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New Photos Of The Mystery Object near the Kinross F-89 Scorpion

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posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:59 AM
I'm bumping this thread back into view in the hopes that it may stimulate another look. I followed the news at the time, and subsequently read that it was a hoax after the company's website shut down.

I can't help but ask myself, though...just what does it look like when a story suddenly gets 'disappeared'? I'm betting it looks a lot like this!

Same as the Mike Vreeland story regarding 911. He proved his association with ONI in an open Toronto court. Then the story just kinda faded away...a bad guy...a fraud...a liar and a crook....move along folks, nothing to see here, just keep moving...

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
I'm bumping this thread back into view in the hopes that it may stimulate another look. I followed the news at the time, and subsequently read that it was a hoax after the company's website shut down.

That's pretty much the status of this story. MUFON went through a great deal of investigating it and could not find one single piece of information to validate the claims of the hoaxers. They talked to the Canadian govt. and the story was full of holes. They also asked other salvage companies that do work in the area, and not one of them had heard of this company before. Although, they did find one company with a similar name, but it was off by one word, and they came forward to say they had nothing to do with the case. Not even researching the website registrar helped because they used a proxy of sorts. MUFON's ruling is that it is more than likely a hoax.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I also read an extensive expose on this and I agree that it is a hoax. I was actually going to post the link recently but got sidetracked and now I don't remember where I saw it.

I actually wasn't quite sure about the validity except the idea of them leaving until the next season just didn't sit right with me.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:06 PM
Please blog more and keep an updated record of what comes about next year as more evidence is uncovered. That pilot was my great uncle and i am curious to know more. he just vanished and nobody has every given an explaination.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:48 PM
This is one BIG HOAX which never really disapppeared because the perpetrator is still unknown.

Some people still believe this was all just "hushed up" by the government.
- however all indications are that this was a big hoax. The story was first broken August 2006, in email to Francis Ridge, a NICAP UFO researcher. The email contained a quote from an Associated Press story which itself appears to be a complete fake/hoax.

News of the discovery spread like wildfire through the magic of the Internet. The story revolved around a "dive company" called the Great Lakes Dive Company which it turned out - did not exist. It does appear the name may have been chosen deliberately to be confused with another company "Great Lakes Diving Company" which was legitimate. The company alleged they were searching for other famous Lake Superior ship wrecks using sidescan sonar. Due to "bad weather" they halted their search and began searching the middle of the lake for the lost F-89 which disappeared in 1953. The "dive company" created a website which showed some grainy low-res images which were claimed to be authentic sidescan sonar images of the F-89. (Some sidescan sonar experts disputed their authenticity).

They provided no photographs of their dive boat, sidescan sonar equipment, or themselves on their website, which abruptly disappeared about a month after it fisrt appeared. The principle contact, who went by the name "Alex Jimenez" I seem to recall, was interviewed on Coast to Coast AM by Linda Moulton Howe (who has never conceded that the whole story was probably a hoax).

The Kinross Incident thread contains a few references to the story but to this day, no one has heard anything more of "Alex Jimenez" or his "discovery".

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:40 AM
wait till next year to go down there and see what it is?

my god... yeah, this is the last time we'll hear about all this lol

you dont make a sonar image of a ufo that good, and then wait till next year to check it out

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Harry55
More information and photos released today of the mystery object found close to the plane. They are saying they will have to wait till next years diving season to try and investigate further.

They do say the object is metalic and left a trail on the bottom where it rests. They feel there may be a larger portion under the sand where the object rests.

The just released story

[edit on 10-9-2006 by Harry55]

they are waiting till next year?..


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by alienesque

they are waiting till next year?..


There is no "they". Its a hoax. There is no object resembling a bottle cap in the sand, sitting on the bottom of Lake Superior as the "sonar image" is a fake - probably just a photograph of something mundane that was put through the Photoshop "noise" filter. The "Great Lakes Dive Company" does not exist and has no boat to take them onto the lake.

"Next Year" is 2007, as the hoaxers made that statement in fall of 2006, almost 3 full years ago.

I revived the thread in the hope that ATS would do its part to officially label it a hoax as there are still many people out there who think that the Kinross F-89 was really found - thanks in part to internet conspriracy forums like ATS.

It has not been found and still rests slumbering peacefully, probably on the bottom of some lake out there.......

[edit on 20-8-2009 by bluestreak53]

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