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The great "Peace-Loving" religion. (Photos)

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:14 AM
G'day Ezekiel. I'm down in Sydney.

I see what your saying.
All religions are peaceful.
No religion is peaceful.

Choose only one.

If you don't agree, then please don't ignore or omit indecent facts of favorable religions whilst promoting the indecent facts of a non-favorable, or rival religion.

Take Christianity for example. It encourages peace right? You might (or might not) be interested to know that Christianity is the number one cause of all wars and genocide thoughout history.

Or are you specifically talking about modern times?
Because if you are, you might (or might not) be interested to know that 90% of all incaserated convicts are Christian. Almost all of them being Christian before going into prison.

What I have to say is Similar to what PieMan said.
You can't stereotype or be bias toward certain facts. If you do, I might as well say this:
"All Greenpeace are terrorists. They all bomb ships. They all sabotage loggers. They all Hijack mines."

You see where I'm going with this?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Gear
G'day Ezekiel. I'm down in Sydney.

G'day mate
Im from Perth, so Im still sore at you guys for beating us by one point last weekend

I see what your saying.
All religions are peaceful.
No religion is peaceful.

Not quite... Religions themselves promote peace as far as I can tell - its the extremist followers who mess it up.

If you don't agree, then please don't ignore or omit indecent facts of favorable religions whilst promoting the indecent facts of a non-favorable, or rival religion.

I wasnt targeting one religion in particular, I was talking about extremists. If you read my latest blog entry My blog (shameless plug) I was rather critical of Christian Extremists too.

Personally I dont follow organised religion, I have my beliefs and I respect other peoples beliefs. What I dont respect, is extremists like those in the photo - some of them MASKED because they obviously too weak to show their face and stand by their messages of hate.

Or are you specifically talking about modern times?
Because if you are, you might (or might not) be interested to know that 90% of all incaserated convicts are Christian. Almost all of them being Christian before going into prison.

Thats an interesting statistic - heres some more for you

Just over two-thirds (68.0 per cent) of Australia’s population reported a Christian religion in the 2001 Census. The remainder was made up of Other Religions (4.9 per cent)

So I dont find it surprising that the largest religious demographic has the highest number of criminals in jail - it would be a bit worrying if the 4.9 percent of other religious followers had the majority of incarcerated convicts.

What I have to say is Similar to what PieMan said.
You can't stereotype or be bias toward certain facts. If you do, I might as well say this:
"All Greenpeace are terrorists. They all bomb ships. They all sabotage loggers. They all Hijack mines."

You see where I'm going with this?

Yes I do, however Im sick to death of Muslims whingeing about the criticism they receive about their religion being labeled as violent and full of hate - when you have idiots like those in the photos promoting messages of hate in the name of Islam!

Muslims need to stop whinging, accept the fact that a number of people who follow Islam are violent extremists and start to do more to fix it instead of blaming it on the Western societies and the 'terrible injustices' they have suffered.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Those 10 people carrying those signs are very disturbing, however just because 10 out of hundreds feel that way does not necessarily mean the rest feel the same.

With the mass painting of a religion as being the way you are attempting to portray them, I can see more of them becoming that way though.

Im not attempting to portray them as anything other than the photos show as glaringly obvious - there are some VIOLENT and extremely disturbed people who follow Islam, and not enough is being done to try to solve the problem.

Telling the west to stop criticising them and their Religion will not help the problem, they need to know that there is a problem and that we will not tolerate it in our society!

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Ezekiel

Can anyone here confirm these photos are the real deal? Not that I would be surprised if they were...

I can. A preacher of Islam posted them a while back, they are from a radical Islam website. Which I would recommend not looking for. It scared me to death then, still upsets me now.

(Mod edit: Really big quote of photos removed. Please be sure to Trim Those Quotes! --Majic)

[edit on 9/17/2006 by Majic]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by smalllight
I can. A preacher of Islam posted them a while back, they are from a radical Islam website. Which I would recommend not looking for. It scared me to death then, still upsets me now.

Thanks mate, I've seen some pretty disturbing stuff as well.

Theres a good website called "palestinian media watch" or something like that, has some pretty disturbing stuff that gets shown on Palestinian mainstream tv.

Encouraging hate amongst children among other things.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
We need to start looking at the history of this conflict so we can properly identify how to control it.

Agree, the root cause must be dealt with. Vengenace and cycles of violence will never "defeat" it.

Anyhow. "Europe is the Cancer, Islam is the Answer!" LOL.. that's so catchy it's funny. I suppose I shouldn't be laughing.

Notice how this diverse and large mob are holding cards with the same handwriting. How do we know all of them can read? Who handed the sh*t out?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Gear

Choose only one.

Take Christianity for example. It encourages peace right? You might (or might not) be interested to know that Christianity is the number one cause of all wars and genocide thoughout history.

Or are you specifically talking about modern times?
Because if you are, you might (or might not) be interested to know that 90% of all incaserated convicts are Christian. Almost all of them being Christian before going into prison.

First you cannot choose just one.

Your analogy is flawed. First you have to ask why? The answer would of course be because they are the largest religion.

I do not buy into this Islam is peaceful that so many preach. If they were the majority of the religion would immediately come out and condemn the actions of just a few, which has not happened.

Now look at the Catholic religion and see what happened when they had their recent sex scandals. What happened there? I will tell you what the catholics came out of the walls condemning those crimes while crying for reform and controls, which Islamics have not done. Yes a few have but not in the numbers that catholics did.

Edit to add

I see while I was making my reply off line Ezekiel responed with virtually the same reasoning I used for the demographics as to why chistian numbers are higher.

[edit on 9/17/2006 by shots]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:39 AM
Slay those who insult Islam.

Butcher those who mock Islam.

Behead those who insult Islam.

Exterminate those who slander Islam.

Massacre those who insult Islam.

Europe you will pay demolition is on it's way!

Europe you will pay, your extermination is on it's way!

Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on it's way!!

Europe is the cancer, Islam is the answer!

Europe. Take some lessons from 9/11

Freedom go to hell.

Ok I think that's all of them. Obviously written by the same person too.

[edit on 17/9/06 by SteveR]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by SteveR

Ok I think that's all of them. Obviously written by the same person too.

[edit on 17/9/06 by SteveR]

MOre than likely it would be their spiritual leader (radical Imam) who is preaching the hate and stirring up the anti west sentiment that wrote them.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:49 AM
We're talking Radically Conservative Islam here. We're talking this one sect of this religion taking the world back 600 years! I have nothing against normal Islamic people, and I won't judge them on religion alone or anything, but it's different when people are trying to go "back in time" by pushing a religion.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:54 AM
Okay. After having just said what you have, I tend to agree with you.

But I have one more thing to add.

Equal 'blame' should be placed on the media.

1. The cartoon with Mohammed should never have been published in the first place. It was a spark to anger average Islams into turning extremist.
Islamic is an Ancient religion that had been insulted with the greatest insult possible to them. They retaliated in anger. It should have been foreseen and avoided.
Scientology is a 'new' religion. What do you think will happen if you publish an article of how it is based on nothing more than a novel? You know your up for a lawsuit.

2.The above posted pictures. The average person will not see extremists. They won't even see Islams. All they see is Muslims. As a race. Thus making the Western society rasict toward them as both a race AND religion. (Remind you of anything? A hint of the view of the Jewish in Nazi Germany?)
Anyway, the media should have a RESPONSIBILITY to specifically and clearly state: EXTREMISTS.


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Gear
Okay. After having just said what you have, I tend to agree with you.

Glad we can agree on a few points cos I know for sure that we wouldnt agree on which footy team should win the Grand Final

But I have one more thing to add.

Equal 'blame' should be placed on the media.

1. The cartoon with Mohammed should never have been published in the first place. It was a spark to anger average Islams into turning extremist.
Islamic is an Ancient religion that had been insulted with the greatest insult possible to them. They retaliated in anger. It should have been foreseen and avoided.

Hmm dont agree on this point. Yes the media has a responsibility, however we cant start censoring what is printed and what is shown on television because a small group may get offended. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is the cornerstone of Western Society. Change that in ANY way, and the extremists have already won. 'V For Vendetta' is a good example of this.

Scientology is a 'new' religion. What do you think will happen if you publish an article of how it is based on nothing more than a novel? You know your up for a lawsuit.

Scientology is CONSTANTLY criticised in popular media - South Park is a great example of this! You dont see Scientologists marching down the streets waving placards calling for death to anyone who criticises Scientology, they just deal with it.

2.The above posted pictures. The average person will not see extremists. They won't even see Islams. All they see is Muslims. As a race. Thus making the Western society rasict toward them as both a race AND religion. (Remind you of anything? A hint of the view of the Jewish in Nazi Germany?)
Anyway, the media should have a RESPONSIBILITY to specifically and clearly state: EXTREMISTS.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on this. They shouldnt say "all muslims etc" they should make sure that they report the facts acurately and honestly.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:12 AM

Please don't quote me, then 'edit' it to meet your interpretation of what I said.

I did not say

Choose only one.

Take Christianity for example. It encourages peace right? You might (or might not) be interested to know that Christianity is the number one cause of all wars and genocide thoughout history.

Or are you specifically talking about modern times?
Because if you are, you might (or might not) be interested to know that 90% of all incaserated convicts are Christian. Almost all of them being Christian before going into prison.

I said

I see what your saying.
All religions are peaceful.
No religion is peaceful.

Choose only one.

If you don't agree, then please don't ignore or omit indecent facts of favorable religions whilst promoting the indecent facts of a non-favorable, or rival religion.

It was statement that people Ignore the problems with religion they follow, and highlight the problems that are in another religion.

Take Christianity for example. It encourages peace right? You might (or might not) be interested to know that Christianity is the number one cause of all wars and genocide thoughout history.

Or are you specifically talking about modern times?
Because if you are, you might (or might not) be interested to know that 90% of all incaserated convicts are Christian. Almost all of them being Christian before going into prison.

Thats an EXAMPLE that people believe only the good from their religion. I fail to believe that you would expect me to give an example from a lesser known religion that people won't be a part of, so won't understand. Or worse, they WOULD understand, but they would fail to see the GOOD in the religion.

EDIT:Fixed quote box.

[edit on 25-01-2004 by Gear]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Gear

Please don't quote me, then 'edit' it to meet your interpretation of what I said.

I know you did not say those words exactly. I was simply posting only the relevant parts to which I was replying and it was not meant to change the context sorry you took it as such since that was not my intent.

Perhaps you should
read this

As you can see I was simply following ATS guidelines

[edit on 9/17/2006 by shots]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:49 AM

Glad we can agree on a few points cos I know for sure that we wouldnt agree on which footy team should win the Grand Final


Yes the media has a responsibility, however we cant start censoring what is printed and what is shown on television because a small group may get offended. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is the cornerstone of Western Society. Change that in ANY way, and the extremists have already won.

I try not to get involved in a political AND religious discussion at the same time but...
Islam is in no way a small group. But that's not the point. We DO censor quite alot. If I was to post a topic in BTS Rants with nothing but racism toward ONE group, I bet you won't see it ten minutes.
But what is most important is exactly that. Importance. There was little to no relevance or point to that cartoon, that was importance to be worth disgracing a religion like that. (In honesty I have never seen the cartoon in question, but there's no WAY a cartoon can be worth that much trouble that CANT be re-written).

Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is the cornerstone of Western Society. Change that in ANY way, and the extremists have already won.

OUCH! I think you might have worded that badly...
Either that, or you yourself are caught up in media output.
Extremists DON'T want to change freedom of speech in Western Society.
The want to maintain their own way of life in their own nations (Where Freedom of speech happens NOT to be a part of.)

---SIDENOTE: Yes, I DO understand the double standards involved. Some live in the western world with it's benefits, but don't want their home to have them.

It is the cold war all over again. Russians (Islams) move to America (western world) to avoid communism(oppression). But the agents (extremists) also move to America (western world) to work from the inside, keeping America (the western world) out. As a result all Russians (Islams) living in America (the western world) were/are targeted.
-Hope that wasn't too hard to read.

'V For Vendetta' is a good example of this.

Sorry, I've never seen it.

Scientology is CONSTANTLY criticised in popular media - South Park is a great example of this! You dont see Scientologists marching down the streets waving placards calling for death to anyone who criticises Scientology, they just deal with it.

They don't call to death because they aren't as offened as an ancient religion would be.
That episode of SouthPark nearly didn't air because of complaints. Tom Cruise himself set up a lawsuit, and the voice actor for Chef was a Scientologist himself, and left the company after it aired.

Sorry for if what I wrote was muddled, and sorry for Derailing your topic, but that tends to happen with me in a Religion/Political debate.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:58 AM
Nah, sorry, to me it just seemed edited for a seperate interpretation.

Mainly because this is what I saw:

Choose only one.

Take Christianity for example. It encourages...

First you cannot choose just one

But that was the point. You can't choose just one. Which is why This line followed:

If you don't agree, then please don't ignore or omit indecent facts...

But it was missing from your post, making the first lines have a completely different meaning.


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:13 PM
So to everyone on the board, they have agreed to disagree.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Gear
I try not to get involved in a political AND religious discussion at the same time but...
Islam is in no way a small group. But that's not the point. We DO censor quite alot. If I was to post a topic in BTS Rants with nothing but racism toward ONE group, I bet you won't see it ten minutes.

Sorry I didnt mean that Islam was a small group - I meant that only a small group of Islamic followers react badly.

Extremists DON'T want to change freedom of speech in Western Society.
The want to maintain their own way of life in their own nations (Where Freedom of speech happens NOT to be a part of.)

I dont know mate, I've seen comments from Islamic clerics who are asking for sharia law to be institued in the western countries they live in. They are already asking for it in the UK.

Sorry, I've never seen it.

V for Vendetta is a great movie, basically shows what would happen if you give the Government too much power in reaction to terrorist threats. Thats why Im so "pro free speech". Its really scary to see what would happen if we gave all our liberties away.

They don't call to death because they aren't as offened as an ancient religion would be.

I dont think just because one religion is older than another is an excuse to respond differently to criticism - if anything the older religion should deal with it better, since they would have centuries of experience in dealing with opposition to their views.

That episode of SouthPark nearly didn't air because of complaints. Tom Cruise himself set up a lawsuit, and the voice actor for Chef was a Scientologist himself, and left the company after it aired.

Isaac Hayes voiced chef, and yeah he did leave after a lot of pressure from his Scientologist buddies. But you are right it nearly didnt air - and the lawsuit Tom Cruise tried to set up was because they directly ridiculed him (he was hiding in a closet, and his friends were all asking to him to "come out" of the closet).

Again though, the worst that they did was complain and ask that the episode didnt go to air, there was no violence and threatening placards. For a young religion they sure show a lot more maturity than Islam which has been around for centuries.

Sorry for if what I wrote was muddled, and sorry for Derailing your topic, but that tends to happen with me in a Religion/Political debate.

No problem, I understood what you meant and I'm enjoying this discussion

[edit on 17-9-2006 by Ezekiel]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by smalllight
So to everyone on the board, they have agreed to disagree.

Hehe yeah i got that too

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Thank you, thank you. I think that's very important news.

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