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Could there be two of us?

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:30 PM
I looked through as much paranormal as I could-there is a lot-and I didn't find anything relating to this.

What are your thoughts on the the chance that there could be more than one of me or you existing on another realm or even this realm but ahead of ourselves in time?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:51 PM
Hi Harp,
I can't answer your question. And I have no supported opinion to the subject but I have an "incident.

My "other half" through eight years at that time, was a sailor as I, and spending his off time in Louisiana ( 7-8 years ago). Well as we do on shore, we talk. At this point in my life I am still living in Scandinavia, we both are.
His story is.
At a bar a woman approaches him. Her physical characteristics are almost identical to mine.
They chat. Not about me or his relations. He is very good at making people feel comfortable so he makes them talk about themselves.
Names. Her first name is the same as mine.
Age. My age.
Place of birth. Same city

Poor guy sobered up instantly and went back on board.
He would never lie, ever.
Either she was a true psychic
, or we do have twins.
I still don't have a theory, it's just one of those weird things.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by WalkInSilence]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
I looked through as much paranormal as I could-there is a lot-and I didn't find anything relating to this.

What are your thoughts on the the chance that there could be more than one of me or you existing on another realm or even this realm but ahead of ourselves in time?

Well actually, I was thinking that it could be our light-body... I am interested in this aswell... I made a thread asking some questions for those who enjoy studying and sharing their knowledge.... Maybe you could add some of yours..

I think that theres a good possibility that this idea actually holds some truth to it...
after-all we know about photons and electrons that are at two places at the same time in labs
the only thing is, we aren't exactly sure why we can't be.. although its covered in the source
... maybe its just because we weren't looking in the right place for the US that is already in another place.. lol

But I really don't know about another physical me, walking around... being me.. or something..

[edit on 9/17/2006 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:14 PM
Walkinsilence: that is very strange indeed. Definitely makes me think a little deeper into this.

Pure Energy: I read your post a few minutes after I wrote this one and found it rather ironic that someone else was thinking along the same lines as myself (maybe you are me or I am you LOL!) In all seriousness I am a little more inclined to consider that there might be a twin of ourselves, but not necessarily a physical twin more ethereal I suppose. And if this is true, then might it be ourselves already past this physical body in the future? Hmmm..

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:27 PM
Harp, I really like your thread, especially because no one has "bullet proof answers

When I think about my "encounter" I start wondering.
At that time I live 4000 miles from my place of birth, my "friend" was on the same continent at work and what are the odds that he would meet such a person?

Why are you inquiring, have you had a related experience?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
Walkinsilence: that is very strange indeed. Definitely makes me think a little deeper into this.

Pure Energy: I read your post a few minutes after I wrote this one and found it rather ironic that someone else was thinking along the same lines as myself (maybe you are me or I am you LOL!) In all seriousness I am a little more inclined to consider that there might be a twin of ourselves, but not necessarily a physical twin more ethereal I suppose. And if this is true, then might it be ourselves already past this physical body in the future? Hmmm..

I really like that question...
in the future.. well, considering that NOW is eternal... and the past present and future could be wrapped up into one... (one that is so elaborate we needed past present and future as references)

Wonder what happens when you fully or become this other person...

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:42 PM
my dad works as surveillance in a casino, and any employee is not allowed to be gambling.. his boss came up as questioned him about it.. and when he replayed some tapes he saw a man exactly identical to him gambling away his money. suprised him and us. ^_^ was kinda neat..

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:59 PM
Walkinsilence: I haven't had a personal experience, no. Except of course the few times in my life where people swear they've met me before, but I think that's more of a case of mistaken identity. A very dear friend to me had such an experience, a face to face with herself, a few months before she passed away. Her experience kind of got me thinking about deja vu's, I thought what if we really had been somewhere that we know we haven't or what if certain things happen in our life by chance because our own self is trying to warn us or make contact with us?

Maybe we are at the end of our physical lifetime-kind of like the end of the road- when we meet up with ourself and in a sense it becomes a death/rebirth? Good question Pure Energy!

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:02 AM
Of Red Dwarf - Dimension Jump...two Rimmers, Two Cats, Two Dave Listers...

It was cheesy...

Anyway, I think there's more likely physical twins in this dimension. When I was younger there was aparently a girl who looked and sounded just like, face and everything. Oddly enough her name was the same as my middle name...

Her friends used to come up to me all the time and say Hi and start'd take them a minute before they realized I had no idea what they were talking about or who they were.


posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:08 AM
Although I do not specifically believe in the idea due to lack of empirical essence. You might be interested in the idea of a Doppelganger. An occult similarity to what you are speaking of.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:22 AM
It says that seeing ones own doppelgänger is an omen of death! That is exactly the case with my friend. Although she did not describe her other self as evil. She described her other self as being a better version physically of her ie; more beautiful. Anyway, thanks for the link, I'd never heard of anything like this before.
There's a lot of films and books on this too.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:25 AM
At least in my opinion of being a Gnostic, a dependence on phsyical beauty is in a sense a sign of evil because of the superficial vanity of it all, as well as their general lack of spiritual intuention. Although this does not fit your friend's situation, it is still a thought.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:40 AM
Agreed. Beauty can be a double edged sword. but also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I still can't shake the fact that there is a name for such phenomenon and a plethera of info as well.

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