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So what is the afterlife?

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posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:43 PM
Yay, live forever! yay heaven! You are entitled to peace, joy, happiness, and excellence if you are sent to heaven...

Although, what is that? What is joy, and happiness? What is heaven like? I've never actually heard a description from a Christian, or any other religious follower. Is it supposed to be like a parallel-earth-life? Is it sitting on a cloud eating Philidalphia Swirl Cream Cheese? What is joy and happiness? Is it amusement rides, and puppies? Is it material possessions?

This oddly reminds me of a part in the movie "Bubbleboy," with the cult. They tell the bubble guy person (forgot his name), that the master took all their personal possessions to the compound which are waiting for them... in which he asks where the compound is, and they all reply "I don't... know..."

I'm just wondering, what is it that people expect once they get to heaven? Is it like being high, no matter what you're doing, you're enjoying yourself?

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:53 PM
A very good question. I think the most important question to ask is what would Heaven be to you and that is what Heaven will be. It is not truth to yourself to ask of others what happiness is, because everyone has a different idea of what makes them happy, therefore you wouldn't want to define heaven by what Islam, Christianity, Hopi, Hindu, or the guy next door thinks heaven will be like.

To many, Heaven is a place where all the cares of the world are resolved. To me, heaven is not a place or time, but the power and ability to resolve all the cares of the world eternally for those who think that is Heaven.

Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven, I feel it is better to give it than to recieve it.

[edit on 6-9-2006 by ben91069]

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 12:43 AM
I base a majority of my life on scientific principle rather than religious values as one proves more solid and substantial than the other. But however, one has to take note of the mass amounts of unknown spirituals/dimensional characteristics that our universe exhibits.

From there, I say.. I have no clue what the Afterlife is. Not because there's any proof of it therefore it doesn't exist, although I follow through with that logic for like Christian heaven etc.

I'm beginning to expand my views into a concept in which.. planets develop multi-dimensional life in their own ways, and give birth to both biological life and metaphysical life. That there is a life source that that lives in the same reality we live in, except in a different type of dimension.. or I should say energy state. With that, when things are born, they are born and given life through this energy force.. it's sort of the match that ignites to allow the fire (or life) to burn. After birth, everyone just feeds off the energies/life force that is there, and their brain develops as such due to genes/personal experiences.. and when they die.. they die. Nothing happens. Your mind rots and the life force moves on with no memory or such and occupies another life source.

Grim.. yes but I see it as being the most plausible explaination in my own opinion and feelings of how the universe works
But that's just me and my own feeling of what I believe

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Err.. of course we all have our own concepts so we will all be in disagreement, but I was following you up to the end there, when you said when they die their flesh breaks down into plant & animal food and their life force moves onto another being unknowingly. My view happens to contradict w/yours at this point.

I view the afterlife, or should I say the 'good afterlife' for those who can attain it (live a proper life, gain the spiritual wisdom & truly believe(most important), & follow the Decalogue), as a place perhaps where time does not exist as we know it. One could, if they were God themself, rewind and fast forward through "reality" as we know it, complete from the furthest stars exploding to the smallest microrganisms on Earth moving, everything, creation. In this timeless 'place', there is limitless space .. kind of like the way people describe the universe as we know it, as 'never-ending'. In other words, the laws of Physics go right out the window upon ascension! To this higher existence.

This existance is a non-physical one. You have a body, with limbs and a head, eyes, a mouth, ears etc, though it isn't "real" like we consider real flesh and bone on earth. Imagine a person made out of light particles. They might have arms and legs, but theres not true flesh there, it just takes a shape, the form of a person which is the likeness of God, according to genesis. God probably manifests himself in this realm above everyone else, larger than the other 'bodies of light', which are the residents, the souls or spirits that have ascended or been judged.

Now basicly imagine being able to create anything you wanted, whether it was a feeling like a high, or an emotion, or the form of an object, or an experience. But when you create it, you are not actually creating the object in the real world as we know reality, theres no actual physical elements involved. But the joy attained is equal, or more, im just stabbing in the dark here, I don't know exactly what its like.

And i'd imagine everyone has an overwhelming sense of Joy, kind of like what the drug ecstasy would be trying to mimic in its effect but failing to come close. In short, if you've done hard drugs, imagine the highest high you've had, if you've ever felt like you had no feet and were skimming along the floor almost elevated-like, or if you've had some intense hallucination, or the most intense feeling of "good" and pleasure, in the afterlife in "Heaven" you'd be able to make these feelings manifest at any time and even be better than their Earthly counterparts by far. In fact, their Earthly counterparts are tools of the Fallen, or the "Satan" as they put it, to make you want to achieve the feeling of Heaven, except not attaining it and eventually ruining yourself financially and mentally w/addiction.

You remember how Satan wanted to be equal to God, or as powerful, to know as much and to do as much in the story? Well .. naturally on this pre-ascension testing ground of ours we call Earth and reality, there would be imposter elements that would seem Heavenly and Godlike but truly were just illusions and false, being tools of the "evil" like I just said. At least I think so.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 10:19 AM
The exception to that I should say is Marijuana. I dont think it is an evil tool, it can be taken and used as an evil tool by an evil purpose but it's not inheritly evil like say, recreational amounts of coc aine are, in its vain attempt to mimic godliness or heavenly feelings.

Marijuana was used in the holy anointing oil by the ancient israelites, I recall reading quite a bit about Qaneh Bosm(Cannabis) being in the bible. Moses/Moshi's original recipe for annointing oil included Cannabis apparently. I've also read about a "Fire Baptism" removed from practices where Marijuana along with Myrrh and Frankinscense and perhaps other things was burnt like an offering while the attendees were in the temple, or if outdoors, directly around the fire. I'm not saying this is fact..

The THC Ministry is the place to go to read any arguements and evidence supporting that, you can do a google search for it.

Marijuana is the "tree of good and evil" depicted in the bible, IMO. The serpent slept around it because Marijuana gives off heat in the night, this is how Law Enforcement find crops at night, with heat-vision. When we smoke the tree of good and evil we are not eating it, we are burning it as a ceremonial act of destroying it into ashes. Yet we get to consume from it anyway, the food it gives is the high. This isn to say eating pot is literlly eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil, thats not the case, you can no longer eat of it anyway as it has to be burnt/vaporized to let off the THC, even when cooking w/it. Its fairly unique in that it has to be burnt to activate the THC, whilst coc aine doesnt and can be smoked or consumed, as with opiates and heroin, smoked or consumed, and most other drugs. This is because burning it is so important .. the symbology of burning the tree of good and evil pleases God, IMO.

(Before someone replies saying im just justifying drug use, specificly marijuana, im most certainly not, and heres why. It doesnt need to be justified, it isnt dangerous like those others because it cant cause death in itself. To me it is on par with tobacco, and a lighter drug than alcohol, which is physicly addicting and much more harmful to the body, which is a fact. The reason it is outlawed is because we live in an evil world, teehee.)

[edit on 7-9-2006 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 04:39 PM
There is no afterlife. Stop worrying about death and get right with life. The only sense of an afterlife would be one's eternal impact on the universe while they are here.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 05:16 PM
The afterlife = before the next life.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
There is no afterlife. Stop worrying about death and get right with life. The only sense of an afterlife would be one's eternal impact on the universe while they are here.

I'm an atheist, which I'm not sure I made clear in that post... and I'm right there with you.

anyways, I'll reply to everyone's posts when I get some spare time.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 06:15 PM
Eternal impact on THIS universe. Given that infinity is an existent... there are also infinite universes and infinite possibilities.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 03:57 PM
The after life I cant give you spasifics, but the can be no evil in heaven, unpeer things. Anyone who tells there is only spirits is a lie. Read revelations chapter 4-5 God sits on a chair holding in his right hand the scroll of seven seals. Here the thing you might not know. When your saved you might not even go to heaven. 144 thousand thousand go to heaven to be angels, to worshop god and do what angels do know, which help those on earth to find God. The rest stay on earth for a least a 1000 years with Jesus in the New Jerurselem. Where you can still have a family.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 05:52 PM
Explain to me where heaven is and what angels are? Are they way off in some non-existent land? God is a man sitting on his thrown? We might as well throw this life away... the way the Bible is being presented suggests that we are all worthless except for a select few... I'm here to tell you otherwise.

[edit on 8-9-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 05:57 PM
Try eating some space cake and telling me the THC doesnt effect you, kthx.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
Explain to me where heaven is and what angels are? Are they way off in some non-existent land? God is a man sitting on his thrown? We might as well throw this life away... the way the Bible is being presented suggests that we are all worthless except for a select few... I'm here to tell you otherwise.

[edit on 8-9-2006 by dgoodpasture]

Davy, you can't tell us what heaven is like? Is there going to be ps7, a really big slide into a pool of booze?

Do I get to fly around the universe in "spirit" form checking stuff out, watching planets give rise to new life forms?

or do we all sit around chillin' praising the Lawd?

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 06:04 PM
This is heaven! You are with God and God is with you! Be God's Angel! God wants you to know it... Close your eyes and imagine infinity expanding into every direction... now imagine infinite reactions... and imagine that it's all infitly solid as nothing cannot exist... it's all connected... and imagine that everything is alive... we are all working off of one another. THC? Are you assuming that I am on marijauna? I don't understand that... space cake?

God is infinite truth and love... we are whole and fulfilled with God... we do not need power, money, greed, materials... Heaven is here... why do you deny that it is? Denying that it is is only letting the nothingness of Satan fill and create our empty voids... this IS the battle of good and evil.

When we accept infinity we accept infinite possibilites... yes we can fly around space and the universe with no limitation and go anywhere we want... here! I n this flesh! But we limit ourselves because Satan's emptiness rules the world... and we believe that embracing God's limitless is against its rules... why?

There will be anything that you can desire and imagine in heaven and it will only exude love and fun and joy.

[edit on 8-9-2006 by dgoodpasture]

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by dgoodpasture
This is heaven! You are with God and God is with you! Be God's Angel! God wants you to know it... Close your eyes and imagine infinity expanding into every direction... now imagine infinite reactions... and imagine that it's all infitly solid as nothing cannot exist... it's all connected... and imagine that everything is alive... we are all working off of one another. THC? Are you assuming that I am on marijauna? I don't understand that... space cake?

No I am not, that was directed to Runetang; if This is heaven. . . what a total let down. Space cake is made with high grade marijuana and kief(Tetrahydrocannabinol crystals)

God is infinite truth and love... we are whole and fulfilled with God... we do not need power, money, greed, materials... Heaven is here... why do you deny that it is? Denying that it is is only letting the nothingness of Satan fill and create our empty voids... this IS the battle of good and evil.

So if this is heaven why do such horrendous things happen to innocent people?

When we accept infinity we accept infinite possibilites... yes we can fly around space and the universe with no limitation and go anywhere we want... here! I n this flesh! But we limit ourselves because Satan's emptiness rules the world... and we believe that embracing God's limitless is against its rules... why?

So the Law of Gravity has nothing to do with that, and the fact I can't exist outside the atmosphere of earth unless wearing a special suit and have a supply of oxygen?

There will be anything that you can desire and imagine in heaven and it will only exude love and fun and joy.

But you said heaven is here? Then were are all the dead people? When I physically die, I only ask for the earth to consume me, let the bugs have their way with me, or make me into a reef, I'll be fine with that either way, no need for mummification imo.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 06:32 PM
Right now this is hell... Satan is ruling this dominion because t he infinite has not been accepted. We are empty and we fill our emptiness with material obsessions and other things that are not truly fulfilling. I'm sorry that you wish to die and be eaten by the bugs... if you want eternal life then believe in it... if you don't... then you will have your wish.

This can be heaven... when we accept it to be with God.

Gravity will be harnessed... speed of light will be broken... possibilities are infinite... technology is natural... of God and within us. Infinite possibilites.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by alpha_omega

Although, what is that? What is joy, and happiness? What is heaven like? I've never actually heard a description from a Christian, or any other religious follower. Is it supposed to be like a parallel-earth-life? Is it sitting on a cloud eating Philidalphia Swirl Cream Cheese? What is joy and happiness? Is it amusement rides, and puppies? Is it material possessions?

First off I don't think we can express in words what heaven will be like but we can try.

First off it will mean we will actually see God. We will be forever with Him. There will be no longer any seperation from Him. We will see the One who is so awesome and powerful that He spoke a word and creation came into existence. Yet He is also the One who humbled and died an agonizing death at the hands of His creation so that we could see and be with Him.

You will never be sick again. Sickness in any form will no longer exist. No stomach flu, colds, heart disease, glaucoma, cancer. Any sickness you can think of will no longer have a hold on mankind and be able to afflict those in heaven because it will no longer exist. Doctors will be out of business. Never again will there be the sound of an ambulance siren.

There will never again be children abducted, then raped and murdered. Never again will a husband kill his wife and dump her body in a bay. Never again will a man kill his mother and stuff her body in a freezer and store it there for years until it is discovered. Never again will a man shoot at kids merely for walking on his lawn. The police will be out of business. Never again will a police siren peirce the silence. There will never again be a gun shot heard, ever.

We will be changed and will not be able to sin. We will only be capable of doing what is right and just. Never again will a lie be told, ever. Never again will anyone deceive another. Never again will people plot against another to take from them what is not their's. Never again will conflicting views about who God really is cause strife and division.

Never again will people wake up dreading to go to work. We will not sit on clouds playing harps. We will be traveling the universe because it will still be here. We will travel at the speed of thought. So God has some work/service, which will actually be fun and fulfilling, for you to do on Neptune. Think it and your there. Then you're needed on the 100 planets that surround Alpha Centauri. Think it and your there. Hope and optimism, will replace fear and dread. Laughter will replace crying. Peace will replace war.

Never again will a child be born and live for 5 hours only to die and leave a griefstricken family. Never again will a woman die leaving her family alone.
Death will no longer exist. Right now mankind is conditioned to this fact. We are born, we live then we die. The last verse of Amazing Grace, the song, is awesome. It says "When we've been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise then when we first begun".

Say someone is born and they live to be 70 years old, that's 25,550 days long. So they are born and have 25,550 days to live, then 25,549, then 25,548.................then 5, then 4,3,2,1 0 dead. In eternity there is no countdown to an end. Time will cease, and lifewill be the eternal, everlasting state of mankind's condition.

I have to quit writing and go to bed, oh that's another thing sleep will not be needed, nor will we have to eat to survive, we can eat but won't have to eat.

Eternity will be a wonderful gift from God.

[edit on 8-9-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:47 PM
The Infinite God is the Infinite Existence and Infinite Imagination within the mind. Angels are Extra-terrestrials and those on Earth who have accepted the 'INFINITE REALITY' that is God. God is the infinite universe. God IS infinity. Nothing never existed.

A message to humanity from God and Its Angels: The gift of Heaven and Eternity

Have no fear for the infinite God is within you and you are within Its infinite Kingdom.

Here is the gift of eternity that we are being presenting to you from the infinite God itself. Will you unwrap it and accept the infinite God and Eternal Heaven into your hearts (as you call it) and minds?

You are with the infinite God right now and the infinite God is within you. You will see it when you accept what it is. The infinite God speaks through us just as it can speak through every single one of you. This message is spoken to you from God through us, essentially from God as ALL THINGS are infinitely connected! Including God being connected to you and us! All these things will clearly make sense after you ACCEPT the infinite and eternal existence that you are currently living in.

Humanity is currently disregarding many important concepts about who you are and where you are because you are not allowing yourselves the ability to accept the infinite existence and the Eternal Kingdom.

Thou shalt not kill. Why do you kill the animals and treat them with total disregard? They are here for you to enjoy, all of them. You are to eat the fruits and vegetables on your planet. Why do you war against one another? All of these actions create reactions. Newtons laws apply to all of you. You as human beings are, just as everything existing does, consist of matter, mass, and energy. Realize this and know that such laws apply to your actions as well.

Why do most of you fulfill your inner emptiness with material worth, power, and egocentrical importance instead of the infinite and overwhelming love of the Infinite fulfilling God?

Why do you destroy your mother Earth and go about your everyday activities polluting it as if you gather some form of joy from these types of actions?

Meditate on infinity for 30 minutes. Think about everything that you can and infinitely connect it with infinite life and infinite reaction as best as you can. You're all on the right path, you just require a spruce of realignment.

How to recognize that you are in The Eternal Kingdom Of The Infinite God and to break free of your Earthly leaders and corrupt scientists who misinform you of your existence :

The universe is infinite. God wants Humanity to truly dissect the meaning of nothing and non-existence. For now just think of it in terms of the universe, and afterwards, in its place realize and accept infinite existence with no ending and no beginning because it cannot be as a result of a beginning (or as the corrupted scientists of Earth call it "the big bang") >>causing a nothing before it>ending causing a nothing after it

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:45 AM
a ANGEL IS SOMEONE who worships God in heaven, and does What ever God needs done, as god cant come to earth or wont. Angels do, Every man on earth has a angel, so says the bible, they lead man to God's teaching. Heaven is hidden from man, so man can not desitrate it, for man have sin in them, they can not reach heaven. The only clue to were heaven is is upward. For all we know in the cloads as some say, or in space, its one of the two answers, but why does this matter. FAITH WITH WORKS means nothing, shound't we worry about God's work and will???. YEs there is a throne in heaven about 25 five of them. If you read Revelations chapter 4-5 God's sits on a chair holding the scroll of seven seals(Showing God has a Body) And 24 elders surround him.

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