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New bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theory - You won't believe it

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posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 08:53 AM
That is not just my theory, dear, that theory is out there believed by one out of every two Americans...
You are entitled to your opinion as i am entitled to mine.In this case, the conspiracy is probably less troubling than the truth. Of course, you know the truth?
How do you know the truth? Are you close to Bush & Cheney?
Call it wild speculation on my part but I am entitled to my thoughts and opinions

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:13 AM
After a little shallow looking into peoples ideas about the 'events of that day' one depressing idea seems to stick out.

Given the vast amounts of money involved here -and please no one take this the wrong way- has some one taken a very very sick business decission? cos, to a cold calculating collection of psychopaths clearly trillions of dollers and bringing on plans for global domination a fair bit weighed against a few thousand lives (read collateral cannon fodder) be worth the gamble? very probably.

Americia, as with a lot of the world, has a history of building its self by treating human life as expendable. After all, slave labour in the cotten and tobbaco industries made a lot of money in the early days. Nowadays its more like fearmongering, advertising/selling addictive products (tobbaco) to keep people in control.

Will people in the future look back and see us in the same light as we see the uneducated of the past who listened to the church telling them earth is the centre of the solar system (and burning all who dissagreed)?

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by dipsothedrunk
Will people in the future look back and see us in the same light as we see the uneducated of the past who listened to the church telling them earth is the centre of the solar system (and burning all who dissagreed)?

They better! Otherwise it'll mean we learned nothing from all of this, and that we failed to mature. . . What a waste that would be.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:34 AM
The recently released, German security warning showed that we had diffinite foreknowledge of the event... so allowing 9-11 to happen is the very least of the crimes by our leaders.

But as far as an inside connection... an arms length connection would be easy, CIA/Mossad does it all the time.

It would be so easy to convince a group of angry muslim youths to follow ANYONE who suggests that they blow up a building, and provides information such as "a military drill will be performed that day to help confuse things", and ," here is how where you can get a pilots training", and "here is how you can get thru security with weapons", and "here are the flight schedules for these planes"...
soooo easy....

So easy that it may have happend that way
anyone like Makram Chams... their friend and local conveinance store owner...Why did terrorist friend become Titan employee after 9-11?

Remember that Titan is a defense contractor, and was also the private agency in charge of ABU GHARIB prison
as well as: (from investors factsheet) here: Titan fact sheet
other high level military involvement with:

Titan Corporation is a leading provider of intelligence and communications solutions for the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community and other federal government agencies. After exiting the commercial sector in 2002, Titan has emerged as a pure-play solutions provider, operating in the fastest growing segments of national security procurement. Founded in 1981, Titan has deep and longstanding relationships with key federal agencies and is working on more than 2,500 contracts. The company’s strong and steadily growing backlog was $4.65 billion at June 30, 2003.

and if that didn't scare you, see this:

C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) – C4ISR is Titan’s core business and focuses primarily on the Communications and Intelligence arenas. Titan’s expertise involves developing, integrating, deploying and supporting intelligence-gathering and communications systems across the DoD and intelligence agencies. C4ISR programs are among the fastest growing portion of the DoD budget.

and how did they get this contract? I thought Eisenhower warned us about outsourcing military data to the private sector?

Enterprise Information Technology – EIT involves designing, integrating and supporting internal communications infrastructures for government agencies. Titan’s EIT business is capitalizing on increasing federal government trends toward outsourcing, vendor program consolidation and system upgrades.

and it is starting to be very clear here...

Homeland Security/War on Terrorism – Titan has a strong track record of providing homeland security and counter-terrorism services, dating back to the mid-1980s. Since the events of 9/11 this sector has grown to comprise more than 60 contracts – up from 10 contracts before the terrorist attacks. Examples of Titan’s activity in this area are providing products and systems for first-responders to disasters and WMD situations.

and BTW,
Titan has this very close relationship with our government... why again?
that is obviously due to the great service they give, and the trust that they have earned right?

Titan pleads guilty to bribery and government buying
they didn't just grease palms... they bought and financed WHOLE COUNTRIES...

So no... I dont think that we have anything to fear from the motives of the military industrial complex...

Its merely a conspiracy that can be believed.

[edit on 12-9-2006 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
It would be so easy to convince a group of angry muslim youths to follow ANYONE who suggests that they blow up a building, and provides information such as "a military drill will be performed that day to help confuse things", and ," here is how where you can get a pilots training", and "here is how you can get thru security with weapons", and "here are the flight schedules for these planes"...
soooo easy....

The muslim hijackers may have walked right into a trap layed by the CIA. They thought that they would be flying the planes into the targets, but the CIA has the planes pre-wired to be remotely controlled from a distance. The muslims hijackers find themselves locked in the plane with no way of overriding the controls of the plane.

Planes hit targets, mission accomplished and the CIA pins the whole affair on 19 unsuspecting muslim men.

The officail story takes shape, 'Hey looks like those bad people over there, sitting on top of all that oil did it, let's go get them.'

[edit on 12-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:55 AM
I updated my post above regarding TITAN corps dirty dealings with same said terrorists...

you Know Titan right? they are essentially the outsourced company in charge of military intelligence.... among many other things...

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
The photo on the left is the official White House pic of the POTUS. On the right is a press photo. I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure the guy on the right is an imposter.

Just to chime in about shadows and such. Notice that the guy on the right's eyes are dark, while the POTUS on the left has grey/blue eyes. Anyone know what color GW's eyes are suppossed to be?

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by crgintx...the higher ups are/were always more concerned with appearances then functionality.

So a crack team of islamic commando's wielding razor knives, has proved to be a more powerful force than all of the shiny tanks, planes and ships of the US military?

With the security measures of most civilian facilities at the time, a well armed junior high cheerleader squad could have taken over those planes. I know your being a smart*** but personally I feel both contempt and pity for 911 hijackers. They were duped by a rich man's son into throwing away their lives and murdering at minimum 2900 people for which hopefully they are now burning in hell for killing. To what end? More of their Muslim brethren have died at the hand of the supposed great Satan, the US and a great many more a likely to die. If bin Laden is such a brave leader why is he hiding? All of the targets they struck were symbolic not strategically important. The failure wasn't a military one but one of intelligence. The US military is still under civilian control last time I checked. Like Vietnam and the first Iraq war, the military was kept from wiping out the enemy for political reasons. Same with the current situation in Iraq, the military could drive everyone out of the country with enough personnel and ammo and there's nothing any Muslim terrorist could do to stop them. That is except blow up more civilians like in Madrid and London. Worst case scenario is that they deliver a nuke to Israel or the US, then Isreal will take off the kidd gloves and blow up every major Islamic population center within striking distance of their submarines. Google the "Sampson Option" to find out more about it.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 11:25 AM

To Tone: The autopsies showed no middle easteners on board. How do you figure there were 19 hijackers??

No, you are misquoting the autopsy findings. They did not IDENTIFY them. They recovered remains of each hijacker, however without DNA samples from living relatives, there is NO way to identify them.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Original quote by: Dgtempe
To Tone: The autopsies showed no middle easteners on board. How do you figure there were 19 hijackers??

No, you are misquoting the autopsy findings. They did not IDENTIFY them. They recovered remains of each hijacker, however without DNA samples from living relatives, there is NO way to identify them.

Lets see if we can tackle this issue from both perspectives. No matter if the govt. is complicit or it is the work of bonafide independent terrorists, the plan and execution of 911 was not simple. There had to be mid to long term planning, reearch, coordination,... and many other factors.

1.)The Official Version:

If everything that the govt has said is true. Then 19 Middle Eastern(15 Saudis...mind you) Who were part of Al Quaida planned and executed a coordinated attack on mulptiple targets. They used box cutters.
They must also have done alot of recon work gathering information as to the best time and opporunities for attack. They must have found out that the military was running a drill on sept 11th, they must have known that the FAA ordered guns out of the cockpits(hence the need for only boxcutters) in the months preceeding 911.
They must have known that the Chief expert (John P. O'Neill- see Vhalls post on page one of this thread) on OBL was going to be in the WTC7 that day(convienently killing their biggest threat).

2.)the CT angle:This one is a bit more difficult because it has many varying degrees of difference from the official version; ie.. 757/no 757 debate, manned/unmanned planes, Bombs/ no bombs in WTC, etc.

2A.) The govt. knew and let it happen:
Those 19 people could have recieved alot of this information via the CIA or MOSSAD and had help getting into our country to access the training schools and to do the on site recon work that had to be done in advance. The govt. doing its part puts certain people in places that are the targetted and they are conveniently erased. And goals are met where the govt. can sieze the most from the situation.

2.b) the govt. set it up from the start:
This side is a bit harder to swallow for alot of Americans... It is just too sinister to think that 300 plus people would be used as utter pawns in a sick sick game for power that is beyond the comprehension of most decent folks... because they are decent. This implys that the govt. pcarried out (more or less) Operation Northwoods in orer to fullfill PNAC.. and was intended as such... by those who sought to gain the most from it

personally I am going with 2a. It most closely answers both polar sides of the 911 issue. It answers the questions of how the Terrorists could get so many coincidences right. It also explains that the entire govt. cannot have had something to do with it(rather a rogue group therein; whose size I cannot even begin to speculate)

thank you for your time,

[edit on 9/12/2006 by TONE23]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by MrFantastic
This thread in almost it's entirety is retarded. For someone to think that the Government had anything to do with the merciless killings of over 3000 American citizens is the utmost ... There really isn't a word to describe the stupidity of that thought.

You're right, because there's no historical evidence of countries carrying out terrorist attacks against their own people and blaming it on their enemies.

Wait, except Hitler did it when he burned down the reichstag building.

Oh, and Operation Northwoods

Oh, and Strategy of Tension employed by the Italian far right during the 70's.

Oh, and the Mouvement d'Action et Défense Masada in France.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. It seems to me that believing the official story simply because that's what we're told while ignoring the massive evidence showing controlled demolition and cover ups is a bit historically naive.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 03:28 PM
this thread rules!!!!!!!!!

if anyone questions why so many americans are against, or question the governments official story, they just need to read through this thread. it gives many reasons why we question what actually transpired on 9/11/01.

if you ask why would the usa government want to attack its own people, read this.

all courtesy of valhall

wow valhall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like giving you my last wats vote for this month, but ill just wait untill you do something else remarkable in the next few weeks.
i hope you dont mind i put links to all those here.


[edit on 12-9-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by crgintx
They were duped by a rich man's son into throwing away their lives and murdering at minimum 2900 people for which hopefully they are now burning in hell for killing. To what end?

That's what we're trying to uncover.

Just because the ISI (Pakastani intelligence service) directly funded Osama in his fight against the soviets in afghanistan, and the CIA directly funded the ISI, doesn't mean that the CIA indirectly funded Osama.

On the other hand did you ever see a movie called, 'Operation Swordfish.', released only a few short months before 9/11?

Historically "Operation Swordfish" was a government sting operation, set up to ensnare drug dealers in the late 1980s. Using funds illegally obtained from asset seizures, this undercover operation by the FBI and the DEA actually created dummy corporation fronts to get into the drug business. Eventually government agents and others were caught skimming the slush fund and stealing the money for themselves.

The premise of Swordfish the movie is that the slush fund created by this operation has grown to a whopping $9.5 billion.

Shear wants the money to support the activities of a bunch of renegade CIA types who have decided to take down all the greedy and dishonest politicians and establish a newer, more honest America.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 11:51 PM
The emperor supports 9/11 truth?

So much for the obvious. What you don't know is that his sinister plan required demolition of the WTC in order to immediately ship off its steel remains, much required for the covert construction of a giant military juggernaut, the terrible Death Star. Rumours claim he's out for world, or rather galactic, domination, but official sources assert he only wishes to contain the primitive, yet aggressive Ewok terrorists of Endor.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by nQuire
the terrible Death Star

Ha Ha that's funny.

All except the death threat at the end of course.

[edit on 13-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 01:02 AM

But the picture is hilarious, too. You did spot the emperor, didn't you?

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 01:41 AM

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by chetinglendalevillage

Venezuelan socialist president Hugo Chavez supporter of freedom of speech in america.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro "An independent international investigation must be carried out one day to discover the truth about the events of Sept. 11."


On the other hand were not so sure that president Bush is such a strong suporter of freedom of speech.

George W. Bush - "there ought to be limits to freedom" - News conference (May 21, 1999)

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Valhall this like a collaborative writing exercise? If so, I want to add my part.


posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 03:21 AM
I say lets break with tradition and give George W a third term...

Still lots of work to be done you know...

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