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Chemtrails or not photos taken today

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:56 AM
heres a link which i think you should read
then come back and tell me the US would not spray there citizens

heres some info incase your to lazy
From 1950 through 1953, the US Army released chemical clouds over six US and Canadian cities. The tests were designed to test dispersal patterns of chemical ...

[edit on 17-9-2006 by CYRAX]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 04:21 AM
i used to think chemtrails were easily identified by sharp onset, until recently, when two airliners flying along the same route temporarily lost their contrails (for half a mile or so) in the same spot...

the first shot of something going straight up looks weird, but it's hard to tell from a photo. you were there, if it looked as if it was going stright up, it probably was, i don't think chemtrailing would be done vertically, though.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by CYRAX
First off, I live less than 15 minutes from BWI airport.
good for you

who is stupid enough to think someone (or something, OMG) would/could constantly shower the nation with chemicals.
i guess you dont no the army has sprayed the US before with chemicals

have a look at the debate on ATS
Are Chemtrails Real
guess who won

The people who think chemtrails are fake won, easly. There argument pwnt the conspiracy theorists. In my opinion, people must be dulutional little kids to beleive Chemtrails.

Who cares how close you live to the airport, my brother who is now 25, works at Everett, and he sais there are no such thing. And because you can't prove what he sais wrong, someones gonna make up some crap like 'hes lying ZOR!!1111 must be working for the govt ZOR!111', which is a load of crap.

Just because you see a long contrail, dosn't mean you start making up complete, utter crap, then arguing it's real, because, it clearly isn't.

The makers of this myth, should atleast learn the first thing about aircraft, before making craptacular myths (which some people are led to beleive) about them. I mean come on, one stated the 767 has winglets and that all traffic controllers automatically know the EXACT weather around the plane, and to top that off, they've never heard of jetways. They also don't know why there are circular contrails sometimes.

Heres an idea, Try learning about the planes and the people who make them, before making up these conspiracies

[edit on 26-9-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:25 PM
Heres an idea, Try learning about the planes and the people who make them, before making up these conspiracies

[edit on 26-9-2006 by PisTonZOR]

Well done. Well done indeed.

The chemtrails thing has lost me. I don't get it. I guess because unlike a lot of other conspiratorial topics, I have found many scientific explanations for why contrails linger and they have made sense to me.

Just my opinion, but from what I’ve seen, the conspiracy theorists are outgunned on this one.

Just FYI dudes. I write mine in Word and cut and paste into the post window. Word runs an auto spell check as you write. Been around for awhile. I just want my messages to be clearly understood regardless of how far out in left field they might be.

Sometimes it is really difficult to understand a post with a lot of misspelled words and run-on words and sentences. But hey, that’s just my preference…

…Kirk out

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:17 AM
i guess you did not read the link i gave

like i said we have had a debate on ATS in the Debate forum go check it out
Chemtrails are REAL

[edit on 27-9-2006 by CYRAX]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
But yet, you've never seen persistant contrails that spread out and linger for hours. Or have you just decided they don't exist and MUST be the evil government spraying us with something?

Contrails do not linger for hours never seen it myself. I don't know what they use to power your jets in the US but here in Toronto I've never seen it.

I've decided that white tankers with no markings are CIA operations spraying something over urban areas with many passes and in conjuction with at least one other plane in a days operation. The planes when done always fly in a south easterly direction after fully unloading their tanks.

The altitudes that these planes fly at is above traffic to the airport but lower than some transatlantic flights flying overhead. I understand that laws were put in place recently so that controllers cannot question flights at certain elevations. I also assume this was required by the military so that these flights can be allowed to do what they do without interference by local authorities.

I guess when you work in the industry you need to believe everything is okay.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 02:24 AM
Normal planes making normal contrails do not normally fly a criss-cross pattern across the sky for hours, leaving trails that linger and spread out covering a once clear sky in clouds.

For over two hours I watched 2 planes working together in opposite directions until they formed a nice even criss-cross pattern of trails on a warm cloudless summer day.
Trails that slowly expanded to join each other and form a complete covering.

Call them what you like, but that was not normal aircraft activity for where I live, and not normal contrails.

Yes chemtrails are real, whatever it is they are doing, and whatever it is so called experts tell you...Working at an airport or being a weather expert does not qualify you to prove the non-existence of such a spraying program.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 03:36 AM
thank you Anok
this has happened here in Australia and what they were doing was not normal like you

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
Normal planes making normal contrails do not normally fly a criss-cross pattern across the sky for hours, leaving trails that linger and spread out covering a once clear sky in clouds.

They do if there's a constant stream of commercial airliners following commercial air routes and atmospheric conditions are right for the creation of persistent contrails.

Which sometimes happens over my house.

what amazes me though is the way so many people with no previous knowledge of atmospheric science / meteorology / cloud formation etc suddenly become world experts upon noticing a persistent contrail for the first time.... You lot really ought to write some scientific papers on the subject. You'll be famous. Thousands of meteorologists will resign in embarassment.....

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:48 AM
I'de like to know, form the Chemtrail activists:

(1) How do you propose whatever substance is being offloaded from these aircraft, gets from whatever altitude they are at in the sky (from the pictures of "chemtrail" always supplied, this is such an altitude that the aircraft is usually barely visable), thru any winds prevailing, to the intended target area? Or is it just a "boys get yer antidote and spray 'em all" deal?

(2) Just what is supposedly being sprayed, and on who?


[edit on 27/9/06 by Misfit]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:54 AM
But Essan they don't fly back and forth working together laying down contrails, commercial planes keep on going, they don't turn around and come back over and over again for hours.

I don't care what your knowledge is, or lack of, they don't do that, why would they? Fuel is very expensive and if they did that they would go bankrupt fairly quick.

And no they weren't in a holding pattern, not over the city. Traffic over the city is kept to a minimum for obvious reasons.

I might not have weather training but I have been around aircraft enough, 6 yrs as a jet mechanic, to recognize what I saw was not normal air traffic.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
I'de like to know, form the Chemtrail activists:

(1) How do you propose whatever substance is being offloaded from these aircraft, gets from whatever altitude they are at in the sky (from the pictures of "chemtrail" always supplied, this is such an altitude that the aircraft is usually barely visable), thru any winds prevailing, to the intended target area? Or is it just a "boys get yer antidote and spray 'em all" deal?

(2) Just what is supposedly being sprayed, and on who?

First off you would have to know what it is they are actualy doing.
I believe it's some kind of weather modification experiments, not so hard to believe is it?

So there is no 'target' other than the atmosphere itself.

The aircraft I saw were very visible, not that high at all.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
So there is no 'target' other than the atmosphere itself.

See, this is why I have stayed away from the whole chemtrail deal ........ everything I read is within a disposition of spraying the civilian population with this or that to do this or that conspiracy bit - this is the first I read about weather.

Quite a bit more plausible.

For those that know me here, I am all into the conspricay happenings, but the idea of gettting a mist from 20K' behind an aircraft doing 300-500mph, to to go to where one wants it to on the Earth, well ...................



posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 05:30 AM
Theres plenty of theorys to the chemtrail conspiracy
but dont think the goverment would not spray the public they have done it before

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

For over two hours I watched 2 planes working together in opposite directions until they formed a nice even criss-cross pattern of trails on a warm cloudless summer day.
Trails that slowly expanded to join each other and form a complete covering.

The behaviour of contrails depends on air temperature, humidity, wind direction, altitude etc.. Sometimes they disipate quickly, sometimes not.. sometimes they dissapear and re-appear as the plane passes through an airpocket of warmer or cooler air.. they spread out more with a cross wind. They come in all shapes and sizes, and aren't suspicious just because they may look different one day to the next...

As for the criss-cross pattern.. It's just a theory, but how do you think they take all those photos for Google Earth? There are various companies and organisations out there "mapping" the world, and it has obviously been going on for a few years.... this could well explain the flying patterns some people report..

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

I believe it's some kind of weather modification experiments, not so hard to believe is it?

Only if we assume they're trying to increase global warming.

I can't prove that the aircraft you saw weren't flying in an unusual pattern as I never saw them. But I can assure you that persitent contrails are not at all unusual and that constantly reporting such contrails proves absolutely nothing.

At the momemnt, regardless of what aircraft they are or how they are flying, they produce what look like contrails and what act like contrails.

So you need to show that these contrails are not comprised of normal water vapour in order to produce evidence for chemtrails.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:13 AM
Daft question: if you were going to spray 'chemtrails' wouldn't you choose to do it on days when the atmospheric conditions were such that the chemicals woudn't form ice crystals and so there'd be no sign of what you were doing?

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:31 PM
Well must have lost interest in this one...

...bloody boring thread anyway. let's see what's on telly.

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by lions and tigers
Well must have lost interest in this one...

...bloody boring thread anyway. let's see what's on telly.

News flash, this just in from one of the three courner stone books of
the ufo conspiracy, as I picked it up and read page 77:

the high voltage electrical
discharges, which formed nitrogen oxide, which in combination with
atmospheric moisture, formed nitric acid.

from Lyne - Occult Science Dictatorship - A Book About Alternate Science, Free Energy, UFOs and Government Thought Control (2002)

So you got acid coming down on you from lightning, plasma or high energy
magnetic or alien anti-gravity-electro fields during the flybys.

Take you pick but I saw those wavey clouds today and wonder if it was acid up
there slowly drifting down.

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by lions and tigers
Well must have lost interest in this one...

...bloody boring thread anyway. let's see what's on telly.

can i ask you whats the point with a reply like that?

i think you should stick with the tv since you dont no anything

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