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Ouija board pedictions.

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:16 PM
Does anybody have any accurate results from Ouija board predictions?
Who has have success in getting any lottery numbers?
What was your whole story?
There was a story about an Ouija board accurately predicting a fortune cookie lottery number so I know that these beings from the other side know about future numbers. But, there is a mysterious reason why they rarely assist in lottery predictions.
Did anybody offer an exchange of favors with the Ouija board being to get the lottery numbers?
Does anybody have an Ouija board that they use that is very active and are willing to help answer my questions?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Stay off them. They open doors that you can't close. DO NOT use them. I'm serious. I went to a lecture by Ed and Lorraine Warren once. It was frightening. They were very serious about it and the one thing I learned ... Ouija boards are NOT toys and they are dangerous.


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:27 PM
He asked a question and he wanted an answer not someone telling him to stay off them. The're a board game that was overhyped to make money not a spirit contactor.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by losangeleslover]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 07:02 PM
If you beleive they are harmless I dare you to go out and get one and use it while your alone, something no one should do.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 03:23 AM
I have used homemade ouija boards (letters on bits of paper) there not harmful unless you get a bad spirit maybe, but seriously people say their bad because they are scared of them, maybe a glass shot across the room or something.

Me and some friends used on and my friend had a billy bass singing fish,
You can switch these fish to movement sensors or just press the button or turn them off completely. when we finished with the board the fish started singing on it's own with the on off switch completely off. that was wierd but its only a spirit tyring to comunnicate in some way, like glasses flying off the board and across the room.

People say it opens doors to hell or that you communicate with the devil, total crap in my personal experiance.

Now if you want to use one seriously you should have two people or more on the board and one writing down letters (because apparenetly some messages come through scrambled) dont get scared because it causes paranoia and have fun.

Now I have tryed one on my own and its not like the exorcist or anything, I am not tormented by the devil or anyone for that fact.

Noone can know if you are truly talking to spirits because your mind wants to know if anything is there and could subconciesly be moving your arms.

But I will say this, (any english will know Derren Brown done a ouija board experiment on tv) which tempted another unsure friend of mine to try it for the fist time, we didnt get many results, just yes and no's (I think my friend freaked and stopped the glass from moving on letter answers) but I managed to get him to do it with the lights off, while he was turning the light off with his back to me and just as it went dark I swapped the yes and no papers around so he thought he knew were they were (I was testing him to see if he was moving the glass and I didnt move it) but when we asked if anyone was there it went to yes which was were no was so I believe that we were communicating with some1

Sorry it was so long but I'm sure at least the original poster will appreciate.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 05:34 AM
Ouija Boards are nothing but a BOARD GAME! Milton Bradley, the same people that gave us Candy-Land and Tiddly-Winks. Everyone knows a freind of a freind who heard about something with a wee-gee board. I'd say (based on absolutley nothing at all) that 99% of all stories about them are completely made up.
I have used them with freinds and even tried it alone. I still don't have my promised gate to hell in my closet. Wheres my very own poltergeist that was supposed to appear? My board hasn't caught fire, nor has it thrown a glass across the room. I do have a billy bass, and sometimes it goes off for no reason, I wonder if the fact that it costs 1.13$ to build and it was put together by a 6 year old in China have anything to do with it?

I really wanted my very own gate to hell too, I want my money back.

P.S. Chris, We DID NOT evolve from apes, if you bothered to read something you would know that. Humans AND apes both evolved along seperate genetic paths from common ancestors that were NOT apes, but another(different) form of early primate.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Tiloke]

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Tiloke]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 07:19 AM

They open doors that you can't close.

Not true, typical fundie hysteria attributed to something they dont/wont understand.

Ouija boards are NOT toys

Amazing I actually agree with you on something.

Ouija Boards are nothing but a BOARD GAME! Milton Bradley, the same people that gave us Candy-Land and Tiddly-Winks

While M-B does market a commercial version of this tool as a game( much the same as herbs and oils are marketed as "curios") there are many others that make /manufacture
these tools for use by those knowledgeable in their use and the protections needed.

as to the WHY associated with lotto numbers, most who are experienced with the use
of the tool also recognize the personal gain/need factor. There is also the "rule of 3"
factor to be considered.

If the "need" is real there are much more direct ways of achieving the end.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 07:34 AM
eh... I dont like em...
I've used one alone. and after I questioned the 'spirit' it moved on its own... I pressed down as hard as i could on the thing, and it still slid along like butter... let go and got up. It was still moving.. I turned on a light and ran out of the bathroom.. never again will I try a ouija board ^_^

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by nightsvayne
eh... I dont like em...
I've used one alone. and after I questioned the 'spirit' it moved on its own... I pressed down as hard as i could on the thing, and it still slid along like butter... let go and got up. It was still moving.. I turned on a light and ran out of the bathroom.. never again will I try a ouija board ^_^

I don't think you should be afraid that it is trying to communicate. I assume that the reason that you used it was because you were trying to communicate, so I thought you might be glad that something actually happened. Now, poeple may suggest that you try and have fun, but I think something as serious as communicating with a differant dimension should be taken more seriously, with an open mind, and as a very good listener. Also, if you have such a powerful connection, I think you should have as many witnesses as possible, video tape it, and ask tough questions. And, I would suggest that may questions about ETs and what it is like in other dimensions should be asked.
Though, I have not used an Ouija board before, I have tried a magik spell and I have felt a spirit's or an interdimensional being's presense and have been assisted enough to show that they can easily assist financially but they only choose to help in smaller amounts actually would even suggest other financial sources instead. But, I know that that is not always the case and that is one reason why I have started this thread.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 11:16 AM
I don't have a friend of a friend story but rather a personal one.
While true it is a Milton Bradley "game" the intent of the using is to communicate with the other side and that is the only reason one tries to use the board. You could use a variety of means to communicate with spirits good or evil and just by initiating the contact you can summon something ugly. It's an inviation simply put. Using the board is just another means but one we are most familiar with.
I will personally never use one again and here's why.

I was 15 yrs old, spending the night with some girl's sleep over party. 4 of us decided to try the board owned by the girl that we were sleeping over at.
We eached asked a question. I don't remember theirs probably about who they were going to marry and how many kids they were going to have or something like that. I asked when I was going to die. It said not now. Ok good so far but then the piece kept going and after a long while finally spelled out that my brother would die in a car accident soon. I of course was a little skeptical but curious and nervous as we were all looking at each other at this point because the "game" took a different turn.
It then said soon again and then over hill. That was it, I couldn't get any more out of it.
I was spooked and left the "game". 3 months later I turned 16 and had a sweet 16 b-day party. It was the last picture I have of my brother who was 21 at the time.
He died the next month in July in a car accident on the way home from work. He was driving up a very large hill and hit an asphalt truck dead on the other side.

There are some things you just don't mess with.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
If you beleive they are harmless I dare you to go out and get one and use it while your alone, something no one should do.

Yes and probably nothing will happen and you will get bored. I naiveley wasted my money on one. I tried with my friends and it was the same, I felt really stupid sitting there speaking to nothing. Imo the only thing that usually affects them is the users/joint users psyche. There have been tests to prove this. But I'm open to the idea that maybe sometimes the work in the desired way.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by DDay

I will personally never use one again and here's why.

I was 15 yrs old, spending the night with some girl's sleep over party. 4 of us decided to try the board owned by the girl that we were sleeping over at.
We eached asked a question. I don't remember theirs probably about who they were going to marry and how many kids they were going to have or something like that. I asked when I was going to die. It said not now. Ok good so far but then the piece kept going and after a long while finally spelled out that my brother would die in a car accident soon. I of course was a little skeptical but curious and nervous as we were all looking at each other at this point because the "game" took a different turn.
It then said soon again and then over hill. That was it, I couldn't get any more out of it.
I was spooked and left the "game". 3 months later I turned 16 and had a sweet 16 b-day party. It was the last picture I have of my brother who was 21 at the time.
He died the next month in July in a car accident on the way home from work. He was driving up a very large hill and hit an asphalt truck dead on the other side.

I was warned about driving all the way to a corner about 20 seconds before it happened and before it was within site. I was driving up hill and I felt a feeling that I must be cautious about the corner ahead before I could even see it at all. Before I got close to the corner, I slowed down for no reason. Then, out of the hard to see side of the other street, came a huge 18 wheeler turning into the street that I was on. If I would have kept going, I would have definitely been in the spot where the 18 wheeler would have turned into me while trying to turn onto the street. The other side does desire to help you in preventing a disaster from happening but you must do something to change your current path of direction.
I'm not understanding some people's reaction. If the Ouija board is really trying to say something that is important then that is a good thing. And, if this being is emotional like a person and considers you as a friend, then imagine how it feels to be dumped as a friend. And even more so, if this interdimensional being really cared about helping and when it did help, it was treated like it was evil. Right now, I understand the being more than I understand some people's reaction. I hope people will try and treat these beings more like people and less like monsters.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by losangeleslover
He asked a question and he wanted an answer not someone telling him to stay off them.


And if he doesn't want to hear people tell him to stay off it then he shouldn't open a thread discussing the quija board.

He said this -

Does anybody have an Ouija board that they use that is very active and are willing to help answer my questions?

I had a board. It ws very active. The answer was absoltuely not .. it is NOT useful for winning the lottery .. it is dangerous and stay off it at all costs.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf

They open doors that you can't close.

Not true, typical fundie hysteria attributed to something they dont/wont understand.


I'm not a fundamentlist. Not even close. I actually had a very active board. It caused many dark spirit problems. I went to Ed and Lorraine Warren. I spoke with them during one of their conferences. They explained everything about the board. Bottom line .. again ... they open doors that you can't close. Don't use them.

Quote from Ed and Lorraine Warrens book - Graveyard (1992, pp. 137-38): "Ouija boards are just as dangerous as drugs. They’re not to be played with.... Remember: Séances and Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia are dangerous because evil spirits often disguise themselves as your loved ones—and take over your life."

[edit on 9/18/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 03:55 PM
Another story
A firend of mine became addicted to playing one. But she played hers alone and you should NEVER do this.

She told stories of having a wicker wreath on the wall in her daughters bedoom, and somehow it would get moved to her room, and end up on her hubby's side of the bed. They would put it back, then go to bed and there it would be again. She also had other paranormal activity going on.

Her and her hubby went to dinner. He was in his mid 40's and very healthy. He suddenly said "i don't feel good", she thought it was the food, but actually he had died right there. He died of a rare brain anuerism, and was pronounced clinically dead at the scene, and was only kept alive at the hospital to donate his organs. It was a huge shock and this woman never recovered, stopped talking to eveyone. I didn't dare ask her if she felt it was connected.
Who knows? But why take the chance?

She had even been wondering herself if playing it was causing the paranormal incidents, bu she couldn't stop playing it.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:17 PM
That's weird that you should mention a brain anuerism, Violet. When I was a teenager, me and a group of kids were playing with a board and we asked if there were spirits in the room. The radio turned on by itself and played "Highway to Hell', then a window slammed shut. After that I flipped a deck of cards at my friend. All cards landed on the floor except one. It was the ace of spades and it landed on my friend's head. Her father died of a brain anuerism the very next week. Weird. I will never play with one of those again.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Who ever it is, it wants you to believe in religion. I know that all major religions were created by the ETs who are all around us in other dimensions. The alien contacts for the Raelians even admitted to creating all major religions, but still seem to support the future events of the Bible.
They plan on gathering 144,000 people to meet up with the aliens during there official descent to the world in the future. 144,000 is also a number from the book of Revelation in the Bible.
Some ETs feed off of fear, but when you stop being afraid then they stop trying to make you afraid.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 07:08 PM
Some people may not know that aliens are all around us in the other dimensions like the beings using the Ouija boards.
If an object can only be detected with an infrared video camera then I would think that it is at least half way in another dimension. There is video proof of over 2 mile long motherships from NASA in infrared view in space. You can watch the footage from the video: "Evidence: The Case For NASA UFOs" at this weblink:
Make sure to click on "(Part 2)" after you watch Part 1 of the video.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

Ouija Boards are nothing but a BOARD GAME! Milton Bradley, the same people that gave us Candy-Land and Tiddly-Winks. Everyone knows a freind of a freind who heard about something with a wee-gee board. I'd say (based on absolutley nothing at all) that 99% of all stories about them are completely made up.
I have used them with freinds and even tried it alone. I still don't have my promised gate to hell in my closet. Wheres my very own poltergeist that was supposed to appear? My board hasn't caught fire, nor has it thrown a glass across the room. I do have a billy bass, and sometimes it goes off for no reason, I wonder if the fact that it costs 1.13$ to build and it was put together by a 6 year old in China have anything to do with it?

I really wanted my very own gate to hell too, I want my money back.

P.S. Chris, We DID NOT evolve from apes, if you bothered to read something you would know that. Humans AND apes both evolved along seperate genetic paths from common ancestors that were NOT apes, but another(different) form of early primate.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Tiloke]

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Tiloke]

I know my experiances were real.
You can not be promised a gateway to hell with a ouija board. People who say they are for communicating with the devil probably heard it from their heavely religous parents to scare them off of the idea of using one.
All that is happening is that you might contact a spirit ,not demons, if you contact a polterguist then maybe that spirit will hang around and mess with you.
You have your own opinain but what you said is crap in my opinian.

My point about the apes is that supposedly we were created by an alien species if you read up on that stuff like greys or ebens. Just pointing out that no other creature has evolved into intelligent life other than us. So why is every other species lacking intelligence when we supposedly were a form of ape and evolved with intelligence.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
That's weird that you should mention a brain anuerism, Violet. When I was a teenager, me and a group of kids were playing with a board and we asked if there were spirits in the room. The radio turned on by itself and played "Highway to Hell', then a window slammed shut. After that I flipped a deck of cards at my friend. All cards landed on the floor except one. It was the ace of spades and it landed on my friend's head. Her father died of a brain anuerism the very next week. Weird. I will never play with one of those again.

That is strange. sends a shiver down the spine.

I forgot this post was originally asking about lotto's. This woman I mention, was dabbling in other ways, getting psychic readings done, palm reading book study. it was just a sudden thing she seemed to begin doing.

What bugged me, was she seemed to have one main question she desired the answer to, which was would she get rich. She wanted money, wanted nice things. Becoming very materialistic. Before her husband died, she had been buying lucky 7 Lotto tickets. Now i don't know if she was asking how to buy them, but she did win ! Seven thousand, seven hundered and seventy-seven dollars. She bought herself some nice things, but gambled the rest of it and likely more on more tickets. That was another obsession she had. you couldn't go out with her, bc she had to stop and get tickets, several stops along the way, then rush home to play the ouija board.

I really think playing this board is inviting evil spitits into your life. If it is true that the first stage of possession is the invitation. I think the second stage is recognition, where you know it is there and beleive it. Best to stop if you already got to this part and refuse to beleive it, so in a way it is best not to see it as invoking demons.

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