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Ouija board pedictions.

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posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by realanswers
Who ever it is, it wants you to believe in religion. I know that all major religions were created by the ETs who are all around us in other dimensions. The alien contacts for the Raelians even admitted to creating all major religions, but still seem to support the future events of the Bible.
They plan on gathering 144,000 people to meet up with the aliens during there official descent to the world in the future. 144,000 is also a number from the book of Revelation in the Bible.
Some ETs feed off of fear, but when you stop being afraid then they stop trying to make you afraid.

The only reason the Raelians have any of a following is because they promise group sex for their members. Believe me, it's true. I was recruited by them in college because I did an article for the local paper when members came to town soliciting money for some crazy alien embassy in Israel.

Then a very attractive member of the group was offering me to join in on one of their communicate with the aliens through sensual massage group thingies.....

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Raider
*Scratches head*

I, asking this wide and varied group, would like to know a fine place to aquire one of these, if the store band will do? Also, what is the most vile thing I can do to annoy, intice, or otherwise pester and force the spirits to appear.

I have tried my best to find ghosts or anything of the sort. If this works, you will get a response detailing what occured. If it failed, Im going to be a staunch, unflincting critic.

And it's been confirmed by several sources I have no soul so its one less factor.

You wanna see real fireworks? Ask your "spirit" if it believes in Jesus Christ....that'll "pester" and "annoy" that spirit more than you can handle.

That being said, you're probably not talking to "spirits." In fact, Ouija boards are really a way to have a conversation with yourself. Your subconscious self, of course. Your Id.

In psychological terms, a successful contact session is nothing more than a disassociative experience. It's quite the interesting psychological phenomenon, and there's been one or two papers written about it.

Chances are your "spirit" will respond in ways that you presume they will respond; Let me explain. Let's say you go into a session with some trepedation, worried about glasses flying across the room or death predictions. That trepedation is in the "back of your mind," but at a conscious level. That's just the tip of the imagination iceburg. Your subconscious level, your Id, is having all sorts of other specific expectations, expectations that are communicated to your conscious mind through the Ouija board.

So continuing my example, let's say your Id is imagining specific scenarios that can lead to your death. Car accident. On a hill. Soon. (using a previous poster's example). That's communicated via the board to your conscious mind.

It doesn't mean anything really. It's just your Id's imagination communicating its fears to you in specific, lucid imagry. But our mind is forever trained to find patterns and meaning where there is none, so when the previous poster's brother passed away (and I mean no disrespect by this), his conscious mind -- trained as it is to do so -- spotted the pattern and divined meaning out of his Id.

Yeah, I know, heavy stuff. But fascinating.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by behindthescenes]

[edit on 27-9-2006 by behindthescenes]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:56 AM
In regards to the original topic at hand, vs the "good vs evil" nature of the ouiji board, why doesn't someone who doesn't think it's evil just try it and ask the spirit to give us some kind of prediction in the near future. Some worldwide event or a sudden unexpected change in a certain stock on the stock market that will prove to us that they can predict.

So someone ask the ouiji board for a prediction and if you get one, post it here as soon as you can. And if it comes true, then we have our answer right there. Anyone up for it?

[edit on 27-9-2006 by Yarcofin]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:10 AM
Great post! All very true. I wont start splitting hairs here because the "jist" of what you are saying is right. All of that DOES happen to varying degrees, but it happens HERE.. in "this material world" where "material rules apply". The things you spoke of "ID", "ego"... and what not are functions of our chemical and biological make-up that exists "here". Its PART of the story.. a small part... but certainly not THE STORY. The rules bend when "on another side". String theory has some interesting ideas regarding these things.

But anyhow, good post!

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:18 AM
You're assuming the future is linear and EVERY decision one makes has already been pre-determined, meaning "we" are just going through the motions. Kinda boring huh?

I'm free to venture off "the script". Are you?


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:21 AM
OK, here is a prediction for the near future.... I predict Yarcofin will reply to this thread.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Last and only time I've ever used one, was in the mid 80's. I was young, probably 8-12 lets say, and me and a friend were in his room playing with the board. We were trying to talk to George Washington, for whatever reason.

Anyways after a little bit of normal question/answer stuff that goes on with these boards, we decided to up the ante. My friend said, 'If you are here, give us a sign'. Not 1 second later someone knocked on the door to his room.

Probably a bizarre coincidence, but it freaked me good that day.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by behindthescenes
The only reason the Raelians have any of a following is because they promise group sex for their members. Believe me, it's true. ...

Then a very attractive member of the group was offering me to join in on one of their communicate with the aliens through sensual massage group thingies.....

The group's founder "Rael" may not realize it, but his teachings from his so called alien "friends" of sensual meditation will actually keep your physical mind continuously processing physical feelings too much for a truely unhindered "spiritual connection", which in turn could lead to a well orchestrated deception from its alien leadership. I read his book "The Message Given by Extra-Terrestrials" and do believe that he really did have the alien contacts, but he is just helping the aliens with the end times religious conspiracy. It is quite obvious to me that this fits in with what Bible says about the Anti-Christ and the 144,000 in the book of Revelation. So, this means that these aliens plan to play the evil side of these fabricated Religions.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
I read his book "The Message Given by Extra-Terrestrials" and do believe that he really did have the alien contacts, but he is just helping the aliens with the end times religious conspiracy.

Trust me, Real, Rael never met any aliens. He's a silly frenchman with a strong libido who created a false religion to feed his uninhibited sexual cravings. Believe me, I have a family member who fell in with them as well (this was after my encounter), and those sensual massages are nothing more than mass mutual masturbation/oral sex sessions.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 03:45 PM
@ behindthescenes

Rael didn't know much about religious texts or how to clone people. His passion was to be a race car driver. But, then something changed his life over night and now he has knowledge of some things that he did not have knowledge of before.
He is a genuine person who has a genuine personallity. His alien communication and the apparent alien agendas behind this set up for a so called "Anti-Christ", the one world government, and the Bible prophecy direction does very much fit into this future religious conspiracy and the Illuminati official world control scenario. Which all can be confirmed from the abundance of predicted and prophecied foreknowledge of major world events to come.

Also, they have a planned eternal life theory to impose upon the world. This idea was also put into the movies afterwards. Their plan for internal life is to take the memory of the dead person and insert it into his or her newly created cloned body. This is also a major prophecy. I interpret this plan as to be the Bible's mark of the beast plan for eternal life. If you study enough about this, my well thought out interpretations of the these truths do make a lot of sense and do answer a lot of questions.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Does anybody have any Ouija board prediction stories or experimental results?

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 09:59 PM

sorry pal , no disrespect

meant , but , poppycock

to that hick farmer sigmund freud

wannabe psychobabble explanation.

sheesh !


posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by realanswers
Does anybody have any Ouija board prediction stories or experimental results?

Hi realanswers/

Well,ouija board predictions and similar occult stuff are not what they seem.
Although it may seem like you are receiving predictions and such, it is just a fooling game to them.
By 'fooling game' I mean that the predictions you get are simply around you already.....they are not a true predictiction of what will happen in the future, but what is going on around you at the time.
Astrology, and many similar stuff........although there may be some truth in what they say, it is basically how one interprets it.
Or one may also base their life around such predictions that it starts to control how they live, and this is not healthy.
does this make sense?


posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 05:01 AM
I bet those spirits aren't really evil they're probably just upset that so many people call them up and run away when they answer.

When as a child I did that to people's doorbells it had the same effect - mean entities throwing things at me.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by helen670

Well,ouija board predictions and similar occult stuff are not what they seem.
Although it may seem like you are receiving predictions and such, it is just a fooling game to them.

THey know the future, but do not want to reveal it.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:07 PM
If you don't believe that there is something paranormal about
the Ouija Board then read my posts about it.

This is a true account of my experiences with the board.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by MagicaRose]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
If you don't believe that there is something paranormal about
the Ouija Board then read my posts about it.

This is a true account of my experiences with the board.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by MagicaRose]

I've researched many cases and have talked with people on a number of forums. Yet, the more I have learned from their researching, the more it confirms with my conclusion of whats going on.

Of course, there is paranormal activity around Ouija experiences, but this so called "paranormal" is not so mysterious or scary if you know what it really is. These "paranormal" things come from the other dimensions. Believe it or not, but these beings in those dimensions can maneuver through time and space much much easier than us in our limited dimension right here. They can even read your mind as they are also telepathic.
These beings are interdimensional aliens. In the past, they have created this human species with the DNA munipulation and combination of the Earthly primates(only animals with A, B, AB, and O blood types) and numerous alien species.
So, then we must have some of their abilities, right? Yes, we do have signs of still retaining some abilities like telepathy. It has been proven through many tests before. Here is one example:

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:25 AM
Has anyone use the board and asked, say someone who was murdered, who murdered them?

Say Tupac or Kurt Cobain for example..
Nobody knows who actually did it, was it suicide or did someone murder them?
Why not use the Ouija board and try to contact them and get some answers?

Has anyone tried doing this?

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I found this interesting story posted on the Air Force web site. It's an Airman's account about an Ouija Board predicting his death by a certain year and his trepedation in flying ....

Dodging a bullet

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:21 PM
I have used Ouija boards many many times, and yes, they CAN be dangerous, but only in the hands of the unprepared, and idiots who take the p*ss.
My advice for anyone thinking of using one, is to learn a banishing ritual before doing so.
I have always used The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram after every session, after informing the spirit/entity that I am going to do so, as it is only polite and respectful before sending a blast of energy to clear an area.
This ritual was very effective when we had a nasty encounter one evening, which seemed to enjoy lowering the temperature of the room we were in, scaring the dog and throwing objects around upstairs.
Funnily enough, this happened the night after a member of our group started reading passages from the Bible (NOT RECOMMENDED) in a mocking priestly fashion, the atmosphere went cold and clammy then, too.
As for predicting the future, we were doing a session one evening, and the glass spelt out 'Someone is coming'.
When we asked who, it gave the name of a friend of ours.
About a minute later, the doorbell rang and who should be standing there, but the very person it had predicted would arrive.
This has happened twice.
I'm not sure about asking for lottery numbers and the like, as it doesn't feel morally (!?!) right to me somehow, so I've never tried it.
I personally like Ouija boards, and most of the encounters I have had, even the nasty ones, as they gave me the opportunity to try out the effectiveness of the banishing ritual (Which is completely harmless to perform, by the way.).
I know there will be people who think I'm lying, or deluded/insane, but I'm used to that attitude, so it will be a waste of time flaming me cos I don't take any notice.
Hope this was interesting and useful.
Thanks for the interesting thread.

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