i realize that the TALMASCA is a fictonal organzation
but...did she create the whole thing or did she get other influnces from a real organzation? and didnt use the real name
as these have been in lost of other movies and books.
i am really curios
I think Anne Rice got her inspiration for the Talamasca in her books from real life "secret society" groups like the Illuminati, Skull and Bones,
Vatican etc...
I think she just changed the premise under which her group the "talamasca" met under. Their interests being the paranormal while the real life
groups are usually bent on world domination.
Finally! someone on here that likes Anne Rice, lol. I think the Talamasca is strictly a fictional organization she created but her books are just
awesome. A shame she has pretty much given up on the vampire chronicles or any of her other books. She has had kind of a religous epiphany.