posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:23 PM
Originally posted by nextguyinline
The time has come. The democrats have been proven to be the cause of most of the country's problems. There is no doubt, and 100% of the American
public agree and are angry.
That's a pretty unrealistic hypothetical for either party, but the answer I'd propose is not any different from what I would say is true: that a
great many of America's political problems are either caused or kept from sollution by the two major parties.
Break the partisan machine:
1. Assign committee seats on a rotating basis by state, district and seniority.
2. Take the ballot away from the parties: everyone with x amount of signitures goes into a single primary, and citizens don't just vote yes on one
candidate, but give their order of preference (for example, if there are 5 candidates you can give 5 to your first choice, 4 to your second, 3 to your
third, etc, or you could withhold some of your votes and just choose one or a few.)
3. Public campaign funds: Every candidate gets an equal warchest from the government and can't spend more than that.
In otherwords: protect the will of the voters from political organizations, and enable our officials to vote their conscience without having position
within the party held over their head.
Oh... of course i forgot one more thing... NO ELECTRONIC VOTING!