If you really care about your country, you will rip off your uniform, throw down your guns, and fight to stop this illegal, immoral war...
Id like to know, how is Iraq? How bad is it? How bad are you guys making it over there?
I want to know why you chose to fight this war.
Who do you kill? What exactly is your definition of "insurgent"? People who fight for Al Queda only, or people who fight against you in
general...there is a very distinct difference.
I respect you for wanting to fight for good. I hope you realize, though, that your leaders use you as pawns, lie to you, and trick you into fighting
for evil. In the words of Henry Kissinger, one of the major globalist players of the 20th Century and a man whos had alot of influence in American
foreign policy for the last 30 years, he said:
Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy..
(there are countless sources for this quote, here is just one)
I didnt say it, Henry Kissinger did, so direct your ignorant comments to him for those people offended by this quote.
Now you have gotten a glimpse into the psyche of those who dare call themselves your leaders. This is what they think of you. Do you think they give a
damn if you die? Do you think they give a damn if civilians die? Do you really think they give two #s about you or your family? Of course not! If they
did, they wouldnt send you in harms way unless it was
absolutely positively neccesary...which this war in Iraq isnt....I sure hope you realize
this my friend.
No WMDs, No Iraq link to 911. No Saddam link to Al Queda....one question sir...WHY ARE YOU STILL IN IRAQ SLAUGHTERING PEOPLE????
If you can answer this question for me, without using the propoganda fed to you by your so-called "leaders", Id be very happy.
[edit on 9-9-2006 by AscendedMaster]