posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 01:03 PM
My friends, I think its time to start looking at something very important. What exactly is Government, and what are they doing? I sure as hell hope
you have the attention span to read this to the end....
What is Government? The proof is in the words...
Govern comes from the Latin word Gubernare and the Greek word Kuberman, meaning ''to control'';
In Latin, mente simply means "mind"...
So put them both together and you get the real definition of Government:
Govern + ment = Control of the Mind
So the Government is there to control your mind, and they do a fantastic job at it. The give you all these things in order to program you with a
certain version of reality that suits them. They make sure the people are just too damn dumb to figure things out for themselves. They give you all
the distractions you need in order to keep your mind in the box of programmed reality.
The degrading music, the sitcoms, the soap operas, you name it. The MTVs, the American Idols, the Jerry Springers, the gangsta rap, the game shows,
the "reality" shows, the commercials, the advertisements, and all the other programs they put on the Tell-A-Vision, is there for one reason: to
program your mind with a certain version of reality.
Why else would Television shows be called "programs", because thats what it does to your mind, and it does it so well, it is truly "quality
The Government is happy to put out all these shows for your own amusement / distraction. They are happy to see you rot your mind away, as you sit on
your couch and watch this garbage. They are happy to see you focus your energies on issues of little or no importance "Oh did Brad cheat on
Angelina?"..."Did The Lakers win last night?" or "I got to do my homework, or else I will fail"...Its all nonsense! Its all ILLUSIONS. There to
keep your mind distracted, and to keep YOU UNDER CONTROL.
They are happy to create the "education" system to further indoctrinate you into this corrupt system based on greed and competition; an entire
system that is completely opposite of Creators God's Laws of peace, abundance, prosperity and happiness! The complete opposite of the Laws of the
Are you at peace? Do you have abundance? Are you prosperous? Are you completely 100% happy with how things are? Of course you're not. If you are, you
must stop editing out all the negativity in the world, you must face the darkness, its the only way to defeat it. We cant turn a blind eye anymore to
the degradation of our fellow species. We cant just look away when our Government commits atrocity after atrocity against our human brothers and
sisters, then covers it up with lie after lie after lie. I am sick and tired of it! And you should be too...
In the last century alone, over 200 million people were killed by Western Governments. 200 million killed! We owe it to these people to bring this
damn corrupt system down! We owe it to our future children to get rid of the evil that is taking the world to the depths of darkness. We humans are
naturally good people, we dont want wars, or poverty, or disease, or conflict, or whatever other modes of control the Elite use to divide and rule.
Religion, Politics, Nationalism, Race, Age, Color, Gender, Income bracket, they are all ILLUSIONS. They are all falk lines, which to divide and rule
the human race!
We are entering a period in our history when the REAL truths will start coming out, where corruption will be exposed, and where the human family will,
finally, be FREE.
The basic desire in the human heart is freedom. Naturally, it is engrained into all of our souls. All we want is to be free! But the Global Elite who
control all Governments do such a fine job of giving you the ILLUSION of freedom and choice, while fundamentally limiting BOTH. Ask yourself, are you
really free? Are you able to fully express yourself as you see fit?
It is my job to expose this evil Elite, it is my job to wake all of you up to the realities of Creation. Creation is a magnificant, beautiful place!
Its just we have let this world be hi-jacked by a small cabal of criminals, who enjoy death and destruction and think its a strength to be evil and
cruel, without pity. They think it is weak to show love and compassion for your fellow man. They think we are weak, because we care about people;
because we cry when we see people get hurt. They view us as weak and pathetic because we have that basic instinct to not hurt the species, because
deep down we know that if even one person gets hurt, we ALL get hurt. Why? Because we are ALL ONE! We are all ONE HUMAN FAMILY!
Henry Ford, a major Globalist player, said something profound that I totally agree with : We deserve the Government we get.
That is so true. If we are too ignorant, too shallow, too deaf dumb and blind to see the realities that are around us..If we are too afraid to change
our beliefs, and too afraid to try and change things, then we deserve this corrupt Government we have.
So turn your fear into love. Turn your fear into anger at the ones who have done you wrong! Turn your fear into the force that empowers you to live
life to its fullest! To live and speak your truth against all odds! And to fight and take down this evil, corrupt, maniacal Elite who have enslaved
the world into their phony systems!
The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Windsors, the Li's, the Russels, the Oppenheimers, the Duponts, the Hapsburgs...and all there little minions
like the Clintons, the Bushs, the Blairs, the Bin Ladens, the Rumsfelds, the Ohmerts...All these people are ENEMIES of humanity! Enemies of the
species! Enemies of you and me! Sworn enemies of good! We must fight and expose them for what they really are! Servants of Evil. Luciferians.
Psychopaths. They love how evil they are. They write books saying how they just love to do the devils work. Im not kidding. They have worked for so
long to enslave us, its time we shut them down for good.
We owe it to all the people who have ever lived to fight these people. We owe it to every person on Earth, we are, in one way or another, a victim of
this great evil that most dont even realize exists.
The world is gonna return to an Age of Peace, Happiness, and TRUE freedom. This is the start. Let this letter plant the seed of change in your
mind...however it is up to you to make it sprout.
Namaste to you all. I AM John Jancar.