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Dashboard Mohammed - The Latest Fuel for Terrorist (F)ire

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posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:33 AM
As if the Mohammed caricatures posted in the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, weren't enough, it appears that someone at least is trying to market on the tragic events that rocked and shocked the world.

From the site:

"It's pretty simple, really. The Dashboard Mohammed is nothing more than an attempt at a clever play on the Dashboard Jesus. It's a bobble head that can be placed on the dashboard of your car, your monitor at work, in your shower, anywhere you need spiritual uplifting and guidance."

This is proposterous, as the riots in February educated everyone alive that it is strictly forbidden by the Muslims to have any images made of their prophet. This is nothing but an attempt to capitalize on the current feelings of people against Islam. And this is wrong, and will adversely effect everything we are currently trying to do in the world. ESPECIALLY on our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What would happen if word of this new insult to Islam were to get out to those same imams that sparked the riots over simple cartoons? Catastrophe. Already, our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are being overwhelmed by insurgents, and what is this but a call for recruiting to the insurgent cause? Even the image used for the creation of the Mohammed is dangerous, as it uses the chief image of controversy from the cartoons: the "bomb-head Mohammed." This is nothing less then perfectly tasteless, and I only pray that not one more life in the War on Terror is lost as a result of this "toy."

We must,
Make It Work

[edit on 13-9-2006 by make_it_work]

[edit on 14-9-2006 by make_it_work]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:46 AM
AS RIDICULOUS AS THIS MAY SOUND, something like this may actually do more to lessen racial tension than increase it. Most Muslims are moderate, and something like this probably won\'t affect them at all: I know a couple of my Muslim friends who will probably find it funny. I don\'t think, though it does have the potential, this will cause any increase in terror recruitment. The only reason it has the potential is because the imams HAVE been prone to utilize negative western icons in their own propoganda, and this image would be ideal for them.

I think they\'re funny. A Mohammed bomble-head?

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:47 AM
As has been suggested by some Muslims there are some people out there waging a Religious Crusade. There will be many people out there that will be more then willing to incite violence. You know the majority of his customers will of course be in Cities or towns where they probably have never even seen a Muslim or perhaps there are 1 or 2 and this will be there little way of showing their hatred. You know if someone in a big city puts that on their dashboard, they deserve whatever happens.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:15 AM
I wish you were right, Pie Man, but unfortunately it's not how many of these sell, but whether or not the very fact of its existence falls into the wrong hands. Particularly in a time when the US forces are reported to be at a stalemate in Iraq, and increase in terror recruitment could tip the scales. Images like this:

[align=center]" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>[/align]

will do NOTHING but help the terrorist recruitment effort!

We Must,
Make it Work

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:35 AM
I am surprised that guy doesn't get sued by the cartoonist who created that image first of all. I doubt very much he has any type of licensing


posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:45 AM
Hah! Copyright infrigement? I seriously doubt that whoever created the original cartoon has any intention of bringing his name back to light. Rather, I bet he\'d be thrilled if all attention were focused on this guy :-0

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:57 AM
I can't imagine any muslim finding a picture of their prophet with a bomb in his turban to be funny. I do think that many won't go shouting jihad but I do think that even the most liberal minded muslims won't take to mocking their prophet.

let's see how many catholics would appreciate a bobblehead of the pope with an altar boy kneeling in front of him.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:01 AM
From the picture of that stupid toy, it looks to me that its something someone would have to point out to me for me to even put 2 and 2 together and figure out what it is supposed to be - kinda like those silly "faces in trees, toast, etc."

Or maybe people will notice it, and Muslims who get overly upset over it - perhaps the radical, dangerous ones - and smash the window of the person's car it is on. Then the authorities can hold them for destruction of property whilst they run a background check - akin to how police leave bikes lying around unchained and cars with the keys in ignition to be stolen so they can lock up criminals for those relatively minor crimes while they check them out for more serious uncleared crimes. Could be a darn fine idea!

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
I can\'t imagine any muslim finding a picture of their prophet with a bomb in his turban to be funny. I do think that many won\'t go shouting jihad but I do think that even the most liberal minded muslims won\'t take to mocking their prophet.

let\'s see how many catholics would appreciate a bobblehead of the pope with an altar boy kneeling in front of him.

I guess you\'ve never heard of the Dashboard Jesus or the Buddy Christ, then?

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by ProveIt2MeI guess you\'ve never heard of the Dashboard Jesus or the Buddy Christ, then?

this isn't merely a mohammed bobblehead, this is a mohammed with a bomb in his turban bobblehead and both are wrong. First you are mocking the figurehead of someone else's religion. Second, you are making an image of the prophet which the religion forbids. thus, muslims worldwide should be unhappy with the bobblehead.

That said, I do think the free speech/ free expression thing allows for it. My suggestion was of a bobblehead totally mocking the pedophile issues that church has dealt with. Catholics are, obviously, not against images of jesus. The dude is everywhere, even in toast.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
That said, I do think the free speech/ free expression thing allows for it. My suggestion was of a bobblehead totally mocking the pedophile issues that church has dealt with. Catholics are, obviously, not against images of jesus. The dude is everywhere, even in toast.

HAH! Touche! Even in toast!

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by ProveIt2Me

I guess you\'ve never heard of the Dashboard Jesus or the Buddy Christ, then?

The difference is, Christians and Catholics don't tend to blow people up for showin Jesus pictures.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by AlphaHumana
Or maybe people will notice it, and Muslims who get overly upset over it - perhaps the radical, dangerous ones - and smash the window of the person's car it is on. Then the authorities can hold them for destruction of property whilst they run a background check - akin to how police leave bikes lying around unchained and cars with the keys in ignition to be stolen so they can lock up criminals for those relatively minor crimes while they check them out for more serious uncleared crimes. Could be a darn fine idea!

I don't get it. I had a Buddy Christ in my car all through college, no problem. I do like the easy grab and background check angle though.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:06 PM
Hey, I agree, when I heard the comment about the "Jesus Crowns" back in the '80s and early '90s I never even thought they were religious symbols when I saw them driving past or me walking by them - I just thought they were air fresheners.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by make_it_work

What would happen if word of this new insult to Islam were to get out to those same imams that sparked the riots over simple cartoons? Catastrophe. Already, our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are being overwhelmed by insurgents, and what is this but a call for recruiting to the insurgent cause? Even the image used for the creation of the Mohammed is dangerous, as it uses the chief image of controversy from the cartoons: the "bomb-head Mohammed." This is nothing less then perfectly tasteless, and I only pray that not one more life in the War on Terror is lost as a result of this "toy."

Are you for real? Is this thread a thinly disguised mareketing ploy? Did you make that darlin' little bomber? Come on, you can tell me.

Or are you really THAT concerned over bomber headed Muslims getting upset? If so, don't you realize you can't "pacify" insanity?

I say buy a few million of them, and send them all to clerics in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. They are in serious need of a good jab in the ribs, and maybe (if they don't read such posts as this caitiffic one) they'll not realize what "quakers and shakers" some of us in America are. They might even consider that just possibly America has decided 'we're not going to take it anymore" and "we're coming after you, ready or not".

And OH, how I wish I could say how I REALLY feel.!

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by make_it_work

What would happen if word of this new insult to Islam were to get out to those same imams that sparked the riots over simple cartoons? Catastrophe. Already, our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are being overwhelmed by insurgents, and what is this but a call for recruiting to the insurgent cause? Even the image used for the creation of the Mohammed is dangerous, as it uses the chief image of controversy from the cartoons: the "bomb-head Mohammed." This is nothing less then perfectly tasteless, and I only pray that not one more life in the War on Terror is lost as a result of this "toy."

Are you for real? Is this thread a thinly disguised mareketing ploy? Did you make that darlin' little bomber? Come on, you can tell me.

Or are you really THAT concerned over bomber headed Muslims getting upset? If so, don't you realize you can't "pacify" insanity?

I say buy a few million of them, and send them all to clerics in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. They are in serious need of a good jab in the ribs, and maybe (if they don't read such posts as this caitiffic one) they'll not realize what "quakers and shakers" some of us in America are. They might even consider that just possibly America has decided 'we're not going to take it anymore" and "we're coming after you, ready or not".

And OH, how I wish I could say how I REALLY feel.!

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by make_it_work
The difference is, Christians and Catholics don't tend to blow people up for showin Jesus pictures.

Aaah, but those two groups were blowing each other up in Northern Ireland until recently.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:39 PM
Not quite the same, though.


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