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Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us

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posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 05:46 AM
Where in for trouble
thank you bush for destroying planet earth in more ways then one

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 05:49 AM
And what will bush do about it, absolutely nothing as usual, just sit there raking in the $$$'s from all his oil company buddies.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 05:51 AM
Amen to that solidshot brutha.


May we all survive the future however wreckless it will be

Take care and peace,
- Naz

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:15 AM
May we all survive the future however wreckless it will be .

i hope so
we can change the future if we start doing something now!
but since greed is more important then humanity i guess its goodbye

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:30 AM
This is an old story.

As usual the media hyped up a load of nonsense. The Pentagon did commission such a report - it was one of their "what if" scenarios. And some incompetent hack (or conspiracist) got hold of it and, knowing nothing about the science, took the report as meaning the Pentagon actually expected the events described therein to really occur.

Oddly enough, it came out around the time of the film 'The Day After Tomorrow' ......

The real worse case scenario should the Gulf Stream stop completely (as is the suggestion in this report) would be, at worse, a repeat of the 'Little Ice Age'. However, there is no certaointy that it'd been even as bad as that since recent research suggests the Gulf Stream (or rather, NAD) has a much less impact on the climate of NW Europe than previously thought.

Britain would definitely not turn into Siberia. And if sea levels are to rise that much by 2020 then they'd better get a move on!

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Essan
This is an old story.

As usual the media hyped up a load of nonsense. The Pentagon did commission such a report - it was one of their "what if" scenarios. And some incompetent hack (or conspiracist) got hold of it and, knowing nothing about the science, took the report as meaning the Pentagon actually expected the events described therein to really occur.

I remember when this story came out in 2004. Essan, do you have a reliable source for this conspiracist or hack? I don't think that's actually true. Firstly, the Guardian is probably the planet's most reliable source of information. Secondly, they name lots of names of real individuals. I do know that after the Pentagon finished their report, that they became quite alarmed and tried to tell Bush, to no avail.

The consensus among competent scientists is that global warming is real and they've been trying to tell that to Bush, who ignores it (since he's such a scientific genius...)

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:09 PM
Essan you have not noticed the summers getting warmer?
I no i have and when the summers get warmer its more bush fires here in Australia
Think about global warming like 9/11
Bush had all the warnings and did nothing till it was to late the same with Global Warming we would do nothing but when its to late ITS TO LATE

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by CYRAX
Where in for trouble
thank you bush for destroying planet earth in more ways then one

Whoa,whoa,whoa....!!!!! You're going to blame decades and decades of pollution on one man? Come on!!! Why didn't some of our other "fearless" leaders do anything? We've known about this for decades now. This isn't new information!!!

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by forestlady

I remember when this story came out in 2004. Essan, do you have a reliable source for this conspiracist or hack?

It was one of those stories that got picked up by one newspaper and then spread to others - I'm not sure to be honest how/where it actually reached the media. I do know that they misinterpreted it.

I don't think that's actually true. Firstly, the Guardian is probably the planet's most reliable source of information.

Some might dispute that
From indirect experience I know that even the most reputable media misinterpret and misquote, certainly on weather/climate issues.

The consensus among competent scientists is that global warming is real and they've been trying to tell that to Bush, who ignores it (since he's such a scientific genius...)

No-one's disputing that. It's just that the Pentagon 'Day After Tomorrow' scenario is not in accordance with current scientific thinking. Or rather, like the film, it's an extreme version of what may theoretically happen at some undetermined point in the future.

I've done some deleving and there's a critique of the media furore over the Pentagon report on a blog here:-

Also, an interview with one of the report's compilers:-

In which, he says:-

Now, we looked at the worst-case realistic scenario: what would happen if abrupt climate change was as extreme as is plausible, if it hit the most vulnerable regions the hardest, and if it all happened at once. There are no scientists we've run into who say that abrupt climate change will unfold exactly as we've outlined, but there are also very few scientists who say that something like this is implausible.

So I think we can be quite clear that despite what the media implied at the time, this Pentagon Report was not a prediction of what will happen

None of which takes away the fact that GW is happening and carbon emission are almost certainly contributing to it.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:59 PM
Mr bush is the president now
has he done anything no
he should be a good leader so other leaders will follow
the money he has spent on the war he should off spent on finfind a solution on global warming


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