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Originally posted by nephyx
I will agree that Islam is a highly extremist religion that in my opinion doesnt do much good for the rest of the world (let alone its own people).
In all sadness many of our western generalizations of the east are just as general and unfounded.
There is about a zero percent chance of islam conquering the world.
Also, what the heck would it matter, in your calculation, if islam did
infact conquer the world?
I mean, unless you are saying that christianity is the one and
only religion, what would it really matter if christianity was
wiped out?
Heck, in the most 'dispassionate' analysis, if muslims represent that
much of a threat to non-muslims, then, rather that killing billions of
people (to...prevent the killings of billions of other people??), everyone
could just convert.
Originally posted by iori_komei
There are more christians in the world than Muslims four fold,
if you wiped out Christianity and it's believers, that'd be about half
the world population, Islma only makes up about 1/7th.
Originally posted by nephyx
I will agree that Islam is a highly extremist religion that in my opinion doesnt do much good for the rest of the world (let alone its own people).
Genocide on the other hand, although it is perceived as an easy solution, would be difficult to build support for.
Originally posted by iori_komei
I never said I thought Islam was going to conquer the world,
nor was it a part of my scenario.
Ha! Christianity is hardly the "true religion" it's so espoused to be.
That[conversion]sir, is not an option.
I really must enforce that this is a hypothetical scenario,
but I'm not saying my numbers were true, they are hypothetical.
If islam is not a threat then why destroy muslims?
Why? If we are talking about being reasonable and 'hard', which was the rationale for advocating genocide (because muslims, for whatever the reason, are agitated and not likely to stop), why not rather convert? Conversion would be the most peaceful situation, and you are arguing that genocide is necessary for a greater peace.
You do realize that thats how genocide starts right? When the germans started, they didn't say 'we must kill the jews now', they were talking in hypoteticals, 'imagine what a purer german culture and science would be like, if the inferior judaistic tendencies would utterly removed from it', etc etc
So, what are you saying, islam aint' a problem, but we should fantasize about killing muslims en mass???
Originally posted by iori_komei
In my opinion the logical thing to do would be to destroy Islam,
or in more commmon words, a genocide of Islam.
Originally posted by nephyx
If the nation of Islam are so seperate from their Jihadist brethrin why dont they stand up and declare themselves seperate? How come you never see any of these islamic figureheads denouncing the actions of jihad?
Originally posted by nephyx
Websites wont do enough. Im talking about Muslims speaking out in protests that capture the attention of the world. So sorry, those examples arent going to cut it.
FMC's commercial message, exposing the Islamic Extremists lies about Islam.
FMC's Kamal Nawash on the O'Reilly Factor!
Kamal Nawash on O'Reilly President of The Free Muslims Coalition, Kamal Nawash, talked to Laura Ingraham, to discuss the Israel/Hezbollah conflict in Lebanon.
American Muslims and Scholars denounce Terrorism
Washington, DC (September 9, 2002) — Several prominent American Muslims, organizations, and scholars issued the following statement denouncing violence and terrorism, especially in the name of Islam, a religion of peace and justice.
The statement was issued on the eve of the first anniversary of the tragedy of Sept. 11, and has been signed by 199 prominent American Muslims, and scholars of Islam from all over the world.
Prominent American Muslims denounce terror committed in the name of Islam
Transcript of CBS's 60 Minutes interview on Sept 30, 2001 between Ed Bradley and
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf of California
Imam Siraj Wahaj of Brooklyn
Dr. Farid Esack, Visiting Professor in Religious Studies at the University of Hamburg
Imam Faisal Abdur Rauf of Lower Manhattan
Dr. Vali Nasir, Professor of Political Science at the University of San Diego
British Muslim Scholars Denounce Terrorism
Issued by the British Muslim Forum with the approval of over 500 clerics, scholars and Imams throughout the United Kingdom, July 19, 2005. British Muslim Forum, Eaton Hall, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0PR (UK), Tel: 01777/706-441.
Hey What do you know!
It's our own Private Hitler!
I bet he was saying the same thing for those pesky Jews in the WW2, when he decided to systematicly exterminate an entire Religious Group of people in numerous Death Camps.
So, how would you "Do it" mister Smarty Pants?
Originally posted by iori_komei
You knwo I probably should have mentioned this, but when I
said genocide, I did'nt mean every last muslim on Earth,
I meant the key Islamic states, I.E. most of the middle-East,
nuclear weapons would most likely have to be deployed.
Originally posted by iori_komei
I am nothing like Hitler, I don't condone the extermination of a group
just because you personally don't like them, or your religion clashes
with theres.
There's a big difference between what Hitler did and my Hypothetical
Hitler killed people because they did'nt fit his perfect race archotype,
and he had something against jews.
My scenrio deals with a group that, within the scenario has become a
threat in general, and are willing to kill people just because they don't
believe like them, or are different from them.
If you must know, I think the only real way to commit such an act is
to use a fast spreading, lethal biological agent over the area that has
a half-life of three days, and after the fifth generaton it would no
longer be able to replicate.
Originally posted by iori_komei
My scenrio deals with a group that, within the scenario has become a
threat in general, and are willing to kill people just because they don't
believe like them, or are different from them.
When somebody is advertising GENOCIDE (as you did), they can be easily compared to Hitler and his SS for what they did to the Jewish People.
I didn't know this is a War on Muslims - I thought it was a War on Terror. And if you belive that the majority of Muslims will KILL you just becase you are not sharing their views, then you are mistaken my Friend. And if you REALLY think that, then you also have Something against Muslims.
Wow, you already got Plans, ey?
Systematicat Elimination huh?
That's a Good Hitler!
Good Boy!
And your theory advocates the removal of a section of society because they don't believe like you, or are different from you.
In other words, you are no different than they are.
I am surpised this thread is not inna di Trash Bin yet - if I would write a kind of THEORETICAL decision: The Extermination of Judaism, I would be definetly declared a Islamo-Nazi or something. But when Muslims are mentioned - hey, just fire away the Insults!