posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 11:21 PM
I dont agree.
I believe IRAN to be an unwanted conflict by the USA.
If we had of sent in MAJOR battalions, tanks, and outragoues amounts of harware into afghan id agree with you. But being we barely sent in enough
people to Get binladen,its likely we are going to mount an offensive from afghan.
ALSO, Iraq is in as much doo doo being there just insurgents, mounting more action against its neighbour is doomed to failure.
Iraq, so rich with oil and so weak in terms of military is the perfect nest to continue our oil guzzling economy.
The US let alqaeda hit them, did afghan because it was obviously needed... then decide to use the opportunity to get into IRAQ.
Where OIL is bountiful, and the military weak.
They assumed such a tremendous show of military might against baghdad would deter any surrounding nations from interfering.
Unforuntaely, they underestimated their neighbours.
The resistance has continued to grow with steady help from IRAN, and now Iran looms as a major issue, one that is presenting itself to the US.
The US didnt plan for this, which explains there current situation.
Iran seiged upon the opportunity of diminishing public support and muslim outrage at the blantant unjustified attack, to garner there own public
behind what ever cause they desire. Nuclear weapons.
Are the US, desperate enough to consider using tactical nukes to remove and unwanted problem?
With the billions to be made of Iraqi oil, and building contracts.. are the shadow men of our government willing to hit us again, to ensure there
investment remains open?
I thnk its obvious.
Iran knows the US has to use nukes, or risk outright regional war.
Why else would the antagonise Israel, and openly preach hatred?
They know they can get away with it, and if someone tries to stop them it creates a major possilbity of the great satan losing its position at top of
the table.
[edit on 11-9-2006 by Agit8dChop]