This is not directed at you MrMicrophone, I just want to ask why the 12th and not today?
There's a glaring lack of predictions of evildoing for today, when everything screams out that it would be perfect timing. We have al-Quaida making
us an offer to convert (required by their rules of engagement), we have an Islamic cleric giving approval for mass killing of up to 10 million (also
required by their rules), we have a new video hinting that the time is right now (pregnant days), and it's the fifth (and most important, so far)
anniversary of the attacks.
Instead we have predictions for 6 out of 31 days last month, 10 out of 30 days this month, and not a single word of caution about the anniversary.
Why is nobody concerned about TODAY?
I'm not sure, maybe those in the know, know. My theory not based on fact, is that it will be before Rosh Hashana, the evening of the 22nd of I said, just a feeling, not fact.
I believe a tuesday to be more significant to Alqaeda than sept11.
Sept 11 was on a Tuesday.
We have that terrible tuesday in september.
Wouldnt it be the perfect time for an atack? all the 911 theories are gone, people are starting to again move past the anniversary date and look
forward, not thinking as HARD about the terrorists.
2 consecutive days of mourning on the Western calender.
I always thought Monday 11th, and tuesday 12th were the two most possible days this year for an attack.