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Why did god make people?

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posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Forgive me if I seem ignorant in the subject of religion, but the way I see it is
god gives people free will to either worship him or to go south.
Is this why god makes people? To give them this choice?
On the other hand, If you do choose god, Wouldn't he already know this.Why would he make you in the first place?
The only other answer I can come up with is that god wants people to give him thanks and praise.If that's the case, how selfish and big headed is that?
(Go ahead god, give yourself a pat on the back .)

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 04:07 PM

God made people so that souls could incarnate into them and learn about good and evil on the earth.

This is basically a classroom where we learn about power and the uses and abuses of it.

Even though people are kinda slow they have a subconscious information gathering principle in them which gathers all the information the earth has to offer, without them even knowing about it.

Their souls know however and when the person dies they find their soul is an extremely wise being that knows how to use its god given powers properly.

That's my take on our situation anyway

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by PEADY
Forgive me if I seem ignorant in the subject of religion, but the way I see it is
god gives people free will to either worship him or to go south.
Is this why god makes people? To give them this choice?
On the other hand, If you do choose god, Wouldn't he already know this.Why would he make you in the first place?
The only other answer I can come up with is that god wants people to give him thanks and praise.If that's the case, how selfish and big headed is that?
(Go ahead god, give yourself a pat on the back .)

God makes people so that priests can receive charities and donations and make the church filthy rich.
This site will explain everything.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 09:20 AM
I think that God made people so that He/She/It could experience unexpected emotion.
After all, when God does something, it would be perfect. "Let there be light".....'poof'...there's a sun giving off light. God is used to having stuff go His/Her/Its' way. By making people, with free wills, God can experience and, perhaps, come to terms with His/Her/Its' heretofore, unrecognized, anger management problem.

In the past, God made people and when the people did not do as God wanted or as He/She/It told them to behave, he would simply destroy them. Yep, God would smite them. Now God could have made people to respond to His/Her/Its' desires and whims but that would not have been fun. It is far more fun to watch people 'do their thing' and, when the people would do something 'totally unexpected, out-of-bounds, it would give God a momentary shot of anger -- an emotion that could not be elicited simply by making a shoddy or poorly thought out galaxy or binary star system.

I think that God enjoys this 'shot of emotion' -- anger. And it's nice to see that we people have done 'our part' in helping to keep God amused.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 03:26 PM

I totaly agree with you on this.

How come God does not "smite" people today?

Clearly there are more evil people living today, than in the old testiment era..

Question: Does it say anywere in the bible Why he/she/it made people?
Im begining to think it was for his own amusment.


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 09:51 PM
I looked into this and did a word study one time. I won't remember all I found out but I'll try too. This is a good question but the right words need to be used to answer it properly, so I hope I use them.

First off we are not a sick joke that God has pulled.

God is complete, there is nothing lacking in Him, so He didn't make us because He was lonely or bored. He didn't make us because He's on some ego trip. He lacks no thing.

We are to show forth the awesomeness of God. Now this showing of the abundance of who God is, is not for His benefit. He already knows who He is and He already knows what He Himself is capable of. So He is showing who He is too others beside Himself. He's not making Himself into something AWESOME(He already is AWESOME), He's making us into something that is awesome. From the Bible we learn that there are angels and mankind. So the angels and mankind are being shown who God is and the extent of who He is(but this will take all of eternity).
He made us to be an expression of Himself. He made us to have a share in His universe.

He made us because He loved us. Time is a creation of God's, so outside of time there is eternity, which is an existence, but not a measured existence. So God has always been and He has also knows everything all at the same moment, so we have always been in and on the mind of God. Even in eternity past, before we existed, He knew PEADY, benevolent tyrant, Ersatz, probedbygrays, dbrandt etc. So we are from the "imagination" of God. We are also part of a plan. A plan of God's(of which right now we only see a little of , for it will take all of eternity to reveal this plan and the wonders it will consist of. Most of the things that will take place in eternity cannot even be imagined by us), to build and construct a glorious creation that is constantly, and for all of eternity, expanding in every way shape and form(but without any sin or wrong or pain).

So He made mankind for a purpose that is significant and that brings life to us and our being into the fruition God has planned for each of us. He was/is thinking about us.

Now having said all that there are a couple of important points. God wants each person to be a part of this plan of life. He has made a provision that enables that to happen through faith in Christ. There are many words to describe Jesus Christ. One of them is that He is a choice. A choice that people are confronted with and must make a decision on. To choose not to receive Christ is a choice.

God also made a choice to make us. We are made in a way that ultimately will be the best at expressing who God is. But temporarily a problem arose with the rebellion and disobedience that mankind choose over believing God. But it was a problem that had already been taken into account for.

One thing I've noticed from posting on ATS is that people do not comprehend what the idea of who God really is. Now I'm not saying that I fully know who God is, because that will take all of eternity to find out, but we can begin down that road and start to know who He is. Our idea of a "GOD" is lacking, when in truth the word GOD is who He is. God means an infinite being. Being finite we can only see the tip of the iceberg of who God is.

The most important thing there is to know about who God is has already been revealed to us. That thing is that the love of God for us is so great, that He did not let anything stop His plan for us to be ended.

This love is demonstrated in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ in our place.

When mankind fell away from a relationship with God, He could have let our decision of disobeying Him, take it's course. That would have been everlasting seperation from Him. And He would have been just in doing so. But His love for us, was/is so great that it was/is stronger than the pain and horror of death. Now the death I'm talking about is the death that comes as a result of sin. He didn't want any to face that, but the law says that is how it has to be. So for all of eternity past while we were on the mind of God, something else was also on His mind, the death that He Himself would one day experience and totally satisfy, so that we wouldn't taste a small part of it.

We can think about this eternal, everlasting death but noone has fully felt it yet, nor can we comprehend it. But God can and did and much worse. See when a person would experience this it would/will be horrible, but for God it was way worse than we can imagine. He had to go a step futher in solving the sin problem. Since no man can pay for sin, since all men and women are affected by sin, the only perfect sacrifice was God Himself, because He is sinless. So Jesus, God Himself, came to earth in the form of a human, yet still God. And at a moment on the cross He cried out, "My God My God why have you forsaken me?" It was at that moment that all the sin of all time was placed on Him.

Now if I were to be seperated from God for my sin, I would only have the weight of my own sin to bear, I don't have to endure Hitler's sin. But Jesus took upon Himself, every person's sin who ever existed. And I'm not talking about them being lumped on Him in one neat package. I'm talking about each individual sin He felt, as if He had done them. I stole a balloon from the dime store when I was 3. He took that upon Himself. That and all the other 95,000 sins I've committed He felt each one. Now add in individually, each person's individual sins. He felt each one. He suffered for each one. He bore the pain and grief of each one. No one else has ever or will ever bear every individual sin and suffer for them all.

We can't even begin to imagine that. I have also heard that a mere human could not have stayed alive for that suffering. It would have caused a quick death, a death insufficient for the payment required. So that's another aspect. Since Jesus is God He could stay alive while all the sin of the world was placed on Him.

That's a good thing for us, but it should also make you realize something. Something that was so intense that it would have prematurely brought physical death to a mere human, was put on Jesus and He stayed alive to fully pay for it. Jesus had to be human to pay the price the law demanded for sin, but at the same time He had to be God to bear up under the weight of the sin and remain alive so it could be fully paid for. The crucifiction of Jesus was excruciating physically, mentally and emotionally.

Even those in hell will not go through what Jesus endured on the cross. That is not meant to mean hell is a nice place, just that Jesus suffered more than anyone ever will.

Also people are born with a sin nature. I sinned when I was little and I will unfortunately sin again in the future. Jesus who knew no sin , had sin placed upon Him on the cross. Imagine one moment not knowing what sin felt like and the next moment He felt billions upon billions of sins(each one) and all the grief and shame they bring with them. That would be overwhelming.

Finally Jesus who is God, at that moment was seperated from God, something He never experienced before ever. God seperated from Himself. The thought of that doesn't make sense to us and seems impossible, yet it happened, and He felt it in every way that it could be felt.

So on the cross there was a love shown by God for people that is greater than we can now comprehend. That is another reason He made us, to show His love for us to the entire universe.

[edit on 16-9-2006 by dbrandt]

[edit on 16-9-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 10:06 PM
God has been creating Life Forms for Infinite Years and will continue to do so for Infinite Years. He created Life Forms to Love Him and each other!!!

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 10:24 PM
boredom. he was like wow this new vid game sucks, im gunna make a civilization and see how it works out.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:50 PM
Wow, that was alot to absorb.

I totally want to believe you and your interpretation on how god thinks,
but I'm having difficulties in doing so.

Ive been doing some research too, and I cant find where it says in the bible why god made us.

I'm not looking for the meaning of life or anything like that,
Just maybe a verse or two in any bible or religion that clearly states a reason for our existence.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt
I looked into this and did a word study one time. I won't remember all I found out but I'll try too. This is a good question but the right words need to be used to answer it properly, so I hope I use them.

First off we are not a sick joke that God has pulled.
Blah blah blah blah...
So on the cross there was a love shown by God for people that is greater than we can now comprehend. That is another reason He made us, to show His love for us to the entire universe.

It always surprises me that so many people 'KNOW' what a supposed god wants and why it does things, but will then turn around and state that gods are unknowable and that we cant know the mind of god. What I think is, that its what those people believe and what those people want others to believe - absolutely nothing to do with god but their own egotistical view of what a god should be.

As to why a god would make humans? - I think it should be the other way round,
Why would humans make a god????


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by shihulud

Originally posted by dbrandt
First off we are not a sick joke that God has pulled.
Blah blah blah blah...

It always surprises me that so many people 'KNOW' what a supposed god wants and why it does things, but will then turn around and state that gods are unknowable and that we cant know the mind of god.

First of all, there was no need to add blah, blah, blah and make it appear that I said that, just because you don't like what was said or choose to accept it.

I didn't say we can know God one time and then say we can't another. You are thinking of someone else, not me.

People have the wrong concept of God like I said before. To them God is distant and remote and made people then left us alone. That is not the truth about God. He has been involved and has been overseeing every moment of our existence.

2 Corinthians 6:[17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
[18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

A Father wants to live with His children, in the same place. And He wants to be known by them, that's the God (the only God) of the Bible.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:53 PM
He should've made me have really kewl cyborg arms.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by PEADY
Just maybe a verse or two in any bible or religion that clearly states a reason for our existence.

Psalm 139:[16] Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
[17] How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Ephesians 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Colassians 1:[16] For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 04:07 PM

The only answer I get from Ephesians 1:12,Rev4:11, and colassian 1:[16]

Is that God made us for his own pleasure.

We were created by him, for him, to praise him.

How selfish is this?


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by PEADY

The only answer I get from Ephesians 1:12,Rev4:11, and colassian 1:[16]

Is that God made us for his own pleasure.

We were created by him, for him, to praise him.

How selfish is this?


You are going to have alot of questions and I am going to have to be able to express answers correctly(so what I am saying is this is going to take a committment on both our parts).
We both have other things we have to do during a day, so don't become discouraged. I will learn as much as you.

The first thing I would say is that without God, you nor I nor anybody else would be here. So we are looking for God's answer to why we are here. So we are going to need to believe the answer.

As far as selfish on God's part, why would you say that?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 04:53 PM
The better question, is why do people make gods?

something to ponder about.

And were assuming one god made us, or that god is a being not of higher intelligence but of divinity and everlastingness. Scientists have created things, unnatural things, does that make them god? and if those scientists were to spark life and create a universe in the size of an atom, would those inhabinents look up to us as godly and divine?

The questions you ponder revolve heavily on our limited scope and our viewpoints on what "god" really is; divine, enlightened, accident prone, human, alien.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:04 PM
I know the answer to your question, Why do people make gods?

Its because people need to feel that there lives are not meaningless.

God or a belief in god gives people hope.To have faith in this hope give people a fulfillment and a meaning full purpose in life regardless as to weather or not god is divine,enlightened,accident prone, human or alien.(which I believe he is.)... but that's another post

The reason for this post is to..( from a religious point of view), decipher why god
makes people.

The bible,Koran and the Torah, and all most every other religion, do not clearly define this other than stating," for his own purpose"..

this to me is selfish..isnt selfishness a so called sin?


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:14 PM
I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't be a person. I'd be something else.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by PEADY

The only answer I get from Ephesians 1:12,Rev4:11, and colassian 1:[16]

Is that God made us for his own pleasure.

We were created by him, for him, to praise him.

How selfish is this?


You are going to have alot of questions and I am going to have to be able to express answers correctly(so what I am saying is this is going to take a committment on both our parts).
We both have other things we have to do during a day, so don't become discouraged. I will learn as much as you.

The first thing I would say is that without God, you nor I nor anybody else would be here. So we are looking for God's answer to why we are here. So we are going to need to believe the answer.

As far as selfish on God's part, why would you say that?

I have all the time in the world...and would really love to explore this with you and find some meaningfull answers together. I do believe in a god but not a god that
tells me that I am here only for his purpose.....Thats CRAZY


posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by PEADY
Forgive me if I seem ignorant in the subject of religion, but the way I see it is
god gives people free will to either worship him or to go south.

You'll receive alot of answers to this question. And, they will all be true, from the perspective of those who supply you an answer.

here is my answer for you, my first answer for you:

god is the god of truth.

i suggest you remove the word "god" from the equasion, because that label has taken on so many different meanings to so many different people.

let's replace the label of "god" with the label of "truth".

now "god" is the epitome of "truth".

Now, let me ask you the one question which is the answer to your question:

How can "Truth" fear the "Truth"?

we are here because truth could not fear the truth. But, fear exists. And in order for god to comprehend it, we are here.

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