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Never before seen 9-11 footage.

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posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:49 PM
While I think wcip's finding of the timing is interesting (and I do indeed think it is), I don't see the stops and starts to be suspicious. Because I can put myself in their shoes and see me getting tired of standing there filming. That makes sense to me. For instance, a 500+ mph plane is barrelling in and I run over and grab my camera to get it back on, just in time to get the fireball - but not the impact. And then a bit later my husband says "Oh my god!" (or whatever) and I see the building start collapsing and in my freaked-out-ness I hit the pause or off and have to hit it again to keep recording.

There are reasonable explanations for no continuous taping. These were citizens, not journalists, not reporters...just people catching what they saw, as best they could.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
I went back to the 911eyewitness video and checked out the alleged explosion sound before the collapse of WTC1, which I personally think is wind blowing across the microphone. It occurs 10 seconds before the collapse, which, adding the 9 second delay makes for 19 seconds.

Then coming back to this video, I find that it's edited at exactly that spot. 19 seconds before he says "Oh my God" at 19:40, there's a splice. Interesting...

Wow. Is this including any delay on the newer video? That would be pretty suspicious. It's too bad we don't see more home/amateur videos of these things.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 11:10 PM
At that distance there'd be about a 1 - 1.5 second delay, although I'm terrible at judging distances with the naked eye so if anyone wants to disagree, be my guest. It's around the same spot, and the sound cuts out for a few seconds across the edit, so it's difficult to say either way. Check it out for yourself.

I agree with Val that it seems quite reasonable that they would stop and start the recording. Remember the events occurred over the space of two hours from first impact to final collapse. I just thought it was an interesting coincidence worth mentioning, and also disappointing - I was hoping for a final answer on the 911eyewitness sounds because the audio in this video is so clear. No such luck.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
At that distance there'd be about a 1 - 1.5 second delay, although I'm terrible at judging distances with the naked eye so if anyone wants to disagree, be my guest. It's around the same spot, and the sound cuts out for a few seconds across the edit, so it's difficult to say either way. Check it out for yourself.

I agree with Val that it seems quite reasonable that they would stop and start the recording. Remember the events occurred over the space of two hours from first impact to final collapse. I just thought it was an interesting coincidence worth mentioning, and also disappointing - I was hoping for a final answer on the 911eyewitness sounds because the audio in this video is so clear. No such luck.

well, another thing that became clear to me, from this new video, is that the noise from sirens and fire truck horns was DEAFENING! it could possibly mask other high energy sounds, preventing nearby witnesses and recorders from picking it up CLEARLY.

the thing about high frequencies, and low frequencies, is that low frequencies have a much better ability to travel through different mediums without losing too much energy, whereas high frequencies are easily absorbed by many mediums.

it WOULD be possible that the explosions captured (or not) on 911eyewitness are also being recorded on this video, but the audio needs to be filtered of higher frequencies in order to hear it. it is also possible, that a mix of damping qualities of the steel and masonry (presumably) building that the video is shot from, is filtering these lower frequencies(masonry is one of the 'ultimate' barriers to sound.)

the beat goes on.

[edit on 16-9-2006 by billybob]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 01:17 AM
The difference in this video and the previous that I have watched was deffinately the audio.

The roaring sirens coming from all angles after the Flight 11 impact was breath taking. Watching this video, you could actually place yourself in Manhattan and watching these events play out.

As Dr. Love says, it is alittle dissapointing that you could not see the impacts but the purpose of the video is still served. Watching the people on the streets run from the clouds was something that I found myself watching over and over again.

I think through this video, the loss of life can actually be understood from the video alone.

Not to say from the news broadcats it is minimized, but through the audio and details everything can be understood alittle more.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:40 AM
Look at 5min 29sec, at top left you can see an aircraft. What is it?
Look at 5min 34sec, at the top of WTC7 you can see a "flash" in the center. Whats that?


posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 10:18 AM
The 911 witness video is a hoax,I thought it was real till i saw this video.There is no way in hell that those explosions in the 911witness video were real if we didnt hear any in this new video.The audio was clear as can be and if there were any explosions they would of stood out like a firework.

Take it for what it is,this video i posted yesterday was filmed at just about the same distance as this new WTC video and you can clearly hear explosions!THERE WERE NO EXPLOSIONS AT THE WTC!.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Samblack]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:43 PM
This video to me proves without a doubt that there were no explosions. You would have heard them from where they were. I know where the building they are filming it from.

It is difficult to watch and to know that the men she is filming are going into those towers to die. This was a nice find.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 03:23 PM

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Samblack

i can't watch the video, but, i have admitted that the 911eyewitness video soundtrack could be 'dubbed' in, this could be true of ANY video.
is this a case of double standards?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 03:21 AM
What is the source of this video anyway ? Is this source can be trusted ? On one hand you've got normal peoples, not reporters, recording this "event" so you can say that thaey could've turn off camera for a "few seconds" but on the other hand why they turned off camera exactly before and when second plane hits the WTC (they didn't saw that plane coming towards WTC ?) and when buildings began to collapse...

And like in all 911 conspiracies threads you've got peoples that will be 100% sure of this video and peoples that won't be so sure

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 03:40 AM
I cant see the movie.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by Alderon2006
I cant see the movie.

You should be able to see it here:

Btw, I highly recommend you to see the following movie; "9/11-Mysteries", definitely the best 9/11-documentary out there:

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Roger M]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:55 AM
Just watched 9/11 Mysteries and I agree, it's the best documentary out there so far.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 10:05 AM
9:13 - 9:25 - sound heard from top tower, papers and black objects fall from the windows.

Any guess as to what that is? I think this is for Val and it never got posted, but i dont know, i didnt see a 9:13 - 9:25 posted yet.

But look there on the video at 9:13 - 9:25

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 10:25 AM
There are NO EXPLOSIONS if there were they would stand out like fireworks on 4th of july.

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Samblack]

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