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Sega's New "Dream Pony" Robot

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posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 05:25 PM

Dreaming of owning a pony, but anxious about taking on the
necessary responsibilities? Fret no more, there’s an alternative.
By the end of the year, Sega Toys will begin selling a life-sized
robotic pony.

The 1.2-meter tall, battery-operated Dream Pony is outfitted with
sensors that enable it to react to its environment.
Pet the pony’s neck and back and it shakes it head and moves its
ears and tail in appreciation, just like the real deal. Dream Pony also
responds to audio and visual stimuli with a whole repetoire of reactions,
including an anxious-sounding whinny when the room becomes dark
and a jerk of the head in response to a sudden loud noise.
Dream Pony also comes with a plastic carrot that it attempts to eat
when held in front of its face.

Unfortunately, though, Dream Pony lacks the appeal of a real pony primarily because its legs do not move. (Come on, what do you expect for 68,000 yen/$US600?) No moving legs means no joyrides through the hood, so you can cross it off your list of alternative modes of transportation. But as long as you weigh less than 36 kg (80 lb), the pony should be strong enough to support your weight.

Pink Tentacle

This is got to be one of the oddest, yet somehow cool, toys to come
out so far.

I myself would have no reason to buy one, but I can see a market for
these in the U.S. especialy with the upper middle-class and upper-class
in general.

Comments, Opinions?

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:55 AM
I'm with you about the part about it being pretty much useless. there wouldnt be much of a market for a toy like this

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