posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 09:55 PM
I really wish I was here in the old days, 4-5 years back. It would have been awesome. Not this 68, 000 member chaos fest.
I'm only a year old. It makes me wonder how long I'll stick around, what will stop me coming here. My death? Board taken offline? Other members?
But even within that year - I don't know if it really my place to say this - but this board has kind of started to turn into a lot of other forms out
there. I get the feeling a dozen or so members and the mods are all that are stopping ATS from turning into a normal forum with members screaming at
each other and whatnot. I mean, what RATS is today was the general level back then. And that was only 1 year ago.
When I first signed up, there was a kind of process where you had to explain why youd be a good member. I remember that the first time I tried I did
not write anything here, and so my original choice of username was then unavailable. That's why I've got the '_' in my name, because I had no idea
how to use computers back then.
Does anyone else see (or more like feel) this, or is it just my ever-so-slightly deranged mind playing yet more tricks?
I think that it would almost be time to bring in another one of these systems. Not something so hands on as the 'explain why you would be a good
member' system, because that takes too much manpower to keep working, but perhaps a Q&A on the Terms And Conditions? (or something along those lines)
It would require a new member to score at least 80% on a multiple-choice quiz that asks questions about specific rules as stated in the T&C.
At least this would mean that new members would be somewhat educated on the basic rules here. I remember that I didn't even give the thing a second
look when I signed up.
Perhaps it would be possible to even include a little section for the 'General Etiquette' page?