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Voyager May Be at End of Solar System

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posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:24 PM
(AP) - The Voyager 1 spacecraft, the most distant human-made object, has reached the end ?or perhaps just the beginning of the end ?of our solar system, scientists argue in two new studies. As of Wednesday, 26 years after its launch, NASA's Voyager 1 was 8.4 billion miles from the sun. That's 90 times the distance separating the Earth from our star


posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:25 PM
I already added this to the ATS news section a few hurs ago...

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:27 PM
sorry about that... I just read it on yahoo and it sounded interesting enough to put here.

ya know, I have never read the news section on here..
hmmm I better get busy.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:30 PM
heh it's allright.
We just don't want a lot of copy-and-paste posts. Next time try to add a statement, question or comment to your post.

I just don't understand what all the scientific arguements are all about; they do know how big our solar system is, do they

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 03:33 PM
I wanted to get some reactions to this article and then see what kind of questions I could come up with.

I guess one question is, would it be possible for Voyager to go further than our solar system ?

Also, I wonder what kind of data it sends back to us ?

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:34 PM
i thought voyager was long gone....i remember watching a doco on it back in 88....when it passed neptune.....which was, at the time, the furthest planet from the sun......doesn't that mean it was out of our solar system then?....i nearly cried that's sad to think that they give directions to our planet to a hostile invading force.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:51 PM
heh, don't cry, any beings that can pick that little tin can up in space understand the messge and get here, know we exist anyway.

I would imagine the edge of the solar system would be the outermost orbit of the planets.

But guess I am wrong. Check this pic from Zions post...

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 11:49 PM
From what i read there were alot of groups that argued about the plaque on board.

Critics have argued that it may not be wise to show where the spacecraft originated, because malicious extraterrestrial intelligences could use the information to find and attack the Earth. Dr. Sagan opposes this view, because it is highly unlikely that the message will be found in a near epoch.

Another point of criticism is that the message is too anthropocentric and too hard to understand. Almost none of the human scientists that were shown the message was able to decode all of the message. It can be assumed that it will be even harder for extraterrestrial intelligences that do not share our common knowledge.

According to Sagan (Murmurs of Earth, 1978, New York, ISBN 0679744444), there were many negative reactions to the plaque due to the fact that the human beings were displayed naked. The Chicago Sun Times retouched its image to hide the genitals of the man and woman. The Los Angeles Times received "angry letters" from readers which accused NASA of wasting taxpayer money to send "obscenities" into space.

Feminists complained that only the hand of the man was raised and not that of the woman.

Heres the disk:

and the otherside:

for info on the disk go here:

and the plaque:

and heres info on the plaque:

kinda reminds me of ancient egyptian hieroglyphics.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Check this pic from Zions post...

Dude, that looks like we are inside of a cell!

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic

Dude, that looks like we are inside of a cell!

One thing I've always believed was that we are living *inside* of god. Just one group of tiny "Cells" that help keep him/her/it alive. The Flame chasers will jump all over this post and hump its leg, but that's how I feel and in a way, you have to admit it makes sense.

We'll all find out eventually.

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Kai-Raega

Originally posted by Lysergic

Dude, that looks like we are inside of a cell!

One thing I've always believed was that we are living *inside* of god. Just one group of tiny "Cells" that help keep him/her/it alive. The Flame chasers will jump all over this post and hump its leg, but that's how I feel and in a way, you have to admit it makes sense.

We'll all find out eventually.

Man thats how I feel, even earth looks like a cell to me when I see it in a picture from space.

Thats why I think we are a part of whatever "God" is.

posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 12:21 AM
I don't know if it was ever covered by ATS, but years ago I heard that a theory was being kicked around that "Dark Matter" was actually the "Veins and tissue" holding the universe together, and that when they magnified the blackness of space enough they were able to see something that looked like Veins.

Also, I've heard about the "Neutrinos" they recently found. They pass through everything, including people, stars, and planets, and seem to exist on a different level then the rest of the matter in our universe.

I've always thought they were the "Blood cells" of a way.

It makes sense that we all live in one big machine that needs every part to be working together to function at its peak.


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