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Obsession: The Movie Exposing Radical Islam

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posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by bodrul
i just find it so humrous at the amount of ignorant fools there are out there

i bet most of these people dont even know more then 1 muslim but just make their minds up from one sided TV shows, if this was the case then all the hate that is filled in the minds and hearts of muslim nations are well founded of the united statess from one sided broadcasts they recieve.

here we see muslims are the threat
i ask this compared to how many people the united states has killed during the last few decades compared to a muslim extremeist whos the bigger threat?

couple of thousend disorganised group of people who can only attack using them selves and crude weapons

or a nation that has used its milatry strength to dictate to other countries and use that power to feed extremsist for their own goals and to attack soverign countries for the soil purpose of preserving their power and dominence
this is the same country with the power to destroy the planet countless times
which has also the only nation to be responsible for over 200,000 deaths with such weapon and the only country to use it.

so here it is for you americans those who seem to think its ok to kill millions of muslims (also aimed at the fool who mentioned using nukes on suvilians)

from muslims and non muslims your country is the greatest threat to world peace
your country has undermined goverments world wide to put puppets in place and when that failed they become dicators, your country has armed and supplied groups to fight secondry fights for you so you dont have to do most of the dirty work and when they had done there jobs they became terrorists,

so keep on shouting muslims are the greatest threat when it comes down to it
its the united states and its lust for keeping its power that is the greatest threat.

Well said! Exactly how I feel. Being a muslim I know lot of muslims from all different countries and races. And I have not met one that is willing to strap a bomb to himself/herself and blow # up. And I live in the middle east, in kuwait. So I think I know better than the americans who live thousands of miles away about what goes on in middle east and how the people are. I have visted many countries in the middle east so here I'll list a few points which every american should know.

1. It is true that Muslims and people of other religions living in middle east hate (or dislike) the US. The reason being that, unlike americans, they can clearly see the US government agenda. They dont like US for all the killings and attacks it has done in the middle east and the wars it has fueled. They see US as a wannabe dictator of the world. They hate the fact that US thinks it can tell them how to run their countries and what to do or not to do. They hate US because of what US does to them not cause they r jealous of the freedom US has. I have also lived in the US for years and know how things work thr too. I can see why americans r so ignorant and oblivious to what goes on in the east. Their only source of information is new and media. The internet is the only source which can give them some info on the 'real picture'. Not to mention the propoganda movies and books like the above mentioned. Media and news is much like the internet. DONT believe everyhting you see on it.

2. Arabs and extremist muslims (so called terrorists) are NOT terrorists. I have known hundreeds of them. met hundreds of them. None of them blew me up. They didnt know I was muslim or not. They still treated me very nicely. I worked in a gas station in US and 9 out of 10 people were just asshoels. treated me like dirt. And that was when they didnt know I was muslim. they cud only see i was brown.

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 05:02 PM

Your post is so true man!
I have many Muslim Arab friends and half of them dont really care whats happening and the other half do and the ones that do, dont hate the US because of its freedom but have a more inteligent and logical reason to hate them...i mean these guys are freaken uni students man.
But overall you people need to understand that Arabs Muslims/christian/athiest whatever are the same as me and you, they go through the same problems we face day to day, why is it so hard to stop and think about this for a minute?

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 11:33 AM
I agree with Half_Minded,BitRaiser and Bordul. The film is propaganda becuase it doesn't present any facts, only fearmongering designed to get the west hating muslims.

Oh and about the extremists blowing up their neighbours in the Middle East, how can you even be sure they are muslim? and not working for some other faction that wants to weaken stability in that region?

Remember those British soldiers caught doing this not long ago? The Iraq police arrested them and when they pulled off their masks they were British. then the police were about to sentence them for their crimes when all of a sudden a british tank comes along, blows up the police station killing civillians and police in the process to rescue the commandos or whatever they were.

Edit: Links to the story.

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Scottish One]

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Scottish One
I agree with Half_Minded,BitRaiser and Bordul. The film is propaganda becuase it doesn't present any facts, only fearmongering designed to get the west hating muslims.

As an American verteran, and a Christian, you can count me in this camp here.

Oh and about the extremists blowing up their neighbours in the Middle East, how can you even be sure they are muslim? and not working for some other faction that wants to weaken stability in that region?

Remember those British soldiers caught doing this not long ago? The Iraq police arrested them and when they pulled off their masks they were British. then the police were about to sentence them for their crimes when all of a sudden a british tank comes along, blows up the police station killing civillians and police in the process to rescue the commandos or whatever they were.

[edit on 4-11-2006 by Scottish One]

That dirty deed has been forgotten by the muslim hating fear spreading war mongers that produced this film. It was one of many examples through-out history, but all of them are conveniently overlooked when films like this are made.

You and I know that it is a distinct possiblity (even a probablity) that agent provocatours are causing the majority of the mayhem and destruction we see around the world. You and I understand that those in charge foster bad relationships between groups and then arm the groups in hopes that they will kill each other off. We understand that it is about divide and conquer, and films like this one only feed the xenophobia.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

I was particularly un-impressed by the compairisons between extreamist Islam and the Nazi movement. Talk about compairing apples to firehydrants! The only thing these two movements have in common is that neither like Jewish people very much (ok, that's an understatment... it was supposed to be).

1/ The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin Al-Husseini in 1937 seeks cooperation with the Nazis, he is a Jew hater , he instigates a pro nazi coup in baghdad in 1941.

2/ Al-Husseini Heads the SS Muslim Hansar division he calls Nazi Muslim troops “the Cream of Islam”,and personally oversees the death of thousands of Jews.

3/ Al-Husseini in 1946 enrols his great NEPHEW Yasser Arafat into his services.

4/ Saddam Hussein is raised from age 10 by Tulfah (al-Husseinis main partner during there Nazi coup), Saddam married his daughter and the Baath party was born.

5/ Husseini joins Hassan El Bannas Muslim Brotherhood (Parent organisation of Jihad Islami and Hamas) Jihad Islami is the organisation that radicalizes Osama Binladen.

Do some research then deny the link between the Islamofascists and Nazism.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 11:56 PM
I fail to see where in this movie that it states this is a Muslim movement by all Muslims. It specifically identifies a large group of Radical Islamists that do in fact feel this way. It is undeniable that this is occurring. Though there will be ignorant people out there that see this movie and believe that the "Muslims" are out to get them, more intelligent people will understand that this is war and a movement by a large group of people to destroy America. It is occurring and will result in catasrophic consequences unless stopped. It is a terrible movement, as bad as those of other religions in the past declaring war in the name of a faith. I have far more than one Muslim friend and would never consider grouping them in with these radical extremists.

What I would like to know, where are all of the Muslim leaders standing up and condemning these radical islamists that are making a mockery of their religion.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:14 AM
hmm, interesting take on it.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:34 AM
Amen to whoever made this film possible. Although I have tried to view Islam from a positive standpoint. I understand there are good muslims. But the darker side seems to overshadow the good and it's something that all western societies must become aware of. Jihad is real and many muslims take it on a literal basis and wish to destroy our culture and liberty.
I know I probably mentioned this somewhere, but I was still in HighSchool when I decided to do a major project on terrorism. Beforehand people did not even think of it. And seeing how Islamic terrorism had struck everywhere else in the world (pretty much) I knew it would be only a matter of time before it made its mark in the U.S. And of course the year I graduated was the year it happened. So this is something I have strong conviction for and I will certainly be watching this film.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
.....Although I have tried to view Islam from a positive standpoint. I understand there are good muslims. But the darker side seems to overshadow the good and it's something that all western societies must become aware of....

This is unfortunate, and why I would like to see the Muslim leaders condemning this war that was declared in 1993 and again in 1998. America is an idea. It is a movement of freedom and choice, a power of people from all over the world. Our greatest strength is in our diversity. Diversity of race, creed, color, and RELIGION. Tolerance of other relgions should be practiced by ALL religions. Instead they practice ignorance. Converting someone to a faith should never come by way of the sword. Interesting thing is that most religions are guilty of conversion by the fear of death. A "join us our die" decision. These include the largest religious faiths in our world history. It is in their lack of understanding the true message of their religions and abusing words which have many meanings.

As far as terrorism goes, it does occur across the world. This unfortunately includes the acts of most countries. Different groups with different beliefs demonstrating against government targets. In this case it is more about killing the people of the world that represent freedom, choice, tolerance, and equality. Bad karma.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 11:49 AM
Well tonight we will finally get to see some exposure on this great hidden truth. Glenn Beck will be hosting a special that will be running at 7 and 9 on HEADLINE NEWS.

Program Preview

People, I urge you to see this program, tivo it, DVR it, record it. Just make sure that you watch it.

There will be a few clips from Obsession: The Movie, but it will mainly be made up of new information. You will all have the proof you need to understand that this is occurring and that it has been suppressed in the United States and British Media.

Wake up and smell the truth, because it is only a matter of time that something major is going to happen.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 12:17 PM
I saw it the other night. FOX aired some of it. People will ignore it and say it's not true. People are choosing to ignore the threat of Islam.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:22 PM
I just saw about 15 minutes of Glen Beck's show regarding this documentary. It is amazing to me how someone, anyone can watch this show and see what it contains and not hear what these people are saying about the threat of Islam.

I don't at all mean this nasty, but if you can watch this documentary and not see the danger of Islam, your eyes and ears would have to be closed. How can anyone listen to Brigitte Gabriel and Walid Shoebat, people who were in it and can testify to what is the truth and now have come out of it and are trying to
warn us. We better wake up and listen to them before it's too late.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:56 PM
I don't understand where "half_minded" gets off saying for people to prove that he is a terrorist because he is Muslim...who said all Muslims are terrorists?

I think there is a growing culture in the Middle East, a radicalized culture. Now, why is this occurring? It is no doubt due to some things the West is doing and has done, but it is also because of blind hatred, and taking the Koran LITERALLY.

Radicalized anything is dangerous, and it really does seem to be spreading. People can say all they want that it is just "propaganda", but I wouldn't call it propaganda when hundreds of thousands of people worldwide destroy things and kill people due to what the pope says or what cartoons depict. Or the European riots.

There needs to be a war on terror, but the way it is being fought, is just fueling terror!

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 10:28 PM
I watched the program tonight. Beck, had a muslim leader on, stating that many muslim leaders actually have made it public that they are against the Jihad.

Eventhough alot of it could be deemed as fearmongering. It brought up some very valid points.

On the topic of the insurgency in Iraq. Read up on Islam's history. You will find your answer. Here is another hint the islamic philosopher Avveross (sp) wrote about this subject.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 10:34 PM
This movie sounds like propaganda to justify a war on Iran. I got to hand it to the controllers they have a lot of resources at hand.. the government, the media and hollyweird to serve their purposes to pump us up for a war that nobody wants.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I don't understand where "half_minded" gets off saying for people to prove that he is a terrorist because he is Muslim...who said all Muslims are terrorists?

No. No one said it. But lop-sided movies like this might as well say muslim=terrorist. It sure seems to work for at least half of those who watch it from the Western world, coz I don't see Chinese or Japanese people getting all worked up about the "islamofascist" threat.


Are you scared yet? Let me try again.


Maybe I should try this..


That caught your attention didn't it?


I sympathize those that live in a culture of fear.
Can't be helped. It's your culture. Always has been.

A little off topic, but I do believe it's true, that Western people are slightly (maybe that's an understatement) more paranoid than the rest of the world. Case in point, lets talk about dragons.

When the first people to find dinosaur fossils in the west found those huge bones, they conjured up a huge mythical beast that is to be known as the Dragon. The Dragon breathed fire and wrecked havoc on the land. The Dragon was basically EVIL.

Meanwhile some chinese dude discovers the same type of bones and conjure up a huge mythical beast that is to be known as the Dragon. The Dragon breathed fire but also brought luck and fortune. The dragon was basically GOOD.



posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 09:25 AM
So why can't you get this movie like at blockbuster or some place like that? I find that disturbing. If not I'll just buy it.

n/m I think they have segmented clips of the movie now on youtube:

People sure try to fight the truth about islamic extremism. So glad we have a film here to provide the facts.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by laiguana]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I think there is a growing culture in the Middle East, a radicalized culture. [...]it is also because of blind hatred, and taking the Koran LITERALLY.

If they took the koran literally, they wouldn't be crashing planes into office buildings or targetting civilians.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:39 AM
What the Quran says about terrorism:

3:151 "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve."
4:74 "Fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."

4:76 "Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil."

4:91 "Take them and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given you clear warrant."

8:12 "I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger."

21:97 "Behold them, staring wide (in terror), the eyes of those who disbelieve!"

33:35-36 "Allah repulsed the disbelievers. ... He brought those of the People of the Scripture who supported them down from their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some ye slew, and ye made captive some.

59:2 "He it is Who hath caused those of the People of the Scripture who disbelieved to go forth from their homes unto the first exile. Ye deemed not that they would go forth, while they deemed that their strongholds would protect them from Allah. But Allah reached them from a place whereof they recked not, and cast terror in their hearts so that they ruined their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers. So learn a lesson, O ye who have eyes!"

59:13 "Ye are more awful as a fear in their bosoms than Allah.

And don't try to lash back at me with biblical verses, because I'm not a christian or a jew. And regardless, I don't see christians or jews or any other religion going around the world inflicting acts of terror like the extremist muslims (which seem to be abundant)

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:34 AM
Beachcoma, are you saying that in the Middle East there is not an alarmingly radicalized culture there? Are we all just making it up?
How about you give me proof that there is no such thing as extreme hate and threats towards the West from the Middle East, and I will give you proof that there are!

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