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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
Just incase anyone doubts there are strange things on the moon....

Have a look at these beauties


Any other source on the obelisks?

Even my tired untriained eye can clearly see weired things in some of those shots!

Thanks for posting, big thank you to John too. Any chance for a second tour of the moon? Will yo guys do a live feed with a promise not give us the "ice crystal" thingy?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:09 PM
don't tell me all the seats are taken!!!!

I want to go hunting for unidentified flying spheres.

btw good eye zorgon... (the vents and crane like features

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:11 PM
I accidentally left MrPenny out not remembering he was
one of the first sign up. When wdl finishes pouting I am sure
he will want to sign up. Therefore we have exceeded the
passenger capacity of our previous craft

Since it was only a 10 passenger plus crew of 2 I have
ordered another craft. This is a 16 passenger plus
crew of 2.

The current Moon Tour with John Lear manifest:


Essedarius/ crow
Zorgon/ pate
InDirectViolation/ crow
TheBorg/ crow
Prote/ crow
Pckey Oats/crow
Springer/Pate (only because he owns the site, not because he is a true believer.)

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Everybody has been in space and everybody has been to the moon. Thats where your soul goes after you die. If you have been a good boy it comes directly back. If you have been less than gracious during your stay here on earth you get a trip to the woodshed out near the 6 mile high soul collector and transfer station in Sinus Medii, before you are sent back to try again.

This Moon Tour will be the first time you will be getting to see anything though and actually remember it.

absolutely no disrespect but do you really believe that!?!?!?

to me, it is way to fantastic of an idea (as are some religions, so i am not leaning toward one side)...

i have read something like this before and it startled me (because it is so weird)...

again, no offence

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:14 PM
Link posded by SteveR.

What is that to the left?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Everybody has been in space and everybody has been to the moon...

This Moon Tour will be the first time you will be getting to see anything though and actually remember it.

Please pack me some extra crow.
A murder even...

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:20 PM
I have a question while you're around. Has anybody (to your knowledge) ordered the same negative from NASA and did they find things altered?

OK, another question that's related. What equipment did Bob Lazar use to scan this? A regular home scanner or something specialized? I'm wondering if we could get more detail out of a new scan with better equipment.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Originally posted by they see ALL

absolutely no disrespect but do you really believe that!?!?!?

to me, it is way to fantastic of an idea (as are some religions, so i am not leaning toward one side)...

i have read something like this before and it startled me (because it is so weird)...

again, no offence

Its not disrespectful to ask somebody if what they say is what they believe. I believe it 100%. For details on why I believe it please check out 'Questions for John Lear'. I detail the evidence that led me to that conclusion.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
Apart from the parking garage, should the other features be overlapping on the two photo sets provided? That is, is the terrain around the 'cranes' that Zorgon notes present in photo 5?

Not all the overlap of the four sections is about 1 inch

# 5 is the aerial view, but it needs to be rotated 90 degrees right to match

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Denied
Link posded by SteveR.

What is that to the left?

In my amateur estimation that is a cigar UFO, popular sighting in the 60s, 70s.

Thanks for your interest.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:53 PM
Hi everyone..

well, first of all, very nice pictures... I've really enjoyed looking at them.

Do I see what some of you are seeing? Yes, on some of them.
Do I believe my eyes, still deciding.

Thanks for sharing John and thanks to Srpinger for posting them.

Oh yeah... I'll take a seat on the "moon tour" if theres one left.... I probably just need a little more studying to see what you are seeing...

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:05 PM
Wow it sure got busy here all of a sudden...

I must say I am surprised at one thing though... how few people actually can cleary see the "anomalies"

From my viewpoint there are three types...

The ones that look like something, but are truly tricks of light and shadow... these are fun to spot but distract from the goodies...

The strange shadows... there are many shadows that are very peculiar yet have no corresponding prominance etc to make that shadow...

Then there are the storage tanks, objects like "peekaboo", the arches and the venting. Most of these can be found on both views and are all pretty much the same scale. After hunting for some time there are LOTS of these... I am currently making a copy of the original large files with cirlcle around all the finds of importance. I will post it when done.

The only things I can see why people cannot see them [without trying to insult anyone] other than someone doesn't WANT to see it, are...

A] You are looking TOO CLOSE... once you know where to look backing out from the image will make them much sharper...

B] Your monitor is small and not high res...

C] You are focused on the wrong item... I had this problem myself... the area of the "arches" has a lot of interesting black areas... I had to stop looking at those to see the "arches"

The thing is that the whole image collection especially #2 has so many anomalies that it is way beyond coincidence...

I will also admit then when I first heard John's theories in the other thread I was very skeptical... but these photos are the best proof that I have seen that there is definately something going on up there...

I do not know if you have all seen the three images of "peekaboo" I am going to post them again in the next post. I would really like you to take a close look again. It was this that finally showed me that it is CURRENT not ancient...

to be continued...

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:19 PM
Here is the first one originally labled "peekaboo" by Valhall...

There is a round sphere with a little rectangular "window" on the right and you can barely make out a second "window" in the shadow [darker] next to it...
On the lower right of the sphere you will see a straight bar... [tube really going by the shadow on it....

This is sitting on top of the pile of rubble...

Here it is from above in #5 [the locator pics are on my website]

If you look closely you will see several sheres connected by thin lines. To the left and up of the big sphere you will see a "c" shaped spot with two lines below in a "V"

Okay these pics of John are 1966...

Now here is another picture...

Notice the spheres, lines, the "c" shape? Almost identical pattern....

Well this last picture is from an Apollo 16 moon shot... and this object is in the sky above the landing site. In the origianl high res photo it is very tiny a spec really just two cross hairs above the camera...


Now in my opinion this should be enough evidence to startle you. The last picture was taken in 1972

Ergo the same object was parked on the moon in 1966 and was hovering above the Apollo landing site in 1972

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

I thought there was no gravity on the moon. 'Maybe a stretch'? I'll say.

No gravity on the moon? I did not know you were proposing there is no gravity on the moon?

'Bicubic re-sampling' simply changes the photo to look like you want it to look. If I'm not mistaken there is a re-sampling program to make it look like a '57 Chevy. I prefer to look at it like 'my human eye looks at it" you know, like the blue sky on Mars? But thanks for the post, I was wondering when all the Phil Plaits, James Obergs and Phil Klasses were going to check in on these posts.

I did not alter your photo and you are wrong about the re-sampling technique. All I did was increase the size so people would not have to use magnification to see the detail. I've never heard of any of those names you mentioned. Why the personal attack? I did not slander you? I'm not part of any crowd. I'm just a person on ATS with an interest in this subject. No reason to be paranoid of me. I am a professional in CG who has an interest in this topic. I would be just as quick to say "Wow, this is real and I can not explain it". I thought this was an open discussion? Guess not. I seem to have totally misunderstood the purpose of ATS. You should edit the initial post to let everyone know if they don't agree with you they are not welcome instead of slandering us if we wander in here.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 08:19 PM
Originally posted by InDirectViolation

No gravity on the moon? I did not know you were proposing there is no gravity on the moon?

No. Actually you were proposing that gravity could change the appearance of the building. I commented that, with 1/6th gravity that this was unlikely.

In fact, the gravity on the moon is about 65% thats of earths. That accounts for why there is an atmosphere and why the sky is probably blue. At least it was blue in some of the Apollo movie film. It could also be pale yellow. At any rate the daytime sky is not black and thats because there is an atmosphere. People can't find any stars on my photos because in order to hide the fact that there is an atmosphere on the moon and thus a blue sky NASA had to make an internegative of every single picture to carefully edit out the color of the sky and in doing that it was too difficult to put the stars back in at their proper place. That explains why NASA lost 15,000 high definition videos of the Apollo missions because it would have shown the sky in its natural color among other things. If I am getting too far ahead of you just holler.

If I have slighted or insulted you in any way please accept my heartfelt and humble apologies. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Since it was only a 10 passenger plus crew of 2 I have
ordered another craft. This is a 16 passenger plus
crew of 2.

Ok john, count me in. What? No seats available till summer? Heck! I wouldn't mind sitting inside the wheel bay. Darn! Does your craft have wheels?

And then can you add this to the menu card?..

Fried tongue of lizard.
Frogs friggin liver in white sauce.
Entrails of the Tasmanian Devil sauted in red baluga.

I think that will do for for now.

When do we start?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
Heck! I wouldn't mind sitting inside the wheel bay. Darn! Does your craft have wheels?

If you sit in the wheel well you will look like your avatar in no time... just because there is atmosphere when you get there... its the trip between that will get ya...

And I don't think the reptilians would approve the menu change...

However my rock pick and back pack are ready to go... a good camera [needed to document where I got those samples from] lots of water [brought extra for those who never go prepared... its a desert thing] and a spare oxygen cylinder [ I know what its like on mountain tops]

[edit on 26-9-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

If I have slighted or insulted you in any way please accept my heartfelt and humble apologies. Thanks.

No problem, it sounded like an accusation to me and I'm not used to this place. You will never see any photo trickery from me. You have no way of knowing that though. My use of language is just my way and no attempt at anything else.

Gravity combined with heat and cold is a powerful force that can and does move mountains. I do not see any building. I see an easy to identify slide area where a basalt palisade has been exposed. You see a building. Let's leave it at that.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I accidentally left MrPenny out not remembering he was
one of the first sign up. When wdl finishes pouting I am sure
he will want to sign up. Therefore we have exceeded the
passenger capacity of our previous craft

Since it was only a 10 passenger plus crew of 2 I have
ordered another craft. This is a 16 passenger plus
crew of 2.

The current Moon Tour with John Lear manifest:

Essedarius/ crow
Zorgon/ pate
InDirectViolation/ crow
TheBorg/ crow
Prote/ crow
Pckey Oats/crow
Springer/Pate (only because he owns the site, not because he is a true believer.)

You sound like a crasy man now... but how do I get a ticket? I'm a nice guy

But I'm not saying you are crasy, you may be one of the few that can go off planet.
I believe we have been doing this for a long time.
It shouldn't be too hard to get a trip with an alien spachip actually, even a "nobody" like my father and his brother could get aliens to visit them. But I don't think they ever asked for a trip.

I'm a open minded person and would really enjoy beeing on such a trip since I allways dreamed of going off planet and I know I can do it if I meet the right humans/aliens.

But anyway this is a interesting thread and good luck with your moon trip!

[edit on 2006/9/26 by TrappedSoul]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

In fact, the gravity on the moon is about 65% thats of earths. That accounts for why there is an atmosphere and why the sky is probably blue. At least it was blue in some of the Apollo movie film. It could also be pale yellow. At any rate the daytime sky is not black and thats because there is an atmosphere. People can't find any stars on my photos because in order to hide the fact that there is an atmosphere on the moon and thus a blue sky NASA had to make an internegative of every single picture to carefully edit out the color of the sky and in doing that it was too difficult to put the stars back in at their proper place. That explains why NASA lost 15,000 high definition videos of the Apollo missions because it would have shown the sky in its natural color among other things. If I am getting too far ahead of you just holler.

ummm...come again?

he, he, he..oohhh dear me

John, where on earth are you getting all of this "new" information? I mean, this is pretty big wouldn’t ya say? If you have concrete evidence of ANY of this I would love to see just a smidgen of it. Ha, ha. I guess that goes without saying, huh?

Truly my man, if this is just stuff that you “believe” then that’s a different story. But it seems that you are presenting it as sort of “inside info”.

Being firmly rooted in reality probably has different definition to different folks.

I guess my question is:

“How did you, John Lear, manage to come about this information and why are you privy to it when no one else is? (at least no one that will admit it)

..."That, is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Of course he's a Russki, but he's some kind of retard or something!"

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