1. All Terms & Conditions apply. This is not a free-for-all. Remember that the
AboveTopSecret.com Terms And Conditions Of Use apply in Slug-Fest!
2. Cooperate with the moderators. With the exception of truly gross and egregious
T&C violations (like posting porn or lots of profanity), ignoring the mods or
giving us static is about the only thing anyone is likely to get a red-flag warning for here. Work with us and all will be right with the world.
3. No personal attacks. This might seem like an odd guideline for a forum like this, but personal attacks invariably drive threads off topic,
and when that happens, threads become pointless and a myriad of other problems follow. Say whatever you want about the topic or the opinions other
members -- if they suck, they suck -- but don't take personal shots at other members.
4. No stalking. Don't take what's said here and drag it into other threads or -- Mod forbid -- into other forums. This is what shut down the
Mud Pit (what this forum used to be) in days of yore. Say what you have to say here, and leave it behind when you go. Ignore this guideline at your
5. Relax and have fun! Again, this may seem like an odd guideline for a forum like this, but long ago when I used to troll alt.flame (a
USENET newsgroup where flaming is always on topic), I learned a very important lesson:
Never flame
when you're angry. If things get hot and heavy, take a break. If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong.
NOTE: If you don't like reading long posts, you've already read all you need to know about Slug-Fest. However, if the guidelines leave you
wanting more, here it is...
Welcome to Slug-Fest!
With a name like "Slug-Fest", you might well expect this forum to be a bit more rowdy than other forums on PTS, and you would be right.
However, despite the name, all the
AboveTopSecret.com Terms And Conditions Of
Use apply. Yep, every one of them.
So what makes Slug-Fest different?
The more relaxed way in which the rules are enforced.
Mods As Referees
In all ATS domains and forums, moderators are encouraged to try to work with members and avoid taking punitive action without good cause. And indeed
we do.
Nonetheless, ATS standards for conduct are high, and I for one am doing everything I can to push them even higher, because the reward comes in the
form of threads worth reading and a forum worth participating in.
Slug-Fest is no exception. I want you to be happy with this forum, and I want you to be inspired to say what you
really think.
Due to the fact that we tend to tackle controversial subjects that other forums won't touch, however, I've asked the mods to be somewhat more
forgiving here.
If you post something a little too over the top, a mod will most likely just edit the post and ask you to chill out without issuing a warning.
That doesn't mean anarchy reigns supreme. :shk:
If a mod repeatedly asks you to calm down and you keep going off, you may receive a warning or be subject to other action. But if that should happen,
I want to make sure it never comes as a surprise to anyone.
I want you to feel relaxed and comfortable even when the topic you're discussing isn't.
The Goal
The goal of Slug-Fest is to give members a place to talk about things they can't usually talk about in other forums.
That doesn't mean
anything goes, but it does mean we're a lot more open to discussing topics that are usually considered taboo, problematic
or just plain flamebait.
Threads that are too "hot" for other forums end up here. When they arrive, I want them to be greeted with an environment which is conducive to
candid and passionate debate.
Also, almost any topic (within reason) can be started in Slug-Fest, so if you expect trouble, you may want to start a potentially volatile thread
Don't worry, if it's too hot even for Slug-Fest, we'll trash it.
The ATS/PTS Family Of Debate Forums
To help understand where Slug-Fest fits in the grand scheme of things, here's a look at the debate forum hierarchy:
Debate Forum: Structured formal debate with strict rules and active moderator
involvement. Access to the forum is restricted and all threads must be approved by the staff.
Politics Head-2-Head: Structured short-form political debate with simple rules and
active moderator involvement. Access to the forum is restricted and all threads must be approved by the staff.
Slug-Fest: Free-form political debate with simple guidelines and passive moderator
involvement. Access to the forum is unrestricted and members are welcome to start new threads.
These guidelines are, of course, subject to frequent modification as the forum evolves, so it's a good idea to review them now and then.
Also, please use common sense. Sometimes we get members who go all drama queen over some technicality or start whining about "free speech" or
whatever when the mods step in.
Don't even bother.
I welcome any questions or comments you may have about the Slug-Fest Guidelines.
[edit on 9/13/2006 by Majic]