done, you have to help it a bit, by creating a situation so it's justify to do whatever you want to get done.

Freedom ? Whoehahahaha.. there is no freedom my friends, only IIlusions ! Most of us are brainwashed.

[Edited on 6-11-2002 by TigeriS]

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by nyeff
Or we can sit back,do nothing and wait for Saddam to kill a few thousand more people.Then we can have debates on why the U.S. did nothing to stop him,when we had the chance.

Oh why don't we act now as thousands of ohters are being killed by others.. why don't we do anything about that ? Why are we only focused on Iraq ? Why don't you look at the consequences of using depleted uranium ?

Open your eyes and smell the real coffe.. don't let the media brainwash you with this one side story only. There are many many more peoples waiting for salvation..

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 09:39 AM
One at a time.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Illuminati-NWO

Top 10
1 - Finland, Iceland, Norway, Netherlands
5 - Canada
6 - Ireland
7 - Germany, Portugal, Sweden
10 - Denmark

Whats that I hear you say, all European countries in the top ten? What place did the land of the free achieve? A measly 17th place. Wanna know why it only got the 17th place? Apparently the US likes to stick its journalists in jail when they don't want to release their sources of information hence the lower placement on the list.

How's that for 'freedom' of press?


Better than Irak ( 137 ), North-Korea (147 ) or China (ex-145 ).

You didn't point it. Strange....

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 06:46 PM
Doesn't matter Ultra, my main issue is US vs EU, nothing else matters in this discussion, so no need to avert the real facts by irrelevant information.

What would you expect, Iraq to get higher then the US?? Offcourse Iraq is lower on the list I can see that.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 07:43 AM
Sorry what was the topic of this post again?

Oh yes, what Saddam said...

It is a good point, because we have lost civil liberties, but I don't think he is in a position to comment.

Ohh.. and in response to the good old US vs EU debate. Quite frankly I have come to realise that whatever your ideals are, we should stick to the goal of stopping corruption and upholding out civil rights, whether in our own political camp or not.

These debates have become an end in themselves and don't really achieve very much, so common guys, can't we just get along a bit more?...

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Illuminati-NWO
Doesn't matter Ultra, my main issue is US vs EU, nothing else matters in this discussion, so no need to avert the real facts by irrelevant information.

What would you expect, Iraq to get higher then the US?? Offcourse Iraq is lower on the list I can see that.

h� h� h�.....

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