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9/11 Footage to Air in Real Time

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posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:01 PM
I have just watched a promo for this coming 9/11 & CNN is stating that they will air all of their original footage from 9/11 in real time.

So starting at 8:30AM EST they will start the broadcast and continue it until midnight.

No editing, everything in real time.

Quickly looking I can not find the information on CNN but I did come across this.

CNN will mark the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by replaying on the Internet the cable network's coverage of that day's events.

Viewers can watch how events unfolded starting at 8:30 a.m., minutes before the first reports of an airplane hitting the World Trade Center. The feed will run in real time, as the network showed it five years ago, until midnight.

Click Here to View Source

My reminder will be set on this one.

Ed: to Add CNN Link

[edit on 7-9-2006 by chissler]

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:14 PM
link they are planning to basically Not show anything important that day? Just old news? I dont understand the motive or the justification behind this.

I mean what if something happens that is actually news (not newsclips that have been crammed down our throats ad nauseum for the past 5 years) happens? It would be a bit hilarious if they had to interrupt 'live' september 11th coverage to tell us what kind of caviar Mark Karr is eating lately.

Im not trying to downplay the tragedy, I just dont understand what this is supposed to accomplish, other than morbid fascination. Although, I bet there will be some people with a severe lack of social life or anything else better to do who will watch the thing in its entirety.....

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:18 PM
MSNBC is going to be rebroadcasting at least parts of the 9/11 NBC Today show too.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
MSNBC is going to be rebroadcasting at least parts of the 9/11 NBC Today show too.

Well, that is to be expected.
I just wonder if the commercials will be the same. You know, like, "brand new in theaters this summer! Shrek! and Oceans 11!"

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Dj, what I look forward to this broadcast is the lack of conspiracy & the lack of all this crap we have been fed with since 9/11.

We can watch the initial broadcast for what it was. We can relive the confusion that the world felt on that day.

No freefalling speed, no bombs in the building, No what happened to WTC7 or a missile hit the pentagon.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 09:16 PM
Here is the link from the CNN website:

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by usafairmen
Here is the link from the CNN website:

Thank you.

I'll attempt to edit my initial post so I can add this as well.

What are your thoughts on CNN broadcasting the initial footage in real time?

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