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Half Ton of Bomb Material Allegedly Stored a Few Miles from the White House

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posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 05:46 PM
According to Brian Ross of ABC News, members of an ABC news crew allegedly purchased one half ton of explosives then stored it within a few miles of the White house. There is no mention in the story wither they had actually done any assembly of a bomb. The Show will air on Monday 10 P.M. E.T. 9 Central
With virtually no questions asked, an undercover ABC News team was able to purchase a half ton of one of the world's most dangerous bomb-making materials and move it into a storage shed only a few miles from the White House and the U.S. Capitol.

Despite its use in the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, there are still no federal laws restricting the purchase of ammonium nitrate, a chemical fertilizer, widely sold at farm supply stores.

The ABC News undercover team made the purchases, in cash, at farm supply stores in North Carolina and Virginia and were never once asked for any valid ID.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I thought Monday night had been set aside by ABC to shift the blame on Clinton regarding the war, but now I am not so sure.

To me it looks like it in one way yet this clearly slams Bush by showing Americans we are not as safe as he claims.

I do however find it callous for ABC to show terrorists they could do it, because this only gives them more ideas and that I do not like. The last thing anyone wants is to let them know where we are weak.

I also wonder if they did this just as a ratings ploy, certainly a possibility given the timing.

Related Discussion Threads:
ABC's Wrong Path to 9/11 (OP/ED)
ABC Docudrama: To Shift 9/11 Blame To Clinton

[edit on 9/9/2006 by shots]


posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:24 PM
I'm not sure what significance the "few miles from the White House" is... you might hear an explosion of that size from that distance. Maybe see the smoke if you were looking. But beyond that, not exactly impressive.

And I would say that yes this is just marketing. Fertilizer bombs are common knowledge, so no "tricks of the trade" brought to light here. The headline could read "Duh."

The only worthy news here is that they weren't asked for any ID.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:27 PM
The things people do to make money, try to shame somebody, or a government, or to get a news story.

Actually the worst thing they did was let this story out instead of maybe quietly letting the authorities know how easy it was for them to do this, then reporting the whole thing to the authorities, and then report how the authorities fixed the problem.

Now they just let anybody with bad intentions know how easy they did this.

They are lucky that before they broke the story that they weren't discovered. I would think that would have been awkward for them. I wonder if they could have avoided prosecution?

The US people are all in this together, I could just imagine if this was back during WWII and a reporter did something like this.

This is their country (the reporters) along with the rest of the US citizens. I would never, ever, try to publicize a flaw with the countries security system. I wonder if they think they are heros now? I hope their bonus was big enough.

Remember the old saying?

"Loose lips sink ships".

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:32 PM
Sounds to me like a good start! Now if they could ONLY get them closer......

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by snoochies

Sounds to me like a good start! Now if they could ONLY get them closer......

Dude, two words for you, personal responsibility, you might want to consider it.

Now I'm curious as to what else you need to turn fertilizer (no need to get specific) into a bomb and if those material's could also be placed so close.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:44 PM
diseal fuel westpoint, mix those two and theres your bomb pretty much. Its a really powerful punch and both materials are easy to get.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

Originally posted by snoochies

Sounds to me like a good start! Now if they could ONLY get them closer......

Dude, two words for you, personal responsibility, you might want to consider it.

Now I'm curious as to what else you need to turn fertilizer (no need to get specific) into a bomb and if those material's could also be placed so close.

OK. I'll play.

Here's 2 for YOU mr. military..."PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY" How about some input on those two instead of fingerpointing like I'M the enemy here in the good old US of A.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:54 PM
OOPS. I'm sorry. MY BAD. Let me guess

...HMMMMM. West Point? OK. You're PROBABLY a Marine. Did you know that you ONLY need to score an 11 out of a possible 100 on the ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery exam) to get into the marines?

WOW. Thats impressive.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 01:17 AM
Courtesy Is Mandatory

Let's refrain from personal attacks, please.


posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Now I'm curious as to what else you need to turn fertilizer (no need to get specific) into a bomb and if those material's could also be placed so close.

That's just it... that's not "close" for this type of explosive. Not by a long shot. A nuke, sure... a few miles is something to be concerned about.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 05:00 AM
Everybody seems surprized they were able to buy fertilizer without showing ID. Do you really want to live in a country where you need to show your papers to buy a bag of fertilizer? What about pipes? You need pipes to make pipe bombs. We need to make sure the NSA can track the purchases of pipes and fertilizer and batteries and bleach and diesel fuel and kitchen timers and drums and backpacks and ductape and wire and boxcutters and.... uh oh.. there's a lot of scary stuff in a hardware store... :shk:

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 05:31 AM
I think ABC is on a mission to prove something, yet i dont know what it is. They should stick to entertainment and leave the politicking and the terror to Washington DC and Homeland security.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 05:57 AM
lol ok, a few posts on this thread made me laugh. sorry, no slight to anyone but...

its not "quite" as simple as mixing diesel and fertilizer. theres a very loose 'formula' is very easy admittedly, but even mixed, even in the right proportions, its still not ready to go. i post this simply to point out that we're not discussing an active recipe for anfo. (do you guys REALLY wanna be the one to give out such info and have some dufus 14yo with an anarchist delusion trying to mix this stuff up cuz he read about it HERE? let him find the data elsewhere guys)

also, in most 'responsible' (i say responsible as thats how they describe themselves when explaining why theyd call the feds on you) establishments. buying more than about 40lbags of the stuff will get you a call from the FBI. now, this is different in a rural community, but those places that sell bulk also deal with the same people year after year and could drive you to their house if they did something naughty. the call from the FBI isnt so much a federal mandate as it is that the establishments dont want to get sued by families if they are the ones that sold the fertilizer. so many places will call the feds on you out of fear of our civil court system.

and its right to say that 'a few miles' is simply sensationalizm. even a ton of anfo is only about 40% as effective as TNT by youd have to get a lot pretty close to have it be a worry to W. (lets just say youd have to get close enough that the Secret Service snipers would have you explaining yourself to your god before you ever lit the fuse)

anyone who thinks im blowing smoke can do the research. i have.

[edit on 10-9-2006 by Damocles]still learning to type? lol

[edit on 10-9-2006 by Damocles]

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by snoochies
OOPS. I'm sorry. MY BAD. Let me guess

...HMMMMM. West Point? OK. You're PROBABLY a Marine. Did you know that you ONLY need to score an 11 out of a possible 100 on the ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery exam) to get into the marines?

WOW. Thats impressive.

The ASVAB is based on percentile, with 99% (aka 'points') being the highest. Also, you have to score a min 32 points (32% overall) to be considered for the Marine Corp (it's 31 for Army).

With a 32 point score, you're lucky if you're a grunt with no incentives.

Get your facts straight before you go around board bashing. Otherwise, it just makes you look silly.


posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 08:23 AM
I scored a 99% at 18, so phhhhtt!

Explosives like that need a way to be directed, shaped so to speak.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 12:25 PM
damocles, I never said how to build it, how much you need, because it wasn't the question. You would agree with me when I said the materials you need are basically fertilizer and diseal fuel though right? Thats really all people NEED to know about this. The way to make it is irrelevent to this discussion obviously.

Reading your post made it feel as though it was somewhat direct toward me for saying all you need is diseal fuel and fertilizer. I was just trying to say, diseal fuel is the other material you need for a fertilizer bomb.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 06:18 PM
apologies grim, wasnt exactly my intent. i was really tired when i wrote it so im not sure i know what my intent was, but i meant no offense.

and yes, diesel and fertilizer are all you need to get started.

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