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An Analysis of Precongition and Theories on Its Workings.

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posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:00 PM
OK, first off this is a paper, hardcopy wise it was 4.5 pages in length.
I wrote this paper today, so please forgive me for any spelling and
grammatical errors I may have made.


Precognition, the gaining of knowledge about events before there
This ability has been claimed by people throughout human history,
from the so called prophets of are major religions to the modern
day new age charlitans.
While we are able to discount the religious "prophets" for a multitude
of reasons and the modern "psychics" for even more obvious reasons,
to say that Precognition is complete hoaxery would be an erroneous

Though considered psuedo-science and Tom-hoaxery by mainstream
science, Precognition is an anomoly that deserves serious research
into how it may work.
This paper will outline three seperate and equally unique theories on
the Precognition using current scientific knowledge, theoretical physics
and some fringe science.

We exist in a linear-temperal universe, meaning we progress forward
in time at a relatively fixed rate.
If we assume this to be an absolute it allows us to eliminate many
chances for the various paradoxes.

If indeed the above is true, and time is steadily progressing at a fixed
rate, and the future is not predetermined, than this leaves us without
an answer as to how than Precognition can be possible.

However, if we take into consideration the existance of the Quantum
many worlds theory, and go a step further and assume that every one
of the infinently large amount of possible universes that can exist
already do so, than we can establish a basic theory.

The theory would work thusly;
the precognitive would use some sort of interdimensional knowledge
gathering ability basing the events around them as bases to choose
the knowledge from the closest probability to there own universe.

While this theory does give us a theoretical basis fo the workings of
Precognition, the energy required for such a feat is uknown, and is
undoubtedly an exponentially large amount, and the ability to travel
interdimensionally corporeal or otherwise is a total uknown at this
time, and indeed may not even be possible.

A more likely theory may utilize quantum mechanical properties.

At one time in our not to distant past physicists thought they could
predict everything that would or could happen in the future of the
test area, this would be possible by measuring the velocity and
position of the particles, thusly allowing for them to know the future.
However, with the discovery of Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle this
has been proven to not be possible.

However, as hgas been seen throughout scientific history, science is
never always correct about things, indeed rather science is an ever
changing and evolving field, and Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle
may prove to not be as impossible to side step as is currently thought.

This theory works thusly;
the precognitive predicts the paths and movements of particles while
at the same time taking into acount the various other factors into mind,
this unification of particle prediction and factoring would than produce
the end result, knowledge of an event before it's occurence.

However, as we do not have a sufficiently large enough knowledge
base in Quantum Physics, we currently have no way of telling what
quantum mechanical principlas would be invlved ins such a complicated

The third and final theory, and of all the three the seeminlgy most
plausable presented in this paper is based on current theories of
SuperLuminal temporal field propogation.

Current theories stipulate that if something were to travel at speeds
exceeding c, than it would would be subject to the effects of
temporal relocation, or as it's more commonly refered to, time travel.

From what we know of the human brain and body in total, there are
several recognised naturally occuring energy fields.
The brain uses electrochemical reactions, which means that our
thoughts and emotions are comprised of electric charges.
Apart from that, the body also produces it's own natural Electro-
Magnetic field, albeit weak in comparison to other objects.
A more disputed energy feild that may be an existing natuarally
occuring energy is the so called Psionic energy field.

These three energies, either working seperately or in tandem comprise
part of the basis behind the third theory.

The third and final theory is thusly;
th precognitive utilizes the aforementioned energy field(s).
The energies are manipulated in such a way as to cause SuperLuminal
energy propogation.
The energies than would travel forward in time and interact with the
electrochemical "knowledge" of an individual in a future time, the energy
matrix, carrying the information it had gleaned from the individual(s)
would than travel back to thewir original temporal origin point.

Although at the time we have no way of testing any of the theories
stated in this paper empiracally, they are not meant to provide a simple
answer, rather they are meant to start the scientific process of
investigating Precognition and how it works.
Hopefully the theoreis presented here can be used as a springboard to
start said process and understanding the enigma that is Precognition.

I'm very interested in everyones responses and opinions to it.

[edit on 9/6/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:33 PM
That's interesting to see an attempt at a scientific anaylsis of such phenomena, considering that there aren't many explanations out there anyway.

Personally I have always believed that it is a form of time travel - it will take a long time for science (if it ever happens at all) to build a time machine that a whole person, body, mind and spirit, can travel in, but apparently it IS possible for consciousness, whatever that may be composed of, to travel in time.

So, if you see something that then happens hours, days or months later, it is in effect like getting into a physical time machine and going forward in time to observe the event, and then returning to the starting time to await the event. That makes the most sense to me.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:10 PM

That's interesting to see an attempt at a scientific anaylsis of such phenomena, considering that there aren't many explanations out there anyway.

It is sad to that there is no real study given to it to.

It's the main reason I even wrote this.

If you can, could someone please edit my thread title so
precognition is spelled write, I would, but seeing as it's been
a few days, I can't.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:22 PM
Well stated. I am from the belief that our future is powered by our (the entire earth) collective choices. Heisenberg's uncertainty principal does throw a quark in the idea of knowing the future before it happens. i.e. If the the chain of events that got us to a certain point in the future had to be constructed by many moving tangibles from many different sources, then what happens if one of those sources doesn't perform to task? It throws everything off. The idea is what kills the debate for me. It is so much more comfortable to believe that our choices dictate our futures. So if you believe that, and choose accordingly, over time you can learn to predict your future.

Again, I am from the school of spirituality, not science and technology.

Otherwise, you displayed your position very well, so well worth the effort.


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 12:14 AM

The above foundation was founded by Eileen J. Garrett, who was a medium famous for her precognition of the crash of an airship. She even got a hold of the authorities and warned them to no avail. I have experienced around ten precognitive dreams in my life. They were very vivid, and exacting in detail. The events were of no major consequence, and I had no idea that the dreams were any different than all the others until the events began to unfold later.
My theory on how it is possible requires changing ones concept of time as being linear. I see time as being instantaneous now, so that the present moment is all there is. All of time exists now, no past, no future. This was the only model I could accept to explain to myself how precognition is possible.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:55 PM

My theory on how it is possible requires changing ones concept of time as being linear. I see time as being instantaneous now, so that the present moment is all there is. All of time exists now, no past, no future. This was the only model I could accept to explain to myself how precognition is possible.

That's an interesting idea BlackGuardXIII, I generally never
liked trying to figure out how precognition worked before I made
this paper because time was something that always gave me a

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei

While this theory does give us a theoretical basis fo the workings of
Precognition, the energy required for such a feat is uknown, and is
undoubtedly an exponentially large amount, and the ability to travel
interdimensionally corporeal or otherwise is a total uknown at this
time, and indeed may not even be possible.

The third and final theory, and of all the three the seeminlgy most
plausable presented in this paper is based on current theories of
SuperLuminal temporal field propogation.

Current theories stipulate that if something were to travel at speeds
exceeding c, than it would would be subject to the effects of
temporal relocation, or as it's more commonly refered to, time travel.

From what we know of the human brain and body in total, there are
several recognised naturally occuring energy fields.
The brain uses electrochemical reactions, which means that our
thoughts and emotions are comprised of electric charges.
Apart from that, the body also produces it's own natural Electro-
Magnetic field, albeit weak in comparison to other objects.
A more disputed energy feild that may be an existing natuarally
occuring energy is the so called Psionic energy field.

These three energies, either working seperately or in tandem comprise
part of the basis behind the third theory.

The third and final theory is thusly;
th precognitive utilizes the aforementioned energy field(s).
The energies are manipulated in such a way as to cause SuperLuminal
energy propogation.
The energies than would travel forward in time and interact with the
electrochemical "knowledge" of an individual in a future time, the energy
matrix, carrying the information it had gleaned from the individual(s)
would than travel back to thewir original temporal origin point.

I'm very interested in everyones responses and opinions to it.

[edit on 9/6/2006 by iori_komei]

Hi Iori!

I totally concur with the third theory, the SuperLuminal energy propogation theory. I believe that thoughts and emotions and auras have energy, and that without our bodies our thoughts and emotions gain strength and will not only exist, but will fluorish. I am not sure if the aura leaves the body or stays behind with it when the owner of the physical body is on an OOBE. I have learned from doing OOBEs that our thoughts and emotions can leave our physical bodies and then return to them, in fact I believe they are programmed to return to the body as long as the body is still alive. How to get the energies to go to a specific location, or time I am not sure how to accomplish.

I hope you get an A+ on your paper.

~ S

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 10:46 AM
T.C. Lethbridge had some interesting theories, re: precognition. Based on his dowsing experiments, he speculated that 'time' flows in spiral fashion (and of course much in Nature does take spiral form).

Lethbridge believed he'd discovered that everything -- emotions, matter -- all had a 'rate' and that all rates in all dimensions had a cut-off point, after which it all commenced again in subsequent dimensions or levels. Lethbridge dowsed a rate for death, for birth, and everything in between --- all of which occurred again in the dimensions preceding and/or following. Take common-salt for example; Lethbridge may have discovered it's rate in THIS (our) dimension to be 34 (for instance). AFTER he'd found the rate for Death in 'our' dimension, Lethbridge discovered that a new dimension/level commenced, in which common-salt's rate was +34. So, Lethbridge, via dowsing, reached the conclusion there exist an infinite number of dimensions/levels.

From all this, Lethbridge speculated that events which occurred in higher (rate-wise) dimensions flowed -- in spiral fashion -- down to the dimensions below -- down to us, in other words, and quite possibly down again to even lower dimensions. He suspected that this was a plausible explanation for what we term 'precognition'.

All the above is contained and explained in one of his books (I have it somewhere, but can't remember the title), accompanied by simple diagrams. The diagrams, from memory, could be likened to a sketch of the globe, dissected at intervals by e.g. the Equator and Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. If we take the interval between the North Pole and Tropic of Cancer to be one 'dimension' and mark a spot there with an 'X'. That 'X' could be said to be an event -- for example a landslide.

Now -- down below in a lower dimension (in the Southern Hemisphere, in the region between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn) -- a woman dreams of a landslide. She is so disturbed by the catastrophe that she tells her husband about her landslide dream.

Meanwhile, the globe continues to spin on its axis. As it does so, the 'X' (the landslide) moves in spiral fashion down and around the spinning globe.

A week, or a month later, the 'X' has spiralled down until it comes to rest in the dimension (in the Southern Hemisphere, between the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn) where the woman lives. A landslide occurs, just as it did in the woman's dream. She tells her neighbour and her husband confirms that she did, indeed, dream of the landslide before it occurred in 'reality'. Later that day, the local radio station states it has been contacted by six other people who also had precognitive dreams about the landslide. The precognitive-dreamers had tuned in to the 'X' while it was several dimensions or levels above them. For all we know, the 'X' may have continued it spiral path down through ten or ten thousand subsequent dimensions or levels, after impacting in ours.

If you prefer, an infinite tube could be visualised instead of a globe. The spiral movement of events would be the same. Or you might chose to visualise a series of superimposed, flexible grids with the event ('X') falling through the grids.

Maybe everyone is capable of 'seeing' events in advance. Maybe everyone DOES 'see' the future? But perhaps some people's subconscious retains this future knowledge and does not release it to consciousness. Or maybe some people simply do not awaken during or immediately after a precognitive dream and so they're unable to remember it. At which point, many will remember being encouraged by various people and authors, to keep a dream-diary.

It's possible that precognition is an inherited trait. In my family for example, my parents and their parents had a number of precognitive dreams. So have I. So has my daughter.

Lethbridge is well worth the read and he does explain his theories far more entertainingly and simply than my attempts here :-)

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