posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:57 PM
IP information goes out on email headers (its also broadcast whenever a person is connected to the internet). IP information is associated with your
name, home address, etc. That association is kept by your service providers, and, as Dbates says, it should require contacting the service provider
company, and they'll tend to only give that information out to the government in police matters (or at the hint of a request, like with AT&T and
others in the recent wiretapping debacle).
I won't pretend to understand most of this stuff, but, for my self, if I wanted to prevent an average person resolving my IP to my address from
emails and 'hits' on any of their websites, I wouldn't really worry. BUT, if I had done something that might really tick off some violent yahoos,
like told off the KKK or something like that, I'd be more wary of not taking another level of precaution. I am pretty sure that there are services
on the internet that will provide a good way to keep your IP out of any emails that you send, that reroute it in some way or another. That might be